RE: Wasting Time Writing Bad Reviews


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There's nothing wrong with not knowing how to do it right from the start. It's the process of attempting and keep getting better at it. I didn't start with making reviews blind, I checked how others do it here, off the platform, and other anime news feeds then snipped out the stuff that are applicable to my blogging style. You compare what you can and can't do then settle for things you can do at the moment then work on stuff you don't have now. There's no time bounded deadline since it's hobby posting.

There's also no right way to write a review since it's mostly a subjective experience. If your review is in favor or against the show, that's your opinion and you're entitled to it. But what I can pitch in is the manner of presentation and how you articulate those ideas for your readers. As a curator, I don't really care if we have opposing view on the same title, I'm more concerned if you have mastery on the show you're talking about. But that's just my opinion and way of curation. I everyone else has a different approach on evaluating posts or what speaks quality for them.

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