Better Call Saul season 6 (8/10) - "All roads lead back to you. I'd like to think that this ends it." [ENG + ESP]

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When it comes to series from the crime genre, I have to say Breaking Bad is among the best ones I have seen in my life, probably the best one. The creators of this series, Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould, are so talented that even their spin-off series, Better Call Saul is awesome as well.

I never thought this spin-off series would be as good as it turned out to be, and with this season 6, it now has more seasons than the original show.

The series is about the origins of a very peculiar lawyer from the Breaking Bad series. He is a lawyer that always has a solution for all sorts of problems and feels super comfortable working with all types of criminals. That's what we see of him in Breaking Bad, but when Better Call Saul begins, he is nowhere near being as proficient at his job.

The story is about this man going from a somewhat mediocre person, to an extremely skilled and quick-witted lawyer. Throughout the show, we will see this man turning more and more Machiavellian, and doing riskier and riskier things in his search for success.

He always has creative plans that can allow him to win some money, and his creativity will also be of huge help in solving issues for criminals but also in surviving when he gets into serious problems. He has no morals, and he can fake any personality in order to trick people into doing what he wants or believing what he needs them to believe. He is an expert manipulator and I even suspect he might be some type of psychopath given his cold blood when it comes to lying and manipulating people.

He is only half of the show, by the way, the other half is his partner Kim. A female lawyer that, unlike Jimmy/Saul, has a stronger sense of morality and she doesn't like getting involved in illegal things, much less in jobs in the drug world. Despite this huge difference between them, they are somehow compatible with each other and they form a great team both professionally but also romantically. However, I have always thought that their relationship was doomed to fail and this was actually one of my expectations for this season.

One of the things that make both this series and Breaking Bad so awesome is how believable, well-written, and well-acted are all the complications that happen constantly in the life of the different characters.

Cuando se trata de series del género criminal, tengo que decir que Breaking Bad está entre las mejores que he visto en mi vida, probablemente la mejor. Los creadores de esta serie, Vince Gilligan y Peter Gould, son tan talentosos que incluso su serie spin-off, Better Call Saul, también es increíble.

Nunca pensé que esta serie spin-off sería tan buena como resultó ser, y con esta temporada 6, ahora tiene más temporadas que el programa original.

La serie trata sobre los orígenes de un abogado muy peculiar de la serie Breaking Bad. Es un abogado que siempre tiene alguna solución para todo tipo de problemas y se siente súper cómodo trabajando con todo tipo de delincuentes. Eso es lo que vemos de él en Breaking Bad, pero cuando Better Call Saul comienza, no está cerca de ser tan competente en su trabajo.

La historia trata sobre este hombre que pasa de ser una persona algo mediocre, a un abogado extremadamente hábil e ingenioso. A lo largo de la serie, veremos a este hombre volviéndose cada vez más maquiavélico, y haciendo cosas cada vez más arriesgadas en su búsqueda del éxito.

Siempre tiene planes creativos que pueden permitirle ganar algo de dinero, y su creatividad también será de gran ayuda para resolver problemas para los delincuentes, pero también para sobrevivir cuando se mete en problemas graves. No tiene moral, y puede fingir cualquier personalidad para engañar a la gente para que haga lo que quiere o crea lo que necesita que crean. Es un experto manipulador e incluso sospecho que podría ser algún tipo de psicópata dada su sangre fría cuando se trata de mentir y manipular a la gente.

Él es solo la mitad del espectáculo, por cierto, la otra mitad es su compañera Kim. Una abogada que, a diferencia de Jimmy/Saul, tiene un sentido más fuerte de la moralidad y no le gusta involucrarse en cosas ilegales, y mucho menos en trabajos en el mundo de las drogas. A pesar de esta gran diferencia entre ellos, de alguna manera son compatibles entre sí y forman un gran equipo tanto profesional como románticamente. Sin embargo, siempre he pensado que su relación estaba condenada al fracaso y esta era en realidad una de mis expectativas para esta temporada.

Una de las cosas que hacen que tanto esta serie como Breaking Bad sean tan buena es lo creíbles, bien escritas y bien actuadas que son todas las complicaciones que suceden constantemente en la vida de los diferentes personajes.

Better Call Saul

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This series has had some absolutely genius moments when Jimmy/Saul, the cunning lawyer with no morals, figured out a way to do a trick and manipulation that was absolutely hilarious to watch. There was even one moment when he pretended to be some man from a church and I was literally laughing my ass off when watching that scene for the first time. His character is surely some type of evil genius that blossomed late in life and is now giving his best.

When it comes to this season, given all the surprises this series have provided so far I wasn't sure what to expect. The people that watched Breaking Bad already know that some characters must survive, but this doesn't really reduce the intrigue and intensity of this last season.

As we all know, in the drug world there are betrayals left and right, and the ending of the previous season was more intense than usual because a major betrayal took place which will probably result in a huge bloodbath in this season.

