Child to play, review (ENG/SPA)

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Hello, internet people! How are you? Today I want to talk to you about one of my favorite movies and which is a classic of the 90's, as usual, I'm going to analyze the first movie, section by section and give my personal opinion.

¡Hola, gente de internet! ¿Cómo están? Hoy quiero hablarles de una de mis películas preferidas y que es un clásico de los 90, como es costumbre, voy a analizar la primera película, sección por sección y dar mi opinión personal.



I must be honest, re-watching this classic I could notice some holes in the script the size of a sinkhole and some exaggerations in the scenes that although for the time went unnoticed, for a current audience... however it is still an entertaining movie and a classic.

Debo ser honesta, volviendo a ver este clásico pude notar unos agujeros de guión del tamaño de un socavón y algunas exageraciones en las escenas que si bien para la época pasaban desapercibidas, para un público actual... sin embargo no deja de ser una peli entretenida y todo un clásico.

Let's first analyze the trailer because there is something curious in it: the trailer in its entirety is full of suggestive shots that make it clear that there is a murderer but does not make it very clear who it is and two things happen? the first is that conditioning the audience through the trailer if the killer is the child or the doll is a great success, a creative added value and plays with even the debates that viewers may have before watching the film, but that is automatically lost when you see the poster of the film and you realize that the killer is the doll..... I don't think the advertising team and the creative department agreed on the same thing.

Analicemos en primer lugar el tráiler porque hay algo curioso en él: Si nos fijamos, el tráiler en su totalidad está lleno de planos sugestivos que nos deja claro que hay un asesino, pero no nos deja muy claro quien es, y pasan dos cosas... la primera es que confundir al publico mediante el tráiler acerca de si el asesino es el niño o el muñeco, es un gran acierto, un valor creativo agregado y juega con incluso los debates que puedan tener los espectadores antes de ver el film, pero eso se pierde automáticamente cuando ves la cartelera de la película y te das cuenta de que el asesino es el muñeco.... Creo que no se pusieron de acuerdo el equipo de publicidad con el departamento creativo



Talking about the photography... it's normal, I would say that it shows off a little more when it comes to handling the shots, since at the beginning it is based mostly on closed shots (we already know that these psychologically cause anguish and anxiety in the viewer) and subjective shots. I like how the camera is placed from the point of view of the doll for each murder, so you can see the reactions of the victims from close-up and increases the level of suspense and terror.

Hablando de la fotografía... es normal, diría que se luce un poco más a la hora de manejar los planos, ya que en un inicio se basa más que todo en planos cerrados (ya sabemos que estos psicológicamente causan angustia y ansiedad en el espectador) y planos subjetivos. Me gusta como la cámara se ubica desde el punto de vista del muñeco para cada asesinato, así puede verse las reacciones de las victimas desde primer plano y aumenta el nivel de suspenso y terror.

The color palette is what is expected of a horror film, opaque colors and although they use vivid colors, they end up looking more opaque thanks to the filters, although in this film (as in some other horror films) they use the resource of using two different color palettes and filters. There are films in which at the beginning the whole palette is quite warm and even cheerful and as everything gets worse, it gets darker and colder, in the case of Child's Play, they divide the color palette between let's call it "safe zones" and "risk zones", that is, in the "safe zones" is where everyone is safe and everything goes normally (as in the first death scene, where Andy's mother is at work, everything there looks colorful and warm) and the "risk zone" is where Chucky is (as in that same scene where Andy's mother's friend is in her house taking care of the child) where everything looks dark, cold and gloomy, as a prelude to what is going to happen.

La paleta de colores es lo que se espera de un film de terror, colores opacos y si bien usan colores vivos, terminan viéndose más opacos gracias a los filtros, aunque en esta película (como en algunas otras de terror) emplean el recurso de usar dos paletas de colores y filtros diferentes. Hay películas en las que en un inicio toda la paleta es bastante cálida y hasta alegre, pero conforme todo va empeorando, se va oscureciendo y enfriando, en el caso de Child's Play, dividen la paleta de colores entre, llamémosle "zonas seguras" y "zonas de riesgo" es decir, en las "zonas seguras" es donde todos están a salvo y todo trascurre con normalidad (como en la primera escena de muerte, donde la madre de Andy está en su trabajo, todo allí se ve colorido y cálido) y las de "riesgo" es donde se encuentra Chucky (como en esa misma escena donde está la amiga de la madre de Andy en la casa de esta cuidando al niño) ahí todo se ve oscuro, frío y tenebroso, como preludio de lo que va a pasar.

As for the story, I find it quite creative and at first glance terrifying and sounds great at the same time, however, trying to make it realistic? there it fails already, let's take into account that as human as this killer was before, he is now in the body of a plastic and rag doll, he doesn't weigh much, so it's clear that he must not have much strength and therefore would be easy to overpower, trying to make him look with a strength comparable to a human being in his own body is very unlikely and impossible, and as if that wasn't enough, everyone fighting Chucky makes the same mistake: throwing him as if it is going to hurt the rag and the plastic with which he is made, the normal thing would be to try to completely destroy the doll if you do not know his weak point, or at least the extremities so that at least he can not move, I know, maybe you could say "oh Bethy Jade, but it's a movie, do not demand" but even to make fiction you have to do it well and credibly.

