Midweek KDrama Recommendations and Reviews - Hot League Stove

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Hello everyone
How are you today ? may we all always be given health and also happiness in living this life. I am very happy, finally to be able to participate and contribute to the Movies & TV Shows Community to share recommendations for films, dramas or tv shows. It seems, I haven't shared posts in this community for a long time.

Some time ago, I accidentally watched a Korean drama that Netflix recommended to me. The drama is a Korean drama with 16 episodes entitled Hot League Stove. At first, I was just having fun but I did this drama marathon to finish in about two days. I think this drama is suitable for me to recommend to friends to accompany you in the middle of this week.

Synopsis of Hot League Stove
Hot Stove League PosterSource Picture

Dreams, one of the professional baseball clubs in the legendary South Korean major baseball league but has always been ranked last for four consecutive seasons in the South Korean Major League Baseball. The management and team sponsors are trying to find a new age manager who can improve the team's performance for the better.

The search for a new general manager brings together Baek Seung-soo (played by Namgoong Min), an accomplished sports team manager but this is his first experience managing a professional baseball team. Manager Beak has a unique reputation, the sports team he manages always wins but disbands after achieving that success. Assisted by operations manager Lee Se-young (played by Park Eun-bin), a female manager who has been with this team for 10 years. They are trying to find a way out and the best strategy for this team to rise from adversity.

Anti Mainstream Theme
When you hear about Korean dramas, you must often think that the Korean genre ranges from romance, comedy and drama. Hot League Stove became the first sports Korean drama that I watched throughout my journey watching Korean dramas. Oh, yes, there are actually several sports-themed dramas such as Weightlifting Fairy Kim Bok-joo, Racket Boys, or Love All Play that I've watched. However, the drama is more towards the romance or comedy side.

Korean Drama about Baseball and Sports Team ManagementSource Picture

Hot League Stove is very different from most Korean dramas. We like watching Brad Pitt's Money Ball but the asian version and the drama. The theme of sports or sports teams like this is indeed a two-sided coin. If not managed properly, this theme can become very boring. However, with extraordinary writing and scenes in this drama. It's like we're watching an exciting and thrilling thriller drama.

This drama consists of 16 episodes and we can watch it on Netflix. After I finished this drama, I found one of its charms, namely the way the director and screenwriter create and build conflicts and also resolve them. Every episode, the team's management always gets into trouble and dynamics as a result of Manager Baek's revolutionary policies for the team.

As a spectator, it's like I get a lot of insight and enlightenment about managerial, communication and lobbying negotiations from every scene in this drama. One of the big lessons for me, is to eliminate "Toxic" things first before doing what is planned. We can try this in real life, maybe some of our programs and plans often fail and are thwarted by some Toxic people who don't want us to get better.

Solid Cast and Amazing Acting Performance from Namgoong Min
All Cast Hot League StoveSource Picture

Hot League Stove is filled with many well-known cast members in the Korean drama and film industry. If we have watched more than 10 Korean dramas, we will definitely find these actors and actresses. Every actor and actress synergizes with each other to create natural and real scenes. The actors succeeded in translating each screenplay and the director's wishes to produce a drama scene that is enjoyable to watch.

The biggest credit goes to Nam Goong-min who plays the figure of Manager Beak with a very cool, firm and tough character. In this drama, Nam Goong-Min is made into a person who rarely smiles but in every scene he does reflects the attitude of an ideal leader and is respected by his friends and opponents.

Nam Goong-minSource Picture

The position of Beak Manager in the Base Ball Team is indeed very difficult, he is a newbie in the sport of base ball and was chosen to manage and lead the team. Negotiating salaries, firing and expelling players from the team, arranging player drafts, and reading the statistics of each player he has to do so that his every direction can be heard by staff and players from the baseball team.

In the early moments of the drama, I could feel the dilemma that was occurring. Try to imagine, a new boss and not someone who has a career from a team and suddenly becomes the leader of that team. I can imagine how the staff, coaching team and players on the baseball team would think. However, once again Manager Baek successfully answered all those doubts.

Park Eun Bin Source Picture

In addition, we also give special credit to Park Eun-bin who plays Lee Se-young, who is the only female operational manager in the South Korean major league baseball industry. He succeeded in playing the role of a powerful manager and bridging between factions such as the coaching team, players, employee staff to age managers. His role is very vital, because without good cooperation, the planning planned by Manager Baek will not be carried out successfully.

Full of emotion and lots of moral messages
There is no love line story in this drama, a very rare sight in Korean dramas. However, Hot League Stove has plenty of heartwarming moments for us to share. Some scenes really touch our hearts. The moment when, Manager Baek was holding the baby of the child of a prospective player who was about to be recruited. Manager Baek has a background story about his wife having a miscarriage and it really touches my heart.

Besides that, there are lots of moral messages that we can take in this drama. One of them is about sacrifice, like in one scene a legendary senior pitcher who has entered retirement is willing to cut his salary so that he can continue to help his juniors on the team. We will also see how the other players work hard and try to be even better.

As additional information and additional reasons for you to watch this drama, Hot League Stove is the winner of the 2020 Beaksang Art Awards for the best television series drama category beating the legendary and popular Crash on Landing You, When Camelia Blooms, and The World of Married. So, if you want to watch a drama with a different experience, there's nothing wrong with watching Hot League Stove.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

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I got bored watching this but stayed because I like Namgoong Min. That's the only reason I could get through the episodes.


hello @macchiata thank you for stopping by and Glad you stopped by again to my post.
Initially, I watched this drama with my wife. However, my wife got bored after two episodes maybe that's how you feel.

Finally, I watched this drama alone in a marathon. Thankfully, at that time I was in a good mood and enjoyed every episode of Hot Stove League. Moreover, the cameo at the end of the episode is also interesting.


This series looks quite interesting I like it because it seems to me that it may not be one of those dramas in which they give you motivation soon I will be looking for it Thank you very much for sharing this great movie with us


hello @elfino28 thank you for stopping by and I am very happy to be able to give you additional recommendations for watching dramas. Enjoy watching.