This season begins right with the aftermath of that attack, with the traitor running for his life and the drug lord who miraculously survived the attack recovering his forces to accomplish his revenge. This guy is a cold blood killer and I was expecting him to really let his sadistic side loose and slaughter his enemies.

The guy who betrayed him, on the other hand, will prove to have almost spider-like instincts when it comes to his survival. He is in a very tough spot and is being hunted down by a very resourceful drug cartel.

The series sometimes feels like both stories are unrelated, the Saul/Jimmy's story as a crooked lawyer, and the story with the drug dealers with all their betrayals and attacks in Mexico. It wasn't until the very last scene in the final episode that these 2 stories finally get interwoven again.

Many events took place without these 2 stories getting embedded with each other. I knew something big had to happen in this final season because one of its main characters never appears on Breaking Bad, and this made me think there are some painful deaths coming.

Esta serie ha tenido algunos momentos absolutamente geniales cuando Jimmy/Saul, el astuto abogado sin moral, descubrió una manera de aplicar un truco o manipulación que fue absolutamente hilarante de ver. Incluso hubo un momento en que fingió ser un hombre de una iglesia y literalmente me estaba riendo al ver esa escena por primera vez. Su personaje es seguramente algún tipo de genio malvado que floreció tarde en la vida y ahora está dando lo mejor de sí.

Cuando se trata de esta temporada, dadas todas las sorpresas que esta serie ha proporcionado hasta ahora, no estaba seguro de qué esperar. Las personas que vieron Breaking Bad ya saben que algunos personajes deben sobrevivir, pero esto realmente no reduce la intriga y la intensidad de esta última temporada.

Como todos sabemos, en el mundo de las drogas hay traiciones a diestra y siniestra, y el final de la temporada anterior fue más intenso de lo habitual porque tuvo lugar una gran traición que probablemente resultará en un gran baño de sangre en esta temporada.

Esta temporada comienza justo con las secuelas de ese ataque, con el traidor corriendo por su vida y el capo de la droga que sobrevivió milagrosamente al ataque recuperando sus fuerzas para lograr su venganza. Este tipo es un asesino a sangre fría y esperaba que realmente dejara su lado sádico suelto y matara a sus enemigos.

El tipo que lo traicionó, por otro lado, demostrará tener instintos casi de araña cuando se trata de su supervivencia. Está en una situación muy difícil y está siendo perseguido por un cártel de la droga muy ingenioso.

La serie a veces parece que ambas historias no están relacionadas, la historia de Saúl/Jimmy como un abogado torcido, y la historia con los traficantes de drogas con todas sus traiciones y ataques en México. No fue hasta la última escena del episodio final que estas 2 historias finalmente se entrelazan nuevamente.

Muchos eventos tuvieron lugar sin que estas 2 historias se relacionaran entre sí. Sabía que algo grande tenía que suceder en esta temporada final porque uno de sus personajes principales nunca aparece en Breaking Bad, y esto me hizo pensar que se avecinan algunas muertes dolorosas.

Better Call Saul

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Kim Wexler will also prove that Jimmy/Saul has certainly been an influence on her due to her lack of morals when it comes to manipulating people in order to advance her dirty agenda. She and Jimmy/Saul will join forces in doing one of the typical dirty tricks that have made the main character so popular since the beginning, and as always, it was a delight to watch.

It was easy to notice that the heat was increasing as the series continued to advance. I believed a massive clash was inevitable but I had the suspicion this clash was going to happen in part 2 of this season, and not on these first 7 episodes. This is what usually happens when a season is split into 2 parts, such as Ozarks or Attack on Titan. Luckily, the last episode is going to be released in August so the wait on this series won't be that bad.

After watching part 1 of this last season, I can confirm all the bloody action was saved for the second part.

These episodes had several good moments and we will see Jimmy/Saul and Kim doing a perfectly Machiavellian prank on one of their lawyer rivals that allowed them to shine as bright as never before. However, there was some tragedy involved and things are clearly only going to get worse in what's next.

I would have preferred for the whole season to be released together instead of this new nonsense of releasing 1 season in 2 parts. This doesn't make sense to me and I am sure I must not be the only fan that dislikes this new way of releasing content. Nevertheless, as mentioned before, waiting a few weeks won't be that bad.

Final thoughts

Better Call Saul is a masterpiece of the crime genre, and it proves that both Vince Gilligan and Peter Gould are world-class writers. They have created 2 series that are a must-watch and there aren't many people in the world that can say this.

I am not happy seeing this final season was released in 2 parts instead of only in 1 part like normal seasons, but the series is so good that I don't really care that much.

I will patiently wait for the second and final part of this series, and I am sure the ending of this story will be unforgettable. This series is historic and I would say just as good as Breaking Bad.

Kim Wexler también demostrará que Jimmy/Saul ciertamente ha sido una influencia en ella debido a su falta de moral cuando se trata de manipular a la gente para avanzar en su agenda sucia. Ella y Jimmy/Saul unirán fuerzas para hacer uno de los típicos trucos sucios que han hecho que el personaje principal sea tan popular desde el principio, y como siempre, fue una delicia verlo.

