Attack on Titan season 4 part 2 (8/10) - “He could protect this Island with the Rumbling.” [ENG + ESP]

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This is one of the first anime series I began to watch when I was just trying out this genre many years ago, and I am glad I decided to give it a watch because I ended up considering it a total masterpiece.

Many years ago I didn't pay much attention to the anime genre, I didn't take it seriously and I had a lot of doubts about the quality of the stories I could find there. I quickly realized I was very wrong in judging this genre without first giving it a chance. I don't precisely remember which one was the first anime production that convinced me to keep exploring this genre, maybe it was Ghost in the Shell, but what I do know is that Attack on Titan was among the first ones.

I still remember a very touching and powerful scene from the first season, when the main character is apparently dead, and suddenly, the rest of the characters discover that he is not only alive, but he also has an important surprise that could save everyone, or at least help them big time.

This series is already in its fourth season, the story has advanced quite a lot and many secrets about the titans have been revealed so far. Along the way, there were huge twists regarding the origins of this troubling situation where it seemed humanity was on the brink of extinction thanks to these mysterious titans.

There are also different types of titans, the majority are very dumb and can barely walk on 2 legs, but there are some of them who are special and have a unique design and capabilities. These ones are the most dangerous because they are smart.

The titans were terrifying and those first massacres were quite shocking and painful to watch. However, as time goes on, the main characters of the first 3 seasons begin to figure out ways to properly defend themselves and stop suffering so many killings at the hands of what we thought were evil titans. The military trains people in the use of special tools that can make the fighter move around the buildings similar to Spider-Man. This is how they manage to fight and even kill some of the giants. But it turns out things aren't that simple.

I can't find a way to comfortably write about season 4 without mentioning some SPOILERS from previous seasons, so have this in mind before continuing to read further.

The first 3 seasons of the show are told from one point of view. During those seasons, we believed those humans living on that island are the only ones alive on the entire planet. Their version of the history is that the titans decided, for some reason, to kill all humans and they are the last ones standing. Eventually, we learn that this isn't actually the case. The world is still going on as usual, and it is actually only this island the one that has been suffering so many attacks from titans.

During the 3 first season, we see how the 3 main characters, Eren Jaeger, Armin Artlelt, and Mikasa Ackermann go from kids to important members of the military and expert fighters against the titans. I would bet many viewers eventually start to care for these characters given how well written they were, and the type of experience they had to endure. These 3 seasons are full of answers being discovered as well as new questions being created, betrayals, lies, and twists will happen left and right, and ultimately, the third season ends with them being finally ready to see what's beyond their island which is called Paradis by the way.

Esta es una de las primeras series de anime que comencé a ver cuando estaba explorando este género hace muchos años, y me alegro de haber decidido darle un vistazo porque terminé considerándola una obra maestra total.

Hace muchos años no prestaba mucha atención al género anime, no me lo tomaba en serio y tenía muchas dudas sobre la calidad de las historias que podía encontrar allí. Rápidamente me di cuenta de que estaba muy equivocado al juzgar este género sin antes darle una oportunidad. No recuerdo con precisión cuál fue la primera producción de anime que me convenció de seguir explorando este género, tal vez fue Ghost in the Shell, pero lo que sí sé es que Attack on Titan fue una de las primeras.

Todavía recuerdo una escena muy conmovedora y poderosa de la primera temporada, cuando el personaje principal está aparentemente muerto, y de repente, el resto de los personajes descubren que no solo está vivo, sino que también tiene una sorpresa importante que podría salvar a todos, o al menos ayudarlos a lo grande.

Esta serie ya está en su cuarta temporada, la historia ha avanzado bastante y muchos secretos sobre los titanes se han revelado hasta ahora. En el camino, hubo grandes giros con respecto a los orígenes de esta situación preocupante en la que parecía que la humanidad estaba al borde de la extinción gracias a estos misteriosos titanes.

También hay diferentes tipos de titanes, la mayoría son muy tontos y apenas pueden caminar sobre 2 patas, pero hay algunos de ellos que son especiales y tienen un diseño y capacidades únicas. Estos son los más peligrosos porque son inteligentes.

Los titanes eran aterradores y esas primeras masacres fueron bastante impactantes y dolorosas de ver. Sin embargo, a medida que pasa el tiempo, los personajes principales de las primeras 3 temporadas comienzan a descubrir formas de defenderse adecuadamente y dejar de sufrir tantos asesinatos a manos de lo que pensábamos que eran titanes malvados. Los militares entrenan a las personas en el uso de herramientas especiales que pueden hacer que el luchador se mueva por los edificios similares a Spider-Man. Así es como logran luchar e incluso matar a algunos de los gigantes. Pero resulta que las cosas no son tan simples.

