Review of Sex Education: a fun and realistic series to talk about sexuality in adolescence [Eng - Esp]

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Review of Sex Education: a fun and realistic series to talk about sexuality in adolescence

Hello dear friends of Movies & TV Shows, I hope you are having a wonderful day. In this opportunity I will be sharing with you the review of one of the series that I have liked the most from Netflix in recent times, and I am referring to "Sex Education".

It turns out that this English production comes to bring us complex issues of everyday life, especially life in adolescence, framed in a pleasant tone, at times of comedy, which keeps us hooked, managing to empathize with the different characters.

Sex Eduction talks mainly about the life of Otis, accompanied by other almost main characters such as his mother, a specialist in sex therapy; Mave, the girl with whom Otis falls in love; and Eric, his best friend.

These characters and others who are linked to them, begin to introduce little by little to the plot, issues such as the independence that begins to develop in adolescence, the place of parents, the beginning of sex life, bullying, harassment, homosexuality, repression and other issues that are nothing more than what we live every day.

We have 4 seasons of Sex Education.


Reseña de Sex Education: una serie divertida y realista para hablar de sexualidad en la adolescencia

Hola queridos amigos de Movies & TV Shows, espero que estén teniendo un maravilloso día. En esta oportunidad estaré compartiendo con ustedes la reseña de una de las series que más me ha gustado de Netflix en los últimos tiempos, y me refiero a “Sex Education”.

Resulta que esta producción inglesa viene a traernos temas complejos de la vida cotidiana, en especial de la vida en la época de la adolescencia, enmarcados en un tono ameno, por momentos de comedia, que nos mantiene enganchados, logrando empatizar con los diferentes personajes.

Sex Eduction habla principalmente de la vida de Otis, acompañado de otros personajes casi principales como su madre, especialista en terapia sexual; Mave, la chica de quien Otis se enamora; y Eric, su mejor amigo.

Estos personajes y otros que se vinculan con ellos, empiezan a introducir de a poco a la trama, temas como la independencia que empieza a gestarse en la adolescencia, el lugar de los padres, el inicio de la vida sexual, el bullying, el acoso, la homosexualidad, la represión y otros temas que no son más que lo que vivimos a diario.

Tenemos 4 Temporadas de Sex Educaiton.



The characters

I won't describe each character because it would take too many words and I don't want to bore you, but I will emphasize Otis, Mave and Eric, as it seems to me that they sum up three personalities quite prevalent in schools, and I think the production might be justly aiming to evidence this by making them protagonists.

Otis is the son of the therapist, so it could be said that he has a stable socioeconomic life, he is an only child, his parents are separated and he has grown up under his mother's wing emotionally and intellectually.

His vocabulary on sex-related topics is quite advanced and professional for his age, and at school he seems to be one of the kids who are seen as less integrated, or weirder. Those who are usually known as nerds.

I love Otis that despite apparently having that role, he doesn't mind it, he's not shown as a guy who suffers from it, but rather as someone who lives his life and doesn't pay too much attention to what people will say. This allows Otis to end up positioning himself as an interesting guy, while he himself is able to maintain his personality. I love this portrayal of the protagonist.

Los personajes

No describiré a cada personaje porque tomaría demasiadas palabras y no quier aburrirlos, pero haré hincapié en Otis, Mave y Eric, ya que me parece que ellos resumen a tres personalidades bastante frecuentes en las escuelas, y creo que la producción podría estar justamente apuntando a evidenciar esto al hacerlos protagonistas.

Otis es el hijo de la terapeuta, por lo que podría decirse que tiene una vida socioeconómica estable, es hijo único, sus padres están separados y ha crecido bajo el ala de su madre en cuanto a lo emocional y en cuanto a lo intelectual.

Su vocabulario en temas vinculados al sexo es bastante avanzado y profesional para su edad, y en la escuela parece ser uno de los chicos que se ven como poco integrados, o más raros. Esos que se suelen conocer como nerds.

Me encanta de Otis que a pesar de tener aparentemente ese rol, a el no le importa, no lo muestran como un chico que sufre eso, sino más bien como alguien que vive su vida y no presta demasiada atención al que dirán. Esto permite que Otis termine posicionándose como un chico interesante, mientras el mismo es capaz de mantener su personalidad. Me encanta esta imagen del protagonista.



Eric on the other hand, while very free, does pay attention to what people will say in the sense that he would love to be among the "popular" ones, but somehow feels he won't be able to.

Eric is from a Nigerian family and is gay. In the series they show his process of coming out in front of his family, since in the end the place where Eric can express himself the most is at school, especially with his friend Otis.

Eric is a great friend and always encourages Otis to move forward, to take action, to be encouraged.

Eric por el contrario, aunque es muy libre, sí que se fija en el que dirán en el sentido de que a el le encantaría estar entre los “populares”, pero de alguna manera siente que no será capaz.

Eric es de familia nigeriana y es homosexual. En la serie muestran su proceso de salida del clóset frente a su familia, ya que al final el lugar donde más puede expresarse Eric es en la escuela, en especial con su amigo Otis.

Eric es un gran amigo y siempre alienta a Otis a que siga adelante, a que tome acción, a que se anime.



Mave, on the other hand, presents a very different reality. She is extremely liberal, her mother suffers from drug dependency, she has a little sister and a brother almost her age, but they are kids who have practically raised themselves, as their mother has had this problem since her children's childhood (maybe even before).

It is noted how Mave's brother ends up on a similar path to his mother, as Mave, within his rebelliousness, tries to better himself. However, she finds that people often have the prejudice that she won't make it and she tends to listen more to that opinion than to herself, making it difficult for her to exploit her full potential.