Era fácil notar que el calor aumentaba a medida que la serie continuaba avanzando. Creía que un choque masivo era inevitable, pero tenía la sospecha de que este choque iba a suceder en la parte 2 de esta temporada, y no en estos primeros 7 episodios. Esto es lo que suele suceder cuando una temporada se divide en 2 partes, como Ozarks o Attack on Titan. Afortunadamente, el último episodio se lanzará en agosto, por lo que la espera en esta serie no será tan mala.

Después de ver la parte 1 de esta última temporada, puedo confirmar que toda la acción sangrienta se guardó para la segunda parte.

Estos episodios tuvieron varios buenos momentos y veremos a Jimmy/Saul y Kim haciendo una broma perfectamente maquiavélica a uno de sus rivales abogados que les permitió brillar como nunca antes. Sin embargo, hubo alguna tragedia involucrada y las cosas claramente solo van a empeorar en lo que sigue.

Hubiera preferido que toda la temporada se lanzara junta en lugar de esta nueva tontería de lanzar 1 temporada en 2 partes. Esto no tiene sentido para mí y estoy seguro de que no debo ser el único fan al que no le guste esta nueva forma de lanzar contenido. Sin embargo, como mencioné anteriormente, esperar unas semanas no será tan malo.

Reflexiones finales

Better Call Saul es una obra maestra del género criminal, y demuestra que tanto Vince Gilligan como Peter Gould son escritores de clase mundial. Han creado 2 series que son imprescindibles y no hay mucha gente en el mundo que pueda decir esto.

No estoy contento de ver que esta temporada final se lanzó en 2 partes en lugar de solo en 1 parte como las temporadas normales, pero la serie es tan buena que realmente no me importa tanto.

Esperaré pacientemente la segunda y última parte de esta serie, y estoy seguro de que el final de esta historia será inolvidable. Esta serie es histórica y yo diría que tan buena como Breaking Bad.

Breaking Bad

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The Best
Lo Mejor

  • This is one of the best series currently out there, and one of the best crime productions of the last 10 years.
  • Esta es una de las mejores series que existen actualmente, y una de las mejores producciones de crimen de los últimos 10 años.

The Worst
Lo Peor

  • Both stories spent too much time apart from each other, and I don't like seeing a single season being divided into 2 parts.
  • Ambas historias pasaron demasiado tiempo separadas entre sí, y no me gusta ver una sola temporada dividida en 2 partes.

Critic: 8/10

Crítica: 8/10


Previous reviews

Reseñas previas

Official Competition (7/10) - A story about the intricacies and drama of making a film. [ENG + ESP]
Locke & Key Season 1 (7/10) - "Only kids can get into Narnia" [ENG + ESP]
The Last Duel (8/10) - "From what I have heard, you have no trouble acquiring beautiful women" [ENG + ESP]

About Dedicatedguy

I am a Venezuelan geek, cinephile and introverted guy. I have always been passionate about tech innovations as well as creative fictional stories that can make your mind inhabit another world.

Writing about various topics, learning about the ever-expanding crypto world, and doing a little bit of trading is how I spend most of my days. My preferred forms of entertainment are films, series, European football, and a good book from time to time.

I chose "dedicatedguy" as my username to constantly remind myself about the importance of consistency and dedication in order to achieve any desired result we might want in life.

If this post provided something of value to you, any type of positive interaction such as a comment, reblog, or upvote is highly appreciated. ❤️

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Lots of people already told me about this TV show but I am still not convinced to watch it!! Your review helped a bit to maybe to give a try!

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Sure thing mate. Is one of the best TV shows currently out there. 👍


Ayer temprano vi el inicio de la ultima tanda de episodios ( Ya se estreno) Estuvo genial, es increíble como generaron tensión en la historia, aunque sabemos que no le pasara nada grave a Saul, Mike y Gus. peor es la a forma de contar la historia. Ve a verlo o espera que emitan todos los 6 episodios para disfrutarlo un solo día.


Voy a esperar hasta que salgan completo bro, termina creo que por mediados de agosto. Es cierto que saber que esos personajes van a sobrevivir le quita tensión, pero estoy preocupado por Kim. Algo tiene que suceder con ella y sospecho que va a ser muy trágico.


Hey @dedicatedguy I can see how dedicated you are because you right some of the best reviews in this community. Well written and we'll broken down.

Even if I havn't seen any of the series I can feel the sense of intrigue and it feels like a very dangerous field where mind games and tricks are the other of the day.

Seems like something I'll enjoy seeing but I'm taken aback when you mentioned it's in two parts, eish that'll surely kill my vibe if I ever want to watch this series but I'm sure it so good, I take your word for it..

Tahnks for the great review ❤️


The second part will be completely released around August mid or so, so right now would be a great time to start watching this series. Especially because there are 6 seasons of it already.

Thanks for the visit mate!