No puedo encontrar una manera de escribir cómodamente sobre la temporada 4 sin mencionar algunos SPOILERS de temporadas anteriores, así que ten esto en cuenta antes de seguir leyendo.

Las primeras 3 temporadas de la serie están contadas desde un punto de vista. Durante esas temporadas, creíamos que los humanos que viven en esa isla son los únicos vivos en todo el planeta. Su versión de la historia es que los titanes decidieron, por alguna razón, matar a todos los humanos y ellos son los últimos en pie. Eventualmente, aprendemos que este no es realmente el caso. El mundo sigue como de costumbre, y en realidad es solo esta isla la que ha estado sufriendo tantos ataques de titanes.

Durante las 3 primeras temporadas, vemos cómo los 3 personajes principales, Eren Jaeger, Armin Artlelt y Mikasa Ackermann pasan de niños a importantes miembros del ejército y luchadores expertos contra los titanes. Apostaría a que muchos espectadores eventualmente comienzan a preocuparse por estos personajes dado lo bien escritos que estaban y el tipo de experiencia que tuvieron que soportar. Estas 3 temporadas están llenas de respuestas siendo descubiertas, así como de nuevas preguntas que son creadas, traiciones, mentiras y giros a diestra y siniestra, y en última instancia, la tercera temporada termina con ellos finalmente listos para ver qué hay más allá de su isla, que se llama Paradis por cierto.


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When season 4 started, I was super confused because it had new characters that I knew nothing of, and nothing made sense to me. I was expecting to see the 3 main characters from before, but instead, this season focuses on the people living in a neighboring country called Marley which is actually a big historic enemy of the Paradis island.

This conflict goes a long way back when somehow the power of the titans was discovered, and inevitably this ended up causing many cases of abuse from the group of people controlling the titans. Things changed with time, and now there was a lot of historic resentment and hate between these neighboring territories.

This is the first time we are seeing events from a different point of view, and as the episodes continue to advance, we learn more about the real history of the titans, as well as the complete explanation of the conflict between these territories. Finally, we are beginning to see the complete picture and truly understand what has been happening since the beginning. It becomes hard to figure out which ones are the good guys and which ones are the bad guys. All of these people are simply suffering the inheritance of conflicts that began before they were even born, but this doesn't stop them from feeling hate for their enemies due to all the damage and pain they have caused to each other so far.

There are no easy solutions for this and a major war appears to be something impossible to avoid. There have been wars related to titans in the past of course, but part 1 of season 4 ends with what appeared to be the beginning of the true final war to achieve a long-lasting solution that could result in sustainable peace.

The story changed so much in season 4 that I wasn't even sure if Eren could be considered a good guy any longer. It was clear that living through so much trauma, pain, and conflicts have taken a toll on him as well as his moral basis, and the truth was, as mentioned before, that this story doesn't really have any heroes, only victims. Both sides are victims of the conflicts and abuses started by the previous generations. It was now up to them to finish this bad inheritance once and for all.

Part 2 of this season, which consist of the episodes released a few months ago, began with a bloody battle with Marley forces using a few of their giants doing a surprising attack on the island. Their superiority was overwhelming but it was clear things could change at any moment because some key characters were out of the action and their involvement would surely even things out.

The fate of many important characters was at stake during this battle and it ended up surprising me how resistant they were to dying given all the risks they are constantly taking.

There was a very unexpected revelation about the attack titan that will blow the mind of many viewers because this wasn't even insinuated in the past but revealed completely out of nowhere. And as expected, more information about the ancient origins of the titans was also revealed. There weren't questions left unanswered, at least not that I can think of.

We will also learn more about events that took place in the past and something that could have caused paradoxes but somehow didn't.

Cuando comenzó la temporada 4, estaba súper confundido porque tenía nuevos personajes de los que no sabía nada, y nada tenía sentido para mí. Esperaba ver a los 3 personajes principales de antes, pero en cambio, esta temporada se centra en las personas que viven en un país vecino llamado Marley, que en realidad es un gran enemigo histórico de la isla Paradis.

Este conflicto se remonta a mucho tiempo atrás cuando de alguna manera se descubrió el poder de los titanes, e inevitablemente esto terminó causando muchos casos de abuso por parte del grupo de personas que controlaban a los titanes. Las cosas cambiaron con el tiempo, y ahora había mucho resentimiento histórico y odio entre estos territorios vecinos.

