Tenet (2020) Review/Thoughts

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I'm pretty sure this movie was awesome. I really enjoy Christopher Nolan films, and this one was about as Christopher Nolan as it gets!

Like many Nolan films, Tenet offers plenty of sleek camera shots, random scaling of buildings, classic gun fights and car chases, and of course the intense bold soundtracks.

What sets Tenet apart is frankly the insane storyline of timelines clashing and interacting thanks to time travel, and the time travel is thanks to discovering a special metal, I think?

Basically, Nolan said Inception was not hardcore enough, so let's just make Inception on steroids, and cocaine.

Honestly though, Nolan really pushed the boundaries with Tenet. I kind of enjoy that I was confused. I believe they could have explained more about how this technology all works and just more back story where that is concerned. I found myself simply trusting that this all made sense.

What makes this movie a little bit further confusing is the dialogue is simply too quiet. I guess Nolan wants the conversations to be more realistic, which I appreciate. In real life conversations there are many moments where it can be hard to hear another speak. I'm guessing this is why the conversations were hard to hear in Tenet. I can't think of another purpose unless it was laziness on their end or my own ears degrading LOL.

Tenet feels I'm reading a fat fiction book. It can be a lot to digest. A lot of content is packed into this movie. I look forward to watching it again sometime and I may just make another review after a second or third watch.

The acting was good. Not great, but good. The storyline and effects helped a lot. It's cool to see Robert Pattinson sort of reshape his image after being Edward in the Twilight movies. He's ALSO Cedric from Harry Potter too, can't forget that. And he's Batman now? Dude is becoming a lowkey legend at this point.

I give Tenet a 7.3 out of ten, with room to go higher as I understand it more. IF I ever understand it more.

This video is full of spoilers. A lot of comments under the video hilariously express just how confusing this film was!!


Even Pattinson himself said he couldn't understand the movie most of the time.

I looked it up, and in Philadelphia, Tenet is being shown at some random theater in a few weeks. Three years later, you can see this movie. Interesting.

Please comment your thoughts on this abstract and bold film! As I research I was glad to see that many people found this one confusing, not just me!

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I always wanted to watch this since it was a Christopher Nolan's! I will watch it later. You should check the new movie oppenheimer 🥰


Yes, Christopher Nolan is awesome, I look forward to seeing Oppenheimer! 😃