Scream 6 - One of the productions that managed to create its own audience

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One of the film productions that I think has been very successful in creating its own audience is the Scream movie series that started in 1996. The production, which brought horror and tension to the audience with a killer character who phoned his victim, stabbed him in dozens of places after the dialog he established with them and turned the environment into a bloodbath, was very successful in creating an audience and paved the way for sequels.


In 2023, Scream 6, the last movie of the series, was released. First of all, I must say that in Scream 6, as in every movie series, they managed to make the audience ask the question "who is the killer?". The dialog between the killer and the victim after the phone connection and the picture that emerges after the deadly knife strokes one after the other keeps its mystery until the end of the movie.

Some may find it boring when a movie series is too long and there are similar scenes in each story. There will be those who will evaluate the Scream movies in this way from the first movie to the last movie and I think they have their share of justification. However, as long as it creates its own audience and stays true to the story, I can say that it is successful in making this audience watch itself.


In Scream 6, the story follows the survivors of the last story as they move to a new city. The goal is to make a fresh start and live a normal life like everyone else, but this is not possible. The horror genre that started in a small town moves to New York City 27 years later and the 27 years that have passed have witnessed 5 movies.

For the Scream film series, we see that there are efforts to create a movie within a movie. This effort serves to combine fiction and reality and to turn the fictional aspect of the story into reality. It also offers a different flavor to the audience. For Scream 6, the fiction-fact component I mentioned peaks and by the end of the movie, it seemed to herald Scream 7.


For those who are looking for it, there are many implausibilities in the movie. Almost every murder scene does not correspond to some facts. When the aim is to criticize, many more shortcomings can be found, but when I evaluate the movie based on its story, I find it successful.

I think its own audience has already seen the movie. For those who have seen the previous productions of the movie, I recommend them to watch it if they don't find it ordinary that the same story progresses in a similar way in a different location. For myself, I had a good time and I can say with peace of mind that it is one of the sequels that I am glad I watched.

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Im a scream saga fan, i like all the movies, and this one wasnt the exception. Althought was a little disappointment that Neve Campbell wasnt in the film I thing that the saga nedded a change, and the 5 and 6 dont let me down 💜 ill like to see it in cinema but stuff happen and when finally have the time and the money its no longer in the billboard so 😒


The movie was successful in creating its own audience. That's why the series continues and will continue. I hope you get a chance to watch it soon, thank you.

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