Esta es la primera vez que vemos eventos desde un punto de vista diferente, y a medida que los episodios continúan avanzando, aprendemos más sobre la historia real de los titanes, así como la explicación completa del conflicto entre estos territorios. Finalmente, estamos empezando a ver la imagen completa y realmente entender lo que ha estado sucediendo desde el principio. Se hace difícil averiguar cuáles son los buenos y cuáles son los malos. Todas estas personas simplemente están sufriendo la herencia de conflictos que comenzaron incluso antes de que nacieran, pero esto no les impide sentir odio por sus enemigos debido a todo el daño y el dolor que se han causado entre sí hasta ahora.

No hay soluciones fáciles para esto y una gran guerra parece ser algo imposible de evitar. Ha habido guerras relacionadas con titanes en el pasado, por supuesto, pero la parte 1 de la temporada 4 termina con lo que parecía ser el comienzo de la verdadera guerra final para lograr una solución duradera que podría resultar en una paz sostenible.

La historia cambió tanto en la temporada 4 que ni siquiera estaba seguro de si Eren podría ser considerado un buen tipo por más tiempo. Estaba claro que vivir tanto trauma, dolor y conflictos le ha pasado factura y afectado su base moral, y la verdad es que, como se mencionó anteriormente, que esta historia realmente no tiene héroes, solo víctimas. Ambas partes son víctimas de los conflictos y abusos iniciados por las generaciones anteriores. Ahora les correspondía a ellos terminar con esta mala herencia de una vez por todas.

La parte 2 de esta temporada, que consiste en los episodios lanzados hace unos meses, comenzó con una sangrienta batalla con las fuerzas de Marley usando algunos de sus gigantes haciendo un sorprendente ataque en la isla. Su superioridad era abrumadora, pero estaba claro que las cosas podían cambiar en cualquier momento porque algunos personajes clave estaban fuera de la acción y su participación seguramente igualaría las cosas.

El destino de muchos personajes importantes estaba en juego durante esta batalla y terminó sorprendiéndome lo resistentes que eran a morir dados todos los riesgos que están tomando constantemente.

Hubo una revelación muy inesperada sobre el titán de ataque que dejará boquiabierto a muchos espectadores porque esto ni siquiera se insinuó en el pasado, sino que se reveló completamente de la nada. Y como era de esperar, también se reveló más información sobre los antiguos orígenes de los titanes. No había preguntas sin respuesta, al menos no que se me ocurra.

También aprenderemos más sobre eventos que tuvieron lugar en el pasado y algo que podría haber causado paradojas pero de alguna manera no lo hizo.


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The extent of the current conflict will reach an extreme level of chaos never seen before in the series. Everything that happened before is almost nothing compared to the destruction and slaughters that took place in these final episodes. This was something that I loved to see because the story was really raising the stakes to highs never seen before.

The final resolution of the series can cause the viewer to ponder the morality of certain decisions from the main characters, especially from Eren. In a conflict, especially one of such magnitude, it is difficult to remain morally neutral and objective. Eren's decision can easily be criticized and if we think about it, it is hard to defend his reasoning for it.

The moral dilemma regarding this extreme decision from Eren will result in conflicts because not all Eldians support this drastic measure. Eren's psychological transformation throughout the series is one of the most fascinating and disturbing of all the anime characters I have watched. War and trauma can really cause havoc on one person's mental stability.

Throughout the season, there were many unexpected events that happen just in time. You know when something significant is about to happen, and suddenly it is stopped right in the last second? Well, it happened a few times this season and even though it didn't ruin the story it was a bit annoying to see.

I would have preferred to see the group that can be considered the "villains" in the last few episodes being a bit more competitive. They were so easily outsmarted and outplayed that they even looked silly at times.

I didn't like to see people with swords being able to defeat people with guns. It was very exaggerated and it was as if the characters with guns were some type of NPCs on easy mode or something like that.

And another thing I didn't like is that I can say the creators lied when informing the public about when will the series end. They announced this season as "the last one", and from 2020 until 2022 they have been releasing new episodes, and apparently they all belong to this same season, the fourth one. What's worse, they also announced the series will reach its ending, the real final final ending, next year when they release more episodes.

This series has been among the most enjoyable anime productions I have seen in my life, but it is also the most mismanaged and the one with the worst planning and organization. The first season was released in 2013 and it has taken them 10 years to produce 4 seasons. Not to mention the strange length of season 4 which has so far lasted 3 years and will apparently end up lasting 4 years. I believe they continue to say these episodes belong to season 4 so they don't admit their mistake when they originally said season 4 was going to be the last one. To be fair, the episodes I watched recently could be considered season 5, and the ones from next year could be considered season 6, and not part 2 and part 3 as they are officially called.