En cuanto a la historia, me parece bastante creativa y a simple vista aterra y suena genial a la vez, sin embargo, intentar que se haga de forma realista... ahí ya falla, tomemos en cuenta que por humano que haya sido este asesino antes, ahora está en el cuerpo de un muñeco de plástico y trapo, no pesa mucho, así que está claro que no debe tener mucha fuerza y por lo tanto sería fácil de dominar, tratar de hacer que se viera con una fuerza comparable a la de un ser humano en su propio cuerpo es muy poco probable e imposible, y como si eso no fuera poco, todo el mundo que lucha contra Chucky comente el mismo error: lanzarlo como si va a herirse el trapo y el plástico con el que está hecho, lo normal seria intentar destruir por completo al muñeco si no se sabe su punto débil, o como mínimo las extremidades para que al menos no pueda moverse, lo sé, quizá ustedes podrían decir "oh Bethy Jade, pero es una película, no exijas" pero hasta para hacer ficción se tiene que hacer bien y de forma creíble.



The performances leave much to be desired except for the voice actors who played Chucky (English and Spanish), the truth gave a lot of personality to the doll and at least more than halfway through the film, it becomes much more frightening and fun once it happens what we all expected, that the doll finally moves and we see him gesticulate.

Las actuaciones dejan mucho que desear, salvo los actores de voz que interpretaron a Chucky (inglés y español), la verdad le imprimió mucha personalidad al muñeco y al menos ya a más de la mitad de la película, sí que se hace mucho más atemorizante y divertida una vez que ocurre lo que todos esperábamos, que el muñeco por fin se mueva y lo veamos gesticular.

In terms of dynamism it leaves much to be desired since it is clear that they wanted to reserve the first shot of Chucky walking and moving for the pre climax and climax of the film, but why wait so long for it (when it is the attraction of the film) to have us more than half of the film watching subjective shots, makes everything much more tedious.

En cuanto a dinamismo deja mucho que desear ya que está claro que querían reservarse el primer plano de Chucky caminando y moviéndose para el pre clímax y clímax de la película, pero ¿para que aguardar tanto para ello? (cuando es el atractivo del film) tenernos más de la mitad de la película viendo planos subjetivos, hace todo mucho más tedioso.

The soundtrack and OST I do feel that it hit the nail on the head and was perfect for the film, intermingling "childish" sounds with piano notes in the first octaves and giving it a sinister tinge was a great success.

La banda sonora y OST sí siento que dio en el clavo y estaba perfecta para la película, entremezclar sonidos "infantiles" con notas de piano en las primeras octavas, dándole un tinte siniestro fue un gran acierto.



Although you may have noticed that I have certain discrepancies with the film, I still find it quite entertaining and a classic, one of the killers of the "middle era" and of the big four (Freddy, Leatherface, Michael Myers and Chucky).

Si bien pudieron observar que tengo ciertas discrepancias con la cinta, aún así me parece bastante entretenida y todo un clásico, uno de los asesinos de la "era media" y de los cuatro grandes (Freddy, Leatherface, Michael Myers y Chucky)

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And well, people, this has been all for today's post, I hope you liked it. Thank you very much as always for supporting my work, I welcome new readers, I love you all very much, I send you a hug and I'll meet you in another post.

Y bueno, gente, esto ha sido todo por el post de hoy, espero que les haya gustado. Muchas gracias como siempre por apoyar mi trabajo, le doy la bienvenida a los nuevos lectores, les quiero mucho a todos, les envío un abrazo y ya nos encontraremos en otro post


The farewell image I made in Canva

La imagen de despedida la realice en Canva

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Maybe today the effects seem a bit rudimentary, but I prefer the early Chucky movies. I revisited Chucky with the Bride of Chucky movie, which had a lot of dark humor and even made fun of itself. I know they made a movie recently, but I didn't want to see it and I haven't seen the series they made either.


As absurd as the classics are, they are more enjoyable than remakes, however, there are remakes that do a very good job, as is the case with It. Thank you very much for reading :3


Pensé que era el único que notaba esas escenas que a veces no tienen mucha lógica en las películas o son muy exageradas jajaja aun así me parece una muy buena película en su momento, aun puedo recordar que me daba miedo verla.


I must have been a little young when I saw this I didn't quite see anything wrong with the movie..but if I was to go back to watch it again I'm sure it'll not be as enjoyable as ever... because then I'll be expecting too much...

Surely they exaggerated a lot ... but since it's a horror movie there's surely something entirely different..the doll is possessed so we can just assume, that it comes with some strengths even if it's not logical, hehe...but hey, we can't change what they've already acted..I can only sit back and laugh at the shortcomings while I enjoy the action..

Thanks for sharing dear ❤️


Hahaha yeah, that's why I said that for the time it was great but for today they should change quite a few aspects hehe


I have never liked this movie, in fact, I have trauma with it because of my childhood. I will not deny that it is a movie that many people like and as a prop with an interesting plot, the performances are also good, but it has never attracted me.


I have never liked this movie, in fact, I have trauma with it because of my childhood. I will not deny that it is a movie that many people like and as a prop with an interesting plot, the performances are also good, but it has never attracted me.


When I was younger I was afraid from this movie! I re-watched one of these days and laughed a lot! lol
I totally understand the script problems that you mentioned


Hahaha yeah, it turns out to be more hilarious than scary these days