WONKA - Movie Review

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Hello hivers, it is me here again with another review on a masterpiece like "WONKA" and as always giving out my sincere opinion on this movie which brings me to rating this one a [8/10] and that is because I truly enjoyed the movie to the fullest. (Recommended)

OK. As a person of a certain vintage, Roald Dahl was a favorite author of my childhood, Gene Wilder is the only Willy Wonka, and the abomination with Depp never happened.

Wonka purports to be a musical prequel showing how Wonka got started.

The movie begins with Wonka arriving by ship after travelling the world snatching up obscure ingredients for his chocolate. We are treated, through flashbacks, to visions of Willy's mother making him a special birthday candybar. We are told that she fell ill and died shortly thereafter, but not before pinky promising to be there when Willy gives his chocolate to the world.

Willy is immediately tricked into indentured servitude by signing a contract with miles of small print (One of many callbacks to the original film.)

He introduces some of his candies to the puiblic where the three members of the evil Chocolate Cartel endeavor to put him out of business, permanently with the help of a corrupt Chief of Police and Monestary that they control via their respective Chocolate addictions. Meanwhile, an Oompa Loompa keeps stealing his candies. Chaos ensues.

Timothée Chalamet is perfection as Willy Wonka. You can easily see him as a younger version of Gene Wilder's character. Hugh Grant is Hugh Grant. Paterson Joseph plays the delightfully evil Slugworth alongside Matt Lucas, who is always fun and Mathew Bayton. Olivia Colman chews scenery as the evil Mrs. Scrubitt. We are also treated to Roawn Atkinson as the Priest. The breakout actor is Calah Lane, who plays Noodle, Willy Wonka's friend in need. Where Halle Bailey (Little Mermaid) was created by Disney to be their manufactured diversity token, Calah kills as a real, down to earth, actor who, if there is a God, we will be seeing much more of in the future.

Before you go ahead to see the preachy and the fun rating below, I will like to make an addition to my review sincerities that this is my sincere opinion and how I feel about the movie entirely, which is to say someone else's interest and mine and likely not to be the same which brings us to having different reviewes (opinions) and so if you didn't find this movie enjoyable, Then I guess it is what it is.

Fun: Roald Dahl's ridiculous plots, characters and magical items are fully embraced and adults will enjoy spotting the numerous call-backs to the original. As with all good children's stories, the villians set the tone and Paterson Joseph just nails it.

Preachy: Not in the least. It's pure good vs evil with little grey area. After all, it's a children's book. It leans hard into the absurdity of everything, which makes it even more enjoyable.

To my Spanish fans

Due to the inaccuracy of my translator, I have put to puse the Spanish Text. My sincere apology to my Spanish readers

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! Kisses

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