At Cinema Watched One Piece Film: Red

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Neutral Orange Watercolor Kartu Ucapan Terimakasih.png

This movie was released on September 21, 2022 in Indonesia. I watched on September 22, a Thursday. I watched with my brother and sister. This is the 15th theatrical movie from One Piece. Titled One Piece Film: Red

Film ini rilis pada tanggal 21 September 2022 di Indonesia. Aku menonton di tanggal 22 September, hari Kamis. Aku menonton bersama abang dan kakakku. Ini adalah theatrical movie dari One Piece yang ke-15. Berjudul One Piece Film: Red

One Piece is the number 1 Japanese comic series in the world, is the highest selling Japanese comic series of all time. Adapted into an anime series by Toei Animation. The anime is very popular. Tells about Luffy, a young boy who dreams of becoming the pirate king. With his friends, he sails the seas, stopping at many islands of the Grand Line.

One Piece adalah komik serial Jepang nomor 1 di dunia, adalah komik serial Jepang dengan penjualan terbanyak sepanjang masa. Diadaptasi menjadi serial anime oleh Toei Animation. Animenya sangat populer. Menceritakan tentang Luffy, anak muda yang punya cita-cita menjadi raja bajak laut. Bersama teman-temannya, ia mengarungi lautan, berhenti di banyak pulau di Grand Line.

About the movie: source

Tentang film tersebut: sumber


Uta -- the most beloved singer in the world. Renowned for concealing her own identity when performing, her voice has come to be described as "otherworldly." Now, for the first time ever, Uta will reveal herself to the world at a live concert. As the venue fills with all kinds of Uta fans -- excited pirates, the Navy watching closely, and the Straw Hats led by Luffy who simply came to enjoy her sonorous performance -- the voice that the whole world has been waiting for is about to resound. The story begins with the shocking fact that she is Shanks' daughter.

Uta -- penyanyi paling dicintai di dunia. Terkenal karena menyembunyikan identitasnya sendiri saat tampil, suaranya telah digambarkan sebagai "dunia lain." Sekarang, untuk pertama kalinya, Uta akan mengungkapkan dirinya kepada dunia di konser langsung. Saat venue dipenuhi dengan semua jenis penggemar Uta -- bajak laut yang bersemangat, Angkatan Laut yang mengawasi dengan cermat, dan Kelompok Topi Jerami yang dipimpin oleh Luffy yang hanya datang untuk menikmati penampilannya yang nyaring -- suara yang ditunggu-tunggu oleh seluruh dunia akan segera bergema. Cerita dimulai dengan fakta mengejutkan bahwa dia adalah putri Shanks.

Genre: Action, Adventure, Anime
Director: Goro Taniguchi
Writer: Tsutomu Kuroiwa

Genre: Aksi, Petualangan, Anime
Sutradara: Goro Taniguchi
Penulis: Tsutomu Kuroiwa



We watched at the cinema CGV Focal Point. We watched in Audi #3. Our ticket booking was to buy at the cinema, not online order. Showtime was 15:10 (3:10 pm). 1 ticket costed IDR 40,000, so our 3 tickets were IDR 120,000.

Kami menonton di bioskop CGV Focal Point. Kami menonton di Audi #3. Pemesanan tiket kami adalah beli di bioskop, bukan pesan online. Waktu penayangan adalah pukul 15:10. 1 tiket harganya Rp40.000, jadi 3 tiket kami adalah Rp120.000.


It was the umpteenth time I went to that cinema. The cinema is good.

Itu adalah kesekian kalinya aku ke bioskop tersebut. Bioskopnya bagus.






This movie is musical. Uta, an important character in this movie, is a singer with a good voice. Uta's songs are good. Uta is Luffy's childhood friend. She is determined to create a new generation. She is a pirate hater.

Film ini musikal. Uta, tokoh penting di film ini, adalah penyanyi dengan suara bagus. Lagu Uta enak-enak. Uta adalah teman masa kecil-nya Luffy. Dia bertekad menciptakan generasi baru. Dia adalah pembenci bajak laut.

Overall, I don't think the story line is good. For graphics, good.

Secara keseluruhan, alur ceritanya menurutku kurang bagus. Untuk grafis, bagus.

Thank you for seeing this post!

Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. I also watch many movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

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Oh a musical of one piece, the truth is I have never seen the anime, but I know it is very long, very famous in Japan and many around me see it hehehehe, excuse my ignorance friend, but I never thought they would have made a musical of the series, I loved that they try to give it another kind of expression, maybe it was not entirely to your liking, but maybe those who like musicals do.

I loved your post showing pictures of the experience going to buy the ticket and the whole thing my friend.


Thank you so much my friend... as i remember it was the first time i watched a musical in the cinema, the music was so loud, it was an exciting experience...


I'm a big fan of anime.I've seen a couple of them for example naruto, gods of high school and demon slayer(Though demon slayer is still airing) it's one of the best I've ever seen.
I'll most certainly check out "one piece" just hope it's catchy like other good animes


I love Naruto and Demon Slayer... thank you for stopping by


You're welcome and thanks for the vote