Un corto de Pixar que educa LAGOS//A Pixar short that educates LOOP

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¿Sabes lo que es el autismo? si me hubieran preguntado hace unos 10 años atrás creo que no hubiera sabido de que se trataba, para ese entonces ignoraba muchos temas relacionado a este tipo de condiciones o en este caso, del trastorno del espectro autista y te preguntaras porque lo menciono, pues porque este cortometraje de Disney que solo dura 7 minutos, transmite de manera muy práctica y sencilla parte de lo que es para una persona vivir con este tipo de trastorno, pero que no lo hace diferente a ti o a mi, solo tiene características que los hacen únicos y auténticos.
Do you know what autism is? If you had asked me about 10 years ago I don't think I would have known what it was, at that time I ignored many issues related to this type of conditions or in this case, the autism spectrum disorder and you will wonder why I mention it, because this Disney short film that only lasts 7 minutes, transmits in a very practical and simple way part of what it is for a person living with this type of disorder, but that does not make them different from you or me, they just have characteristics that make them unique and authentic.

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LAGOS es un corto muy hermoso que puedes disfrutar en un tiempo fugaz, y que me encanto porque te muestra por primera vez en animación lo difícil que puede ser a veces para una persona con autismo el poder comunicarse con los demás, en este caso tenemos el personaje de Renne, una adolescente de 13 años que tiene autismo y no puede comunicarse verbalmente.
LAGOS is a very beautiful short film that you can enjoy in a fleeting time, and that I loved because it shows you for the first time in animation how difficult it can be sometimes for a person with autism to communicate with others, in this case we have the character of Renne, a 13 year old teenager who has autism and cannot communicate verbally.

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Y tenemos a Marcus que es un joven de su misma edad, pero que no entiende mucho el porque Renne no puede comunicarse como los demás, y tampoco a conocido a muchas personas como ella, la historia se desarrolla en una especie de campamento donde a ambos les toca navegar juntos en una canoa, porque a Renne le gusta hacer piragüismo y a él también.
And we have Marcus who is a young man of the same age, but he doesn't understand why Renne can't communicate like the others, and he hasn't met many people like her, the story takes place in a kind of camp where they both have to sail together in a canoe, because Renne likes canoeing and so does he.

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Podemos notar lo difícil que es para Marcus lograr comunicarse con Renne, porque ella no hace contacto visual con él en ningún momento, y siempre esta pendiente de su celular escuchando un sonido muy peculiar que parece producirle tranquilidad y seguridad. Pero hay momentos bastantes tensos donde Renne se altera al escuchar ruidos que la molestan, algo que Marcus no puede entender a simple vista.
We can notice how difficult it is for Marcus to communicate with Renne, because she does not make eye contact with him at any time, and is always listening to her cell phone, listening to a very peculiar sound that seems to produce tranquility and security. But there are quite tense moments where Renne gets upset when she hears noises that bother her, something that Marcus cannot understand at first sight.

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Por un segundo casi tienen un pequeño accidente por el ataque de nervios que le dio a Renne y que a Marcus le toco actuar rápido para poder evitar que algo malo sucediera con ellos en la canoa, esto hace que él le pregunte ¿Por qué lo hiciste? algo que Renne sin duda no podía responderle, pero era muy notable lo asustada que se encontraba y su compañero Marcus no sabía como actuar en esa situación.
For a second they almost had a small accident because of the nervous attack that gave Renne and Marcus had to act quickly to prevent something bad from happening with them in the canoe, this makes him ask why did you do it? something that Renne certainly could not answer, but it was very noticeable how scared she was and her partner Marcus did not know how to act in that situation.

Me encanto este corto, porque el mensaje que nos quiere transmitir es para educarnos acerca de este tipo de trastornos y como es la perspectiva del mundo de las personas que lo padecen, nos enseña a entender un poco más que su forma de comunicarse no es la misma que la nuestra, que hay muchas cosas tan sencillas como un sonido normal para nosotros, para ellos puede ser muy desesperante.
I loved this short film, because the message it wants to convey is to educate us about this type of disorders and how is the perspective of the world of people who suffer from it, it teaches us to understand a little more that their way of communicating is not the same as ours, that there are many things as simple as a normal sound for us, for them it can be very desperate.

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De verdad pienso que es muy importante educar a las personas sobre todo con estos tipos de trastornos, que si los englobamos todos, se disparan una gran variedad que no conocemos y que durante años se han prestado de una manera errónea como motivo de burla y hasta de poner etiquetas a otras personas, recuerdo que siempre escuchaba como llamaban a otros compañeros en el liceo "eres autista" haciendo referencia a que esa persona era muy tonta.
I really think it is very important to educate people especially with these types of disorders, that if we include them all, a great variety that we do not know is triggered and that for years have been used in a wrong way as a reason to make fun and even to label other people, I remember that I always heard how they called other classmates in high school "you are autistic" referring to that person was very stupid.

Y siento que si como adultos nos educamos y educamos a los más pequeños a respetar las diferencias, ayudar a entender a estas personitas con este tipo de discapacidades, haremos que la sociedad sea más agradable para ellos, porque ya es bastante difícil poder comunicarse, no hagamos que sea más difícil poder desenvolverse en el mundo de manera normal, solo por falta de conocimientos, falta de tolerancia o empatía.
And I feel that if as adults we educate ourselves and educate the little ones to respect the differences, help to understand these little people with these types of disabilities, we will make society more pleasant for them, because it is difficult enough to communicate, let's not make it more difficult to function in the world in a normal way, just because of lack of knowledge, lack of tolerance or empathy.

