CineTV Contest #55 - Favorite Movie with a Beach

Authored by @caulderfreeman
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Hello CineTV

Keanu Reeves, an actor that has been prolific for decades! There were so many awesome choices for reviewers from which to choose. It was nice to see such a variety of choices and that people decided to enter. After last contest, I wondered if it was time for me to pass on the torch to someone else to pick the contest topics. I genuinely appreciate everyones participation.

By the way, no one picked Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure...bogus! Did you know that they are talking about a Bill and Ted 3? 😅


Let's get to this week's winners:

First Place

The first place finisher was @actioncats with a review of 47 Ronin found here:

I loved this choice of movie! Keanu defnitely has a wide range of films and this one in Japan and the way of the samarai is one of them. Thank you for your review and congrats!

Second place

In second place we have @neiraurdaneta with their choice of Speed here:

Speed is a good movie, with Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. It definitely is a thriller and a great choice of movie. Thank you!

Third place

Our third place winner in this contest is @osomar357 with their choice of Chain Reaction and can be found here:

Another movie that I forgot about from Keanu. Also starring Morgan Freeman, what an interesting choice! I think I watched it when it first came out but I definitely need to go back and watch this again. Congrats!


225 CINE COINS and 100 Ecency Points will be transferred to the winners.

Now if anyone disagrees with our choices then please tag us in a comment on this post!

And let's move on to the new contest!



Favorite Movie with a Beach

On to our next contest! Thank you to @ecency for sponsoring our Cine TV contests! Check them out at 🙂

My children just finished with Spring Break and in the United States that is a chance for people to get away for a week and try to find somewhere to warm up after a long winter. Most people drive to a beach and try to soak up as much sun as possible.

My family is not like most people and we headed to an even colder area to see family that we don't get to visit very often. But we did get to swim in the hotel pool! 😉 Not as sunny but no salt or sand. It worked for us. And I guess the family part was okay too.

As the weather continues to warm up people will be flocking to the beach! For this contest, I wanted to capture some of that excitement and energy and have you choose your favorite movie with a beach. The real point of this is to choose a movie that has a prominent or memorable beach. It may just be a scene or the whole focal point of the movie but write your review in a way that sells the idea of why this movie made you think of the beach.

Here are a few writing ideas: do you like the beach? Would you like to visit the beach in the movie? What are your favorite or least favorite things about the beach? How does the beach play a role in the movie that you selected? How do the characters relate to the beach in the movie?

Those are just some ideas to get you started. Please be original
and write a creative response to the topic. Don't retell the plot or plagiarize. Originality is required for curation and to be considered for the contest.

I look forward to reading your selections. Have a great week!

Please check out the list of rules and suggestions below or feel free to ask me in the Discord channel if you have any questions (caulderfreeman). Enjoy this week's contest and good luck!

Winners and prizes

This contest will have 3 winners and 225 CINE in prizes. They will be distributed as follows.

  • 1ST Place — 100 CINE AND 100 ECENCY POINTS!
  • 2ND Place — 75 CINE AND 100 ECENCY POINTS
  • 3RD Place — 50 CINE AND 100 ECENCY POINTS

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  • Publish your entry from our frontend or post to cinetv community if you prefer peakd, ecency or
  • The entries should be written in English for evaluation purposes (You can translate from your mother tongue if you want to.)
  • The post title should include CineTV Contest:. For example, CineTV Contest: Your Title Here.
  • Use #cinetvcontest among your tags.
  • Include a link to this post somewhere in your entry. So your friends can find this easily.
  • Put down a comment with the link of your entry on this post below.
  • Only one entry per person.


  • The submission deadline is 11th April, 2023, 11:59 PM, UTC time.

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Evaluation and Some Tips

  • You can use these prompts as a helping hand (purely optional) but you're free to go however you want.
    ► What you loved or hated about it.
    ► How it influenced you (and/or people around you).
    ► What part of it did you find most interesting.
    ► Any scene that still pops into your mind.
    ► Performance of the actors/actress that left an impression.
    ► Why do you think it's significant and great (or not).

You're free to include multiple films in your entry.

  • There's no need to be mechanical. Write with a free hand. We might overlook if you forget to do a step or two stated in the rules (except the first one).
  • We'll evaluate the posts based on the writing quality, sincerity, and faithfulness to the spirit of the contest.


Happy Writing then! Blog on!

The cover photo is edited in Canva.

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Join CineTV on Discord - Invite Link


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All of the prizes have been sent for this contest. Congrats to all of the winners! See you on the next one.


Congratulations to all the winners and participants. Thanks to CineTV for bringing us challenges every week for this wonderful contest. :)


Felicitaciones a los ganadores y a los participantes. Congratulations to all the winners and participants.


Congratulations to all the winners. You all deserve the appreciation. Keanu Reeves is one of my favorite actors too. I must say that he is legendary. Have a nice time and once again congrats to all the amazing winners!