In Mave we see a constant search for inner confidence, which she happily ends up achieving, step by step. This girl, probably because of the life she has had, is extremely realistic and mature for her age, especially when it comes to reading other people, so she can empathize with her friends and peers easily.

These are general characteristics, and the secondary characters also have great stories, mostly of self-improvement. Even the adults have their own journey.

Mave por otro lado, presenta otra realidad muy distinta. Ella es extremadamente liberal, su mamá sufre de dependencia a las drogas, tiene una hermana pequeña y un hermano casi de su edad, pero son chicos que prácticamente se han criado solos, pues su mamá ha tenido este problema desde la infancia de sus hijos (quizás desde antes).

Se observa cómo el hermano de Mave termina por un camino similar al de su madre, mientras Mave, dentro de su rebeldía, intenta superarse. Sin embargo, encuentra que a menudo la gente tiene el prejuicio de que ella no lo logrará y suele escuchar más esa opinión que a ella misma, por lo que le cuesta explotar todo su potencial.

En Mave vemos una constante búsqueda de confianza interna, que felizmente termina logrando, paso a paso. Esta chica, probablemente por la vida que ha tenido, es sumamente realista y madura para su edad, en especial en lo que respecta a leer a otras personas, por lo que puede empatizar con sus amigas y sus pares fácilmente.

Son características generales estas, y los personajes secundarios también cuentan con grandes historias, la mayoría de superación. Incluso los adultos tienen su propio camino.




  • Asa Butterfield as Otis Milburn
  • Gillian Anderson as Jean Milburn
  • Ncuti Gatwa as Eric Effiong
  • Emma Mackey as Maeve Wiley
  • Connor Swindells as Adam Groff
  • Kedar Williams-Stirling as Jackson Marchetti
  • Alistair Petrie as Michael Groff
  • Mimi Keene as Ruby Matthews
  • Aimee Lou Wood as Aimee Gibbs



  • Asa Butterfield como Otis Milburn
  • Gillian Anderson como Jean Milburn
  • Ncuti Gatwa como Eric Effiong
  • Emma Mackey como Maeve Wiley
  • Connor Swindells como Adam Groff
  • Kedar Williams-Stirling como Jackson Marchetti
  • Alistair Petrie como Michael Groff
  • Mimi Keene como Ruby Matthews
  • Aimee Lou Wood como Aimee Gibbs






An educational tool

This series, redundant with its title, could easily become an educational resource for teenagers.

Although I do not think it is suitable for early adolescence, from 15 or 16 years old, this production could really lead to deep talks between parents and children and even between teachers and students.

By analyzing the series, it can explain what should never be normalized and what things are natural that are happening at that time of life.

Una herramienta de educación

Esta serie, valga la redundancia con su título, podría convertirse tranquilamente en un recurso educativo para adolescentes.

Aunque no creo que sea apta para una adolescencia temprana, a partir de los 15 o 16 años, esta producción realmente podría dar lugar a charlas profundas entre padres/madres e hijos/as e incluso entre profesores y estudiantes.

Analizando la serie, se puede explicar qué es lo que jamás se debe normalizar y qué cosas son naturales que estén ocurriendo en ese momento de la vida.




From my point of view the series is highly enjoyable because it allows us to enter topics that might be difficult to approach, in an unstructured way.

Suddenly all the taboos that seem to exist in society, disappear and go from being something of a scare, to a reason to laugh.

Naturalizing sexuality in all its forms, as well as showing possible behaviors in children or parents, seems to me useful and fun. In the end, the closer a production comes to real life with its ups and downs, the more we identify with it.

Since its first season, Sex Education caught me and although I will not deny that the last installment became a little more monotonous, the truth is that it still kept me in front of the screen in all its episodes.

Without a doubt I recommend watching it, it's fun, educational, entertaining, and I feel it's one of those productions that elevates the vibe!


Desde mi punto de vista la serie es sumamente disfrutable porque nos permite ingresar a temas que podrían resultar difíciles de abordar, de manera des estructurada.

De pronto todos los tabúes que parece haber en la sociedad, desaparecen y pasan de ser cosa de una especie de susto, a un motivo de risa.

Naturalizar la sexualidad en todas sus formas, como también mostrar conductas posibles en hijos o padres, me parece útil y divertido. Al final mientras más se acerca una producción a la vida real con sus altibajos, más nos identificamos.

Desde su primera temporada, Sex Education me atrapó y aunque no voy a negar que la última entrega se hizo un poco más monótona, la verdad es que igual me mantuvo frente a la pantalla en todos sus episodios.

Sin duda alguna recomiendo verla, es divertida, educativa, amena, y siento que es de esas producciones que elevan la vibra!



I hope you’ve enjoy the post!

Thanks a lot for being here!

With love,


Espero que hayas disfrutado el post!!

Muchas gracias por estar aquí!

Con cariño,


Device: iPhone 12 Pro
Translation: DeepL

Dispositivo: iPhone 12 Pro
Traducción: DeepL



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I like this web series but my only problem with the last season was the relationship between Otis and Maeve, they made it very complicated, and really not fun to watch their relationship anymore...But overall, the series is really educational.


It’s possible, I also believe that, but I guess that’s something that happens in real life.

Thanks a lot for commenting!! 😊


I watched this series with my wife and we had a very pleasant time, it makes the difference from other series, it is undoubtedly very good and 100% recommended.


I’m glad you also liked the series!! I also believe that it’s 100% recommended! 😊