RE: Drumline: Beats on screen


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This is Spinal Tap ROCKS. Not sure if that lightning in a bottle can happen again. I loved Drumline knowing that it was going to be a light movie. I tend to like all movies around college students being good at something, getting distracted and then doing the right thing. Metal Lords was a pleasure though as it did not work out exactly as i thought and I was pleasantly surprised. Another one I thought would be a light passtime, but I ended up liking a lot is School of Rock. Speaking of fun drummers makes me think of That Thing You Do too :)

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I don't think I've seen That Thing You Do. I'll look out for it. There have been plenty of movies about real and fictional bands. Ah, there could be good conversations about such things on 6SB. Actually I've joined the Discord of the Drumeo drum school and they have a good community. Drummers are actually nice people!