RE: Film Review: Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)


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I'm gonna be honest, I loved this movie back in the day even though I was (and still am) the farthest away from this lifestyle depicted in Clerks, Mallrats, Chasing Amy and especially Jay and Silent Bob. But it was peak American 90s Grunge culture that had a melancholic undertone to it, I couldn't quite put my finger on then, but certainly now, when we see the trajectory of that country from the 90s to now.
There is a feeling of "not belonging anymore". Maybe I'm projecting and Kevin Smith would not consciously have made those films that way. But the undercurrent of American culture and the way, American society was headed, is perfectly encapsulated in his films of that era. A teenager myself entrenched in American culture, I could somehow relate and was almost obsessed with movies like this.

Not Jay and Silent Bob obviously, which was just a funny movie about two losers, but the aforementioned films in that series.

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