Best of the series | The Dark Knight Rises Review

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In my opinion, the movie was in Dark Knight quality and the biggest plus of the movie was the Joker. It's like a continuation of the first movie because the plan that Ras al Ghul couldn't complete in the first movie is being tried to be completed in this movie. But the film lagged behind the first two films with its shortcomings.


It was different from the other productions of the series, with the cityscape turning into a battlefield rather than a superhero movie. Batman is so helpless in this episode that you say "enough is enough". You want it to return to its strong and agile state as it used to be, but the fatigue of years is reflected very well in this context.


The Dark Knight Rises is the highly anticipated final installment in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. The film picks up eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, with Batman (played by Christian Bale) in self-imposed exile after taking the fall for Harvey Dent's crimes. But when a powerful new enemy emerges in the form of Bane (played by Tom Hardy), Batman must come out of hiding and once again become the hero Gotham needs.

Official Movie Trailer

The action and atmosphere of the movie was good, but the mistakes and clichés in the movie do not go unnoticed, the police attacking with only guns in the city war, and the fight between Batman and Bane in the final was very cliché. In addition, extras who throw themselves to the ground without taking any blows do not go unnoticed. It was also absurd that their police, who were stuck in the tunnel for three months, came out with a shaven.


One of the things that makes The Dark Knight Rises stand out is its impressive cast. In addition to Bale and Hardy, the film also stars Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle (a.k.a. Catwoman), Joseph Gordon-Levitt as John Blake, and Marion Cotillard as Miranda Tate. Each of these actors delivers a strong performance, bringing their respective characters to life in a way that is both believable and captivating.

Another standout aspect of the film is its action sequences. From the opening scene, in which Bane and his men take control of a CIA plane, to the climactic battle between Batman and Bane on the streets of Gotham, the movie is filled with intense, thrilling moments that will keep audiences on the edge of their seats. Nolan and his team of stunt coordinators and special effects experts do a masterful job of creating action scenes that are both visually impressive and emotionally resonant.


One of the things that sets The Dark Knight Rises apart from other superhero movies is its complexity. Unlike many other films in the genre, which can be somewhat shallow and one-dimensional, this movie is rich in both theme and character development. The story explores a wide range of ideas, from the corrupting influence of power to the blurred lines between hero and villain. The characters are also well-developed, with each of them going through meaningful arcs that allow the audience to understand their motivations and see them as more than just caricatures.

A fitting ending to Nolan's Batman trilogy. It's a well-made movie with great action, a talented cast, and a complex storyline that will satisfy audiences. Whether you're a fan of superhero movies or just looking for an exciting journey, this is definitely a movie worth watching.


Newcomer to the series, Joseph Gordon Levitt, was good, but I didn't know how to feel when I heard the name Robin in the finale. It seems to me that Christopher Nolan did not work as seriously as in the first two films and did not dwell on the project that much. The trilogy already had the feeling that it would end after the last movie, but at least the finale was worthy of the end of the trilogy.

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