Final thoughts

Despite that organizational mess, I am super hyped about seeing how this epic, tragic and sad story will reach its end. Friends become foes, enemies become allies, secrets are revealed left and right, and the biggest chaos you can think of is what makes this series so good.

El alcance del conflicto actual alcanzará un nivel extremo de caos nunca antes visto en la serie. Todo lo que sucedió antes no es casi nada en comparación con la destrucción y las matanzas que tuvieron lugar en estos episodios finales. Esto fue algo que me encantó ver porque la historia realmente estaba elevando las apuestas a niveles nunca antes vistos.

La resolución final de la serie puede hacer que el espectador reflexione sobre la moralidad de ciertas decisiones de los personajes principales, especialmente de Eren. En un conflicto, especialmente uno de tal magnitud, es difícil permanecer moralmente neutral y objetivo. La decisión de Eren puede ser fácilmente criticada y si lo pensamos, es difícil defender su razonamiento para ello.

El dilema moral con respecto a esta decisión extrema de Eren resultará en conflictos porque no todos los eldianos apoyan esta drástica medida. La transformación psicológica de Eren a lo largo de la serie es una de los más fascinantes e inquietantes de todos los personajes de anime que he visto. La guerra y el trauma realmente pueden causar estragos en la estabilidad mental de una persona.

A lo largo de la temporada, hubo muchos eventos inesperados que suceden justo a tiempo. ¿Sabes cuándo algo significativo está a punto de suceder, y de repente algo lo detiene justo en el último segundo? Bueno, sucedió varias veces esta temporada y, aunque no arruinó la historia, fue un poco molesto de ver.

Hubiera preferido que el grupo que puede considerarse los "villanos" en los últimos episodios fuera un poco más competitivo. Eran tan fácilmente engañados y superados que incluso parecían tontos a veces.

No me gustaba ver a las personas con espadas siendo capaces de derrotar a la gente con armas. Era muy exagerado y era como si los personajes con armas fueran algún tipo de NPC en modo fácil o algo así.

Y otra cosa que no me gustó es que puedo decir que los creadores mintieron al informar al público sobre cuándo terminará la serie. Anunciaron esta temporada como "la última", y desde 2020 hasta 2022 han estado lanzando nuevos episodios, y al parecer todos pertenecen a esta misma temporada, la cuarta. Lo que es peor, también anunciaron que la serie llegará a su final, el verdadero final final, el próximo año cuando lancen más episodios.

Esta serie ha sido una de las producciones de anime más disfrutables que he visto en mi vida, pero también es la peor gestionada y la que tiene la peor planificación y organización. La primera temporada se estrenó en 2013 y les ha llevado 10 años producir 4 temporadas. Sin mencionar la extraña duración de la temporada 4 que hasta ahora ha durado 3 años y aparentemente terminará durando 4 años. Ellos continúan diciendo que estos episodios pertenecen a la temporada 4, por lo que no admiten su error cuando originalmente dijeron que la temporada 4 iba a ser la última. Para ser justos, los episodios que vi recientemente podrían considerarse temporada 5, y los del próximo año podrían considerarse temporada 6, y no parte 2 y parte 3 como se llaman oficialmente.

Reflexiones finales

A pesar de ese lío organizativo, estoy súper entusiasmado por ver cómo esta historia épica, trágica y triste llega a su fin. Los amigos se convierten en enemigos, los enemigos se convierten en aliados, los secretos se revelan a diestra y siniestra, y el mayor caos que te puedas imaginar es lo que hace que esta serie sea tan buena.


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The Best
Lo Mejor

  • It was impressive to see Eren's development and psychological changes throughout the series.
  • Fue impresionante ver el desarrollo y los cambios psicológicos de Eren a lo largo de la serie.

The Worst
Lo Peor

  • The disorder from the creators in finishing this series and constantly delaying it.
  • El desorden de los creadores en terminar esta serie y retrasarla constantemente.

Critic: 8/10

Crítica: 8/10


Previous reviews

Reseñas previas

Severance (7.5/10) - "I know you don’t want to be here, but I’m glad you are." [ENG + ESP]
Ozark season 4 part 2 (8.5/10) - "Well, are you gonna fսcking do this shit or what?" [ENG + ESP]
The Batman (8.5/10) - "You know, you really could be doing more for this city" [ENG + ESP]

About Dedicatedguy

I am a Venezuelan geek, cinephile and introverted guy. I have always been passionate about tech innovations as well as creative fictional stories that can make your mind inhabit another world.

