I used to be famous: Passion’s Revival and Friendship

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Never before have I been so emotionally invested in a film that explores various facets of life. I knew I had to watch I Used to Be Famous as soon as I saw the trailer for it on Netflix. It was strange for me to enjoy this movie as someone who has a passing interest in music. Yet I came to understand that this movie is more than that. Beyond the music itself, that includes the challenges of musicians, from a previous well-known band member to a young youngster who wants to attend music school. I would appreciate it if you took the time to read the entire blog since I think this movie is deserving of your time.

An image edited in Canva. The original image was from The Review Geek.

“If you have a second shot, then you really have to take it. There will never be the third shot. -Stevie”

About the film

The movie I Used to be Famous was directed by Eddie Sternberg, a novice filmmaker in the field, but he directed this film and he did an excellent job with the production. It was written by two seasoned writers, Zak Klein and Eddie Sternberg. The movie starred Ed Skrein, Eleanor Matsuura, and his grand debut, Leo Long. Netflix released the trailer clip on August 8, 2022, and finally made an announcement later on that the movie would be released on September 16th, 2022.

“Follows Vince, a desperate former popstar who dreams of making a comeback. An impromptu jam session with autistic young drummer Stevie sparks an unexpected friendship between the two misunderstood musicians. -IMDb

About the characters

The original image was from MovieWeb.

Vince (Ed Skrein) – I liked Vince’s character in the movie. It was not your typical character that ambushes and gives it all to each scene, which would look like overacting. He had good dramatic facial features, allowing heavy scenes to be well-portrayed. The success he had tasted before was famous and made him well-known, but the other side of his character was full of regrets.

The original image was from Vague Visages.

Stevie (Leo Long) – the movie gave us a character that we will love and support. Stevie has autism, which is why her mother doesn’t allow her to socialize because it triggers him. However, the movie highlighted that even if you are a person with a disability, you can still be independent in your own way. You know, you just have to let it out, be someone you want to be, and achieve your end goal.

The original image was from Vague Visages.

Amber (Eleanor Matsuura) - As I expected, she will be very protective of her son and will not allow him to sail on the path that has been set for him. She was a lovely mother, full of wisdom, and gave outstretched parenting. Which parent wants the best for his or her child? Of course, everyone, but not every time, the parent should take care of their child’s business.

The movie triggered feelings and insights in me.

Success is temporary, of that, I can be certain. Success today may not equate to success tomorrow. The movie did an excellent job of emphasizing how important it is to work hard in order to maintain success. Reevaluate your circumstances and think about where you are now and where you want to go. I still clearly recall Vince and Stevie's wonderful yet commonplace meeting. The chance encounter between a young man in need and a desperate middle-aged man was a memorable one. This provided the spark to create a fresh prospect for the two of them and marked the beginning of possibility.

The original image was from The NewYork Times.

The mother was well equipped to defend and safeguard her youngster from the impending threat. When she learned that her son also fervently desired to perform, the situation grew more heated. She didn't like the concept, but she still accompanies her son on stage for performances. The movie also made overcoming stage fright a key theme. Many of us have refrained from approaching the stage to deliver performances in front of the audience. Stevie first had difficulty, but with enough mental and psychological assistance, he was able to complete the performances.

“You don’t need to be like anyone else. You’re perfect just as you are. -Amber”

One of the best lines, it really makes me feel depths inside. Sometimes the drive to change who we are caused us to lose sight of who we really are. You cannot become successful by simply following the route of some other people. You must go through your own process, have faith in your ability to succeed, and make all the necessary sacrifices.

“The joy that comes from teaching through music is better than any money or success. -Dia”

Dia is a music therapist who is passionate about helping others. Vince, a conscientious individual who met Dia in the therapy room, had his outlook on life altered. I had a feeling that there would be a time when a complete stranger would walk into our lives and just slam us with a harsh reality. I came to see that the most important aspect of teaching is not the pay, but rather the satisfaction you get from guiding your students and watching how their lives are improved. What an invaluable keepsake!

Would I recommend it?

Indeed, most definitely! This film serves as a reminder that music will always be there to save you, no matter how broken you are, rather than as a lesson on how to play and enjoy music. There will come a day when your journey will pay off. Even though it isn't as impressive among some, it is still an accomplishment worth having. I encourage everyone, whether they are musicians or not, youngsters or adults, to check out this film. This film is best suited for you.

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Uwuu I also looking for some interesting list of movies to watch. And here you come. I becomes curious about the plot twist and everything in the movie. Exactly, success and fame never be forever.


Yeah, you should watch this movie, bro. I totally recommend it to anyone since it gives different vibes and life lessons. I'm quite exaggerated, but it's worth watching.


Gonna watch this sna this weekend..mukhanh mganda..

You don’t need to be like anyone else. You’re perfect just as you are

Agree to this..we all are perfect in our own way..we just need to see it and unleash the hidden ability we have.


Oh, don't hesitate and have a second thoughts about it. You gonna love this movie ate @jane1289. That's true, the hidden ability we have sometimes contained a big surprise.


You have a resemblance with the actor, Denn. I'm don't watch Netflix, so I am just going to trust your reviews 🙂


Thanks, going to add it to my list :), is not like immediate watch, but it did ring a bell or two in my head, thanks for the post :)