RE: Couch Surfing

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The general feeling I got from the Wheel of Time Reddit is that the TV show butchers the books, changing pretty much everything. haha so yknow, I have heard that side of the opinion. But of course there is the other side that I'm sure likes the chances. It's the same in the LOTR community, with book purists who want to burn down the films, angry about every change and feeling that they destroy the books (Tolkien's son was of this opinion) but other's like the changes.

I read the first 8 wheel of time books back in high school. I think the first 3 books are fantastic. But then they get confusing and start to contradict themselves and stall bit time, so really from book 4 to book 8 almost nothing major happened. The common idea among fans at the time was his editor stopped editing him because he married her, and his writing really needed editing. Finally sometime when I was in university book 9 came out. I read through it but it was a mess. One of the major characters (Mat) and major plot points weren't even in the book. It was basically more stalling as he juggled more unimportant threads of the overall story and ignored the main plots. I think he wrote 3 more stalling books before he died, then the guy who replaced him wrapped up the entire story in 3 books.

So my memories of the series are mixed. Loves the first 3 books. The rest...meh. Then I never read the ending. I'll check out the TV series sometime if I get the chance. Any tightening of the story can't be a bad thing.

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Very interesting. I guess I had not heard that side of it, but I am not surprised people feel that way.