Financial Planning : Insurance and Taxation that Leads to Save Money

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Hello Everyone,

I am good and I hope that you are doing well. This video is about finance and I talked about insurance along with taxation. Both are important components in our life and if we talk about financial planning then it cannot be completed without both of the components.

Taxation is the part that is even more important because we are expected to file our taxes on time without any delay as it might result in some penalty by the government. Insurance is required for us but if in case we do not buy then there would be no penalty but we might have to deal with some bigger expenses that come all of a sudden.

Today in this video I have tried to explain both and how these are connected to each other because if proper insurance planning is done then we can expect some tax savings hence it is a requirement.

I hope you like this video and that the information I have provided is helpful for you.

Thank you so much for your time

Have a great day

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Paying your taxes on time will save you from being punished by the government and not paying extra tax


right and we should follow it to avoid many unnecessary issues.


Insurance is required for us but if in case we do not buy then there would be no penalty but we might have to deal with some bigger expenses that come all of a sudden.

Ya for sure. Insurance is a big one that some people kind of brush off sometimes but it's really important when those emergency comes


Its a valid point that you have shared and It definitely helps in case of emergency.


haha you got many comments but you only replied to mine i feel special xD. Ya but I feel bad for those barely getting by and can't afford it. It's really sad for those stuck in poverty @_@


Yes bro, you are right, we should pay our tax to the government on time. Because with this tax, the government makes plans for our country. And runs the country. It is necessary for us to pay tax to make our country better. And at the same time we also need to do our own insurance, if something happens to us then we need a lot of insurance. It was great to read your post.


Dear good to see you sharing a very valuable information about taxation.Save money, save time is a good website.
Keep it up the good work dear.


This a much-needed video especially for those who are new to tax filing in India. I am going to use the first website to file a return. well, I don't have any insurance and never thought about it but you said that it is helping you to save the tax then it is okay to try. Insurance company rules are harsh and this is the reason I have never done it.


No doubt you are a accurate planner either here over blockchain or in your personal life . To be honest within year 1 month's salary goes in tax. I always got in trouble to make a plan for future that's why there is no any insurance policy or medical insurance from my side.
This will continue till 2 year more, after that I too start to save money especially my huge taxation. In manth April I was out of money that I got from my salary. Whole month's salary was for paying tax. Lol.
No doubt from your post I got a positive idea to think deeply about this matter and money saving.