Good and evil are brothers who complement each other! (The Channel 2023)

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We always want the good guys to win, but they don't always win. The bad don't always win either. The balance is somehow established spontaneously and we often call it fate. Fate has an impact on our lives, either directly or through our choices. In the routine of life we don't even realize what is happening until we face the consequences. Good and evil are like brothers and sisters. We know that one cannot exist without the other, and the worst thing is that we accept the bad alongside the good.


Making the distinction between good and evil is a choice we make even in the movies we watch. We are more sympathetic towards the actors who play the good character, more sanctioning towards the actors who play the bad character, almost all of our attention is on who will win the battle between good and evil; we are on the side of good.

While the story of a bank robbery, which I can define as half successful and half unsuccessful, turns into a successful production with the movie The Channel, it gives the audience pleasant moments with the presentation of making the comparison between good and evil.

The story, which starts in a narrow area like a bank, turns into an adventure with high tension, plenty of action and breathless chase scenes from the moment it spreads to the whole city. In action movies, the wider the area where the story takes place, the more successful the movie is because the chase scenes add extra options to the action aspect of the movie. Evaluating the options correctly is a criterion that depends on the director of the movie, and whether we as the audience like it or not is a decision for us to make. I liked The Channel both in terms of the director and the acting, every possible option was utilized.


The struggle between good and evil is tried to be put on a flat ground at the end of the movie. Normally, I would say that such an attempt is unnecessary and detracts from the story of the movie, but when I saw the drama scenes at the end of the movie, I gave up on this idea. They shot a final scene that could have been the answer to the whole story from the beginning to the end and provided a change of place between good and evil in the story. I won't talk more about what the last scene is, so as not to spoil your viewing pleasure.

Even when I consider the movie in its entirety, including the script with its internal and external elements, I can't find a point to criticize. You may conclude from these words that "what, the movie is perfect?". Of course it is not perfect, but it creates one of the best effects a movie about a bank robbery can create. I think the movie can be watched even for the chase scenes that start in the bank and spread all over the city. Those who love action will not miss it, but when the movie is taken as a whole, it appeals to many segments.


The concept of good and bad, which I mentioned at the beginning and which I have illustrated many times, can also be taken as a distinction between legal and illegal. Is good always good? Is legal always legal? Or let's think the other way around. Is bad really bad? Is illegal really illegal? Many life stories can answer these questions in themselves, but the majority do not know about them. When it happens in the movies, we all know about it. So movies have a good effect like that. I recommend you to watch the movie The Channel. It took its place as one of the movies that I watched and found successful without getting stuck in its low score. I wish a good watch to those who will watch it.

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