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Definitivamente debo destacar el trabajo realizado en este cortometraje, porque sus creadores de verdad pusieron toda su corazón para mostrar una historia real, presentaron el corto a una sociedad de autismo quienes los ayudaron a mejorar muchas cosas e incluso incluyeron como la protagonista de la voz a una chica con autismo, y todos los sonidos en realidad los hace una chica con autismo que al igual que Renne no se puede comunicar bien y eso me encanto.
Definitely I must highlight the work done in this short film, because its creators really put all their heart to show a real story, they presented the short film to an autism society who helped them to improve many things and even included as the voice protagonist a girl with autism, and all the sounds are actually made by a girl with autism.

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Lagos nos enseña como a través de la empatía podemos conectar con otras personas que no tienen la misma capacidad comunicativa que nosotros y nos enseña a crear lazos afectivos con estas personas que no dejan de ser igual de importantes y valiosos que nosotros, por el contrario gracias a ellos aprendemos a comprender un poco más las otras formas de percibir al mundo a un nivel de inocencia que hoy en día se ha perdido, porque ellos tienen otra forma de percibir al mundo que los rodea y con el apoyo adeacuado llegan a desarrollar habilidades extraordinarias , porque tienen un nivel de inteligencia superior al de una persona promedio.
Lagos teaches us how through empathy we can connect with other people who do not have the same communication skills as us and teaches us to create affective ties with these people who are just as important and valuable as us, on the contrary, thanks From them we learn to understand a little more the other ways of perceiving the world at a level of innocence that today has been lost, because they have another way of perceiving the world around them and with the right support they develop extraordinary abilities. , because they have a higher level of intelligence than the average person.

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Todas las imagenes son capturas de pantalla, fueron tomadas desde mi computador, mientrás veía el corto.

All images are screenshots, they were taken from my computer, while watching the short.

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It seems like you're a fan of short films. After seeing the title of your post I looked up this film and saw an interview with the directors. I think it's interesting that they asked a girl with Autism to voice the lead character in order to make the experience much more real for the audience. I also saw a reaction video by a doctor who explained the film alongside the different ways people with this condition are affected and it was a real eye-opener for me.

The film reminds me of a day when I took shelter from the rain under a little shop with my cat and one of the people there began to freak out at us. He couldn't use words but he was clearly uneasy and wanted us to leave. The other people tried to calm him but it didn't work and so I left with my cat. I was angry but then I realized later that this person may have been Autistic. It was clear that even the people around him did not really understand his condition because they could not calm him. I may be wrong though.

As a society we know very little about autism and so we tend to discriminate people with the condition making life really bad for them. I think we need more awareness out there. It's nice to see that Pixar has taken a step for this with this short film.

As usual, great review and Cheers @dayna199019 !


Thank you very much my friend @theawesononso for your valuable comment, the truth is that these last days I have discovered a gold mine in short films, I didn't know there was a world about this and I really like it because besides being super short, it sends a clear and concise message without so many detours. The truth is that sometimes I don't have time to watch a full movie that lasts more than an hour, and I feel that short films can also transmit messages in a masterful way.

I understand you perfectly, it is an experience that surely has happened to more than one of us, especially when they have these attacks in the street and you are not used to that, you may not understand what exactly was happening to them, but when you start to investigate and understand a little more about this disorder, you can have more empathy and perhaps help others to understand the reason for their behavior.

There are many diseases that affect a person's ability to communicate socially, but believe me when you are a child no one explains this to you, so I think it is an excellent idea that they have made an animation that serves as a tool to educate children and adults.

I really appreciate your valuable comment, and I'm glad you like what I share with you, thank you, greetings.


I've been watching some animation shorts these last days, I'm going to look for this one to watch it, I like that they are short and that the message is direct. I'll tell you later what I thought of it.


Estoy segura que el mensaje te gustará, este corto sin duda es hermoso y si puedes ver el extra y detrás de cámaras, seguro te gustará mucho más, lo tienen como extra en Disney. Gracias por pasarte por aquí y dejarme un comentario, lo aprecio, saludos.


Es un bello corto, todos los de esa colección que se encuentra en Disney+ son muy bonitos, tengo que admitirlo. Este de Lagos es uno de los que recuerdo por el uso de la música para comunicarse y entenderse, una herramienta que nos une, a pesar de la condición. Gracias por compartir tu opinión ☺️


La verdad es como el tercero que veo, porque el primero lo vi por una recomendación de una chica de la comunidad y quede encantada con la historia, de una madre y un hijo, pero sin duda este corto y el anterior que reseñe tienen mensajes hermosos que buscan educar, tienes razón cuando dices que Disney tiene bonitos cortos y con mensajes muy importantes, muchas gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer mi post y dejarme tu valioso comentario. Saludos.


PIXAR shorts are also very good and important to show to kids! I didn't know about that I will watch with my daughter!


Without a doubt they are beautiful and the most important thing is that they educate about a topic as important and unknown as autism, something that many people and children do not know, thank you very much for stopping by my post and leave me your valuable comment, I appreciate it very much, greetings.


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Muchas gracias amigos del cartel, saludos agradezco el apoyo.


Me encantó tu reseña y en lo particular me resulta oportuno porque poco a poco me he ido metiendo en el mundo azul para tratar de comprenderlo.Gracias.
Saludos cariñosos 😊


Hola amiga muchas gracias por tu comentario, y si la verdad nos hace falta a todos aprender un poco más sobre este tema para poder entenderlos mucho más. Gracias por tu visitar y tu comentario, saludos.