RE: The Promised Land


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Well, in these times of consumerism, social networks, cutting-edge technologies and AI, perhaps we can see some remarkable cases among 1000 of them. However, I consider that today's societies have let themselves be permeated and the vanal has gained a lot of ground. Most men and women suffer from the influence that social networks have managed to incubate in their minds thanks to the lies and half-truths that they are in charge of selling on a daily basis. It is not easy for humanity to make way for real love when consumerism is there to wrap and cloud our deepest and noblest feelings.

Thank you so much dear @r-nyn, for sharing this great film option for those of us who still believe in miracles and also for non-believers!

Much success in this year 2024!

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Right you are my friend. We are, sometimes, too blinded by the half-truths of social media and forget to understand what true love stands for. Let's unwrap the fancy coat of consumerism and shower in the blessings of what love can bring to this harsh world. Wish you all the best too.