Serrada escrima history deepdives! Grandmaster Darren Tibon himself!

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Well my friend Darren really outdid himself with this interview.

As me and him have been talking I keep telling him about how this information needs to come out. And holy cow is it coming out.

Well there have been a lot of people making up their own history and this is going to be a huge deep dive into what's really going on.

I've been waiting for this interview to come out for quite a while and I absolutely was not disappointed.

Grand Master Darren also has Master cherry on here which is an exceptionally high ranking and knowledgeable individual that has video as well as photography evidence from decades of martial arts training.

The level.of talent and skills is just amazing. The progression and continued training and skill development is just growing.

And of course this amazing show is just showcasing the rise of this group. And rightfully so.

Not only do these individuals have physical ability skills and capability.

Grand Master Darren has an amazing martial arts conference with the top FMA guys in the world attending. And I'm definitely going to be there.

Not only do I get a chance to vend but I also get a chance to attend and check out all of the amazing events as well as attend the buffet and eat with everyone.

Leading up to this is amazing interviews with top martial arts practitioners.

Quite a few of these amazing don't take interviews. And it's a testimony of Darren's skills and respect these people show up and share such knowledge.

Well you might be able to figure out who the individuals they talk about here are and maybe one day I'll pin the tail on the donkey.

However until then I'm just going to enjoy knowing what's really going on behind the scenes.

Really hope that you guys like this.

Saturday august 6, 5:18 pm...

Have been asked asked and accepted on Darren's show.... Wow...

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