How intense can one make the viewer feel suspense and fear in a movie where the setting is a muddy field and the actors are dense, tall grass and a large boulder? (In the Tall Grass)

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How intense can one make the viewer feel suspense and fear in a movie where the setting is a muddy field and the actors are dense, tall grass and a large boulder? Before watching the 2019 Canadian movie In the Tall Grass, my answer to this question would have been to laugh, but after watching the movie, I don't have the expression to laugh.


With a simple scenario, they have blended and reflected suspense and horror so well that it is impossible not to be affected for a long time. To experience the horror in the cane field, which you enter for a few minutes and leave immediately, in a cycle that repeats itself over and over again, causes psychological collapse.

Like a labyrinth where there is an entrance but no exit, or where the exit is so difficult as to be impossible, constantly returning to the same point involves both mental and physical difficulties. To feel this difficulty during the viewing is the effect of a well-made movie.

The repetitive loop creates the effect of a puzzle. While watching the movie, answers to the puzzle are sought with the help of every clue given. In this respect, I realized that my enjoyment of watching the film was occasionally replaced by solving puzzles. The biggest clue that the actors did not notice, but I am sure that many viewers will notice, was the information that "the dead do not move".


Constantly displaced by the grass and the field and unable to find their way out, if they had taken a dead crow, a dog or the corpse of one of their own, they would have had a ticket out. I think I'm still under the influence of puzzles and clues.

I can say that the location and the tension it creates are more prominent in this movie. I think the screenplay stands out more than the actors in the movie. A movie like this could have been made with just a few people and it would have had a viewing effect. The fact that the mysterious scenes and questions at the beginning were not answered at the end of the movie was the only negative aspect of the movie.

I am a frequent visitor to the village where I was born and every time I go I take the road that divides the plain of Söke in two. The primary crop cultivated on the plain is cotton. There are not as dense and high grasses as in the movie, but there are parts where sunflowers are planted close to them. I don't think I will enter the field for any reason if the effect of the movie stays with me. Hahaha!


Apart from the known horror movies, the movie has the feature of reflecting fear in a different way. I think those who love the thriller and horror genre will also like the movie. It also has a bit of a mind-straining feature. I recommend the movie to anyone who wants to think about solving the puzzle with the clues given in the maze field where there is no exit. Those who say that the usual flow of life tires me enough, and I can't blur my mind on top of it, stay away from the movie! And as always, I wish a good time to those who will watch the movie.

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