One Piece is BACKKK!!! Review of One Piece Eps. 1014 - "Marco's Tears! The Bonds of the Whitebeard Pirates"

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The One Piece anime hadn't released for a few weeks. Last Sunday was the first release after weeks of not releasing. One Piece is the most successful Japanese comic series in the world, having sold more than 500 million copies. Adapted into anime by Toei Animation, One Piece is one of the most popular anime in the world. One Piece tells of Monkey D. Luffy, the eater of a devil fruit called Gomu Gomu, across the ocean with his comrades in the Straw Hat Pirates, aiming for the Laugh Tale to get the legendary treasure called One Piece. The story is very good, One Piece deals with real-world situations such as slavery, genocide, political marriages, power struggles, evil government, and others.

Anime One Piece tidak rilis selama beberapa minggu. Hari minggu lalu adalah rilisan pertama setelah berminggu-minggu tidak rilis. One Piece adalah komik serial Jepang yang paling sukses di dunia, sudah terjual lebih dari 500 juta eksemplar. Diadaptasi ke dalam anime oleh Toei Animation, One Piece adalah salah satu anime paling populer di dunia. One Piece menceritakan tentang Monkey D. Luffy, pemakan buah iblis bernama Gomu Gomu, mengarungi lautan bersama rekan-rekannya dalam Kelompok Bajak Laut Topi Jerami, bertujuan ke Laugh Tale untuk mendapatkan harta legendaris bernama One Piece. Ceritanya sangat bagus, One Piece mengangkat keadaan-keadaan di dunia nyata seperti perbudakan, genosida, pernikahan politik, perebutan kekuasaan, pemerintahan yang jahat, dan lain-lain.

The episode that was released last Sunday was Episode 1014, that's what I'm reviewing in this post. I watched on an app called Bstation.

Episode yang rilis hari minggu lalu adalah Episode 1014, itulah yang ku review di postingan ini. Aku menonton di aplikasi bernama Bstation.


Title: "Marco's Tears! The Bonds of the Whitebeard Pirates" ("Air Mata Marco! Ikatan Bajak Laut Shirohige" in Bahasa)
Duration: 23 minutes 51 seconds

Judul: "Marco's Tears! The Bonds of the Whitebeard Pirates" ("Air Mata Marco! Ikatan Bajak Laut Shirohige" dalam Bahasa Indonesia)
Durasi: 23 menit 51 detik




This episode is of course still in the Wano Kuni Arc, where the main enemy is Yonkou Kaido, the captain of the Beast Pirates. The opening of this episode is still the same as the opening of the previous episode. This episode begins with a flashback about Ace and Yamato.

Episode ini tentu saja masih di Arc Wano Kuni, yang mana musuh utamanya adalah Yonkou Kaido, kapten Kelompok Bajak Laut Binatang Buas. Opening episode ini masih sama dengan opening episode sebelumnya. Episode ini diawali dengan kilas balik tentang Ace dan Yamato.

As the title implies, Marco shed tears remembering his past on the Whitebeard Pirates's ship. Marco is featured in this episode a lot. Marco's flashback is interesting, the audience is told the reason why the Whitebeard Pirates did not take revenge for Oden's death. What is the reason? See for yourself...

Sesuai dengan judulnya, Marco menitikkan air mata mengingat masa lalunya di kapal Kelompok Bajak Laut Shirohige. Marco banyak ditampilkan di episode ini. Kilas balik ingatan Marco menarik, penonton diberitahu alasan mengapa Kelompok Bajak Laut Shirohige tidak balas dendam atas kematian Oden. Apa alasannya? Lihat sendiri...

This episode features group of Tama, Nami, and Usopp riding on Komachiyo. Tama just found out something, and it made her regret. This episode also features group of Yamato, Momonosuke, and Shinobu.

Episode ini menampilkan kelompok Tama, Nami, dan Usopp yang menaiki Komachiyo. Tama baru saja mengetahui suatu hal, dan itu membuatnya menyesal. Episode ini juga menampilkan kelompok Yamato, Momonosuke, dan Shinobu.





Big Mom and the homies are also featured in this episode. Big Mom is one of the Yonkou, she is my favorite Yonkou. I like the homies. She arrived at Kaido's place, Kaido is one of the other Yonkou, where in that place 9 samurai had been defeated, of course.

Big Mom beserta para homies juga ditampilkan di episode ini. Big Mom adalah salah satu Yonkou, dia adalah Yonkou favoritku. Aku suka para homies. Dia sampai di tempat Kaido, Kaido adalah salah satu Yonkou yang lain, yang mana di tempat itu 9 samurai telah dikalahkan, tentu saja.

In this episode there is a quarrel between Big Mom and Kaido. It was revealed in this quarrel what exactly is Big Mom's service to Kaido that she had mentioned in one of the episodes more than 100 episodes ago. What exactly is Big Mom's service to Kaido? Please see for yourself. Even though there was a quarrel, in the end they got back together.

Di episode ini terjadi percekcokan antara Big Mom dan Kaido. Diungkap di percekcokan ini apa sebenarnya jasa Big Mom kepada Kaido yang pernah disebutnya di salah satu episode lebih dari 100 episode yang lalu. Apa sebenarnya jasa Big Mom kepada Kaido? Silahkan lihat sendiri. Walaupun terjadi percekcokan, pada akhirnya mereka kembali akur.



As a result, this episode is exciting. The next episode will definitely be more exciting, that's how I felt from the preview. The next episode is titled "Strawhat Luffy! The Man Who Will Become the King of Pirates!"

Walhasil, episode kali ini seru. Episode selanjutnya pasti akan lebih seru, begitu yang kurasakan dari previewnya. Episode selanjutnya berjudul "Strawhat Luffy! The Man Who Will Become the King of Pirates!"

Thank you for seeing this post!

Terima kasih telah melihat postingan ini!

About the author of this post:
20211104_111143.jpg My name is Faisal Hanafi, I live in Medan, Indonesia. I am a student at a college in my city. My hobby is reading books. I have hundreds of books. There are comics, novels, and others. My favorite comics are The Promised Neverland, Detektif Conan. I also watch some movies and anime. I joined Hive starting from 2021. At Hive, I write about food, books and more. My cooking ability went up because of Hive.

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