Kadaisi Vivasayi - South India Village cult Tamil movie review

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"Kadaisi Vivasayi" is a Tamil term that explains that last farmer. Through the above movie poster and title, you can guess the genre of the movie. At first, I heard the name I too thought of some social information movie but it was not like that. This story entirely expresses the life of the old farmer who is the only farmer in the village working hard and his age.

It was a usual culture of villages in Tamilnadu to celebrate the local temple festival and we believed the local god is protecting the people of the village and we will sacrifice goats, cereals grown on the same village fruits and flowers. For the rice paddy "Nallandi" who was the old man cultivated the rice paddy as per village people's request and he needed will give the paddy to temple festival that's what the culture of the village is.

Here in the movie entire story was an extremely realistic screenplay of the old and healthy farmer. I was astonished by the dialogue " I never get injected by needle from my birth and it's my first injection" shows how healthy life it was.

Overall :- 8.5/10
Screenplay :- 10/10
Movie link :- https://www.sonyliv.com/movies/kadaisi-vivasayi-1000164112?watch=true

I am sure that everyone has different tastes in watching movies. Let me know your favorite movie in the comment as it would be helpful for my weekends 😉. Happy Sunday 😁

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