Writing about various topics, learning about the ever-expanding crypto world, and doing a little bit of trading is how I spend most of my days. My preferred forms of entertainment are films, series, European football, and a good book from time to time.

I chose "dedicatedguy" as my username to constantly remind myself about the importance of consistency and dedication in order to achieve any desired result we might want in life.

If this post provided something of value to you, any type of positive interaction such as a comment, reblog, or upvote is highly appreciated. ❤️

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5 years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then.


Hey there,
Attack on Titan is my favorite anime series right now! I also didn’t like anime and I used to judge everyone that watched it but when I saw a single scene of Attack on Titan back in 2017, I was hooked. It basically started my anime journey.

The series is just really good and I think I’m not overhyping it. The plot and character development is awesome. I just can’t describe it. Also, the fact that we discover who the true enemies are in season 4 is just wow. You’re right, it’s hard to know who the good and bad guys are. At some point it’s just people with different views of things.

Season 4 started off a bit confusing but the story just got better. Eren’s actions have just been really wrong right from the time he left the group in Marley.

The big revelation of the Attack Titan was just insane too. When it was revealed I was just like “how? What?” It makes you wonder if there’s any point of trying to stop his grand plan.

I totally agree that the series has been overstretched. I was pissed when I heard that the final finale would be released next year just like they promised us it would be this year. Well let’s just wait and see what happens. I have to admit that I kinda don’t want it to be completed just yet.😅

I wrote a review on Attack On Titan a while back. You might like it.

I really like your post!


when I saw a single scene of Attack on Titan back in 2017, I was hooked

I will never forget the first time I saw this scene mate, not many anime productions have given me unforgettable moments, but this one was one of them. I was already hooked before this scene, but wow that moment was intense.

Also, the fact that we discover who the true enemies are in season 4 is just wow

I never expected the series to end the way it is ending. To see Eren doing the massive thing he plans to do and to see enemies becoming allies in order to prevent the genocide. Really crazy, I am not sure if I would prefer a tragic ending or a heroic one.

Eren’s actions have just been really wrong right from the time he left the group in Marley.

Yeah, the last episode tries to explain Eren's line of thought and the reasons why he became so radical. I am not justifying him though but what he has gone through would break most people's minds.

It makes you wonder if there’s any point of trying to stop his grand plan.

Yep, that's right. Maybe the show will really have a tragic ending after all. I wonder what you think will happen in the next few episodes? In my case, I think Eren will succeed with his crazy plan, much to the disgrace of everyone else.

Thanks for the visit and the nice comment mate!


Man this scene was really touching in every way. At first you might think Eren wasn’t the real protagonist but then the big surprise comes.

Eren’s will power is really admirable. After being inside the belly of a Titan, I really don’t blame the guy for getting messed up in the head. Nobody knows what he saw. Can you imagine being in one of those things surrounded the bodies of your comrades? I can’t

Thanks for the visit and the nice comment mate!

You’re welcome! I can’t skip good posts ;)


After being inside the belly of a Titan, I really don’t blame the guy for getting messed up in the head.

lol I guess that's right. By the way, I saw on Twitter that you read the manga and already know the ending, thanks for not telling anything about it 😅, I have no idea how this story will end and my plan is to wait for the next episodes next year. It will be a long wait and I hope it is worth it.

You’re welcome! I can’t skip good posts ;)

Many thanks I really appreciate it!


I know there is a lot of fantastic anime series out there with great stories and plots but And Attack on Titan is like a top anime series and I'm missing this as well and I do pity myself for that.

@tipu curate 4



If you haven't seen it I really recommend you to check it out. You probably already know a bit about how the story goes but it might still be worth watching. It could be a good idea to wait for next year when the final episodes are released though, so you can binge-watch them all without having to wait for anything.

Thanks for stopping by!


Attack on Titan is, and would forever be goated. This was my first anime. Aot is too good that I became a regular anime person (weeb). The character development in this story is 100/10, the storytelling is one of the best I've ever seen in my entire (if not the best). After the first part of the fourth season, I became too impatient that I had to read the manga series to finish the story. The delay in the anime series is really unnecessary. If the story wasn't so good, I know that a lot of people would've given up on aot.

My personal review? 100/10


It is clear many people started to pay attention to this genre thanks to this series, I consider it one of the best stories I have ever seen on a series.

I do agree that many people would have forgot about the series and stop watching it due to all the delays and disorder from the anime creators. I haven't and won't check the manga though. I will wait for the new episodes next year. 😇