Hotel Transylvania: Transformania SPA / ENG

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Hello friends! I hope you are well, as you know, I am a big fan of animated movies and today I would like to tell you about a movie that I recently saw and I really liked, I hope you like it.

¡Hola amigos! Espero que estén bien, como saben, soy muy fan de las peliculas animadas y hoy me gustaría hablarles de una pelicula que recién vi y me gustó mucho, espero les guste.


Hotel Transylvania: Transformania is the fourth and final installment of the franchise, it was initially going to be released in theaters last year but due to the increase in cases of COVID-19 Sony sold the premiere rights to Amazon Prime Video and it was finally released on the 14th. January 2022. Starring Brian Hull (replacing Adam Sandler), Selena Gomez as Mavis, Andy Samberg as Johnny, Keegan-Michael Key as the mummy Murray among others.

Hotel Transylvania: Transformania es la cuarta y última entrega de la franquicia, iba a ser estrenada inicialmente en cines el año pasado pero debido al aumento de casos de COVID-19 Sony vendió los derechos de estreno a Amazon Prime Video y finalmente fué estrenada el 14 de Enero de 2022. Protagonizada por Brian Hull (en reemplazo de Adam Sandler), Selena Gomez como Mavis, Andy Samberg como Johnny, Keegan-Michael Key como la momia Murray entre otros.



The movie begins with the celebration of the hotel's 125th anniversary, where Mavis listens to her father saying that he plans to retire and leave the administration of the hotel to his daughter Mavis and son-in-law Johnny, she excitedly tells her husband, who excitedly tells her tells Dracula about his plans to renovate the hotel, which causes him to worry, leading him to lie to Johnny that a "real estate rule" only allows monsters to own the hotel, which leaves to Johnny disappointed.

La pelicula empieza con la celebración del aniversario Número 125 del hotel, dónde Mavis escucha a su padre diciendo que piensa jubilarse y dejarle la administración del hotel a su hija Mavis y a su yerno Johnny, ella emocionada le cuenta a su esposo, el cual emocionado le cuenta a Drácula sobre sus planes para renovar el hotel, lo cual hace que se preocupe, por lo que lo lleva a mentirle a Johnny diciendole que por una "norma de bienes raíces" solamente permite a los monstruos ser dueños del hotel, lo cual deja a Johnny decepcionado.


Johnny turns to Van Helsing who decides to help him turn into a monster using a ray that turns humans into monsters and vice versa so after testing it on Gigi (a guinea pig) he uses it on Johnny who turns into a monster similar to A dragon. Upon finding out, Dracula decides to turn Johnny back to normal but he accidentally first becomes human and then breaks the beam. Van Helsing tells them that they can return to normal by finding a new crystal which is located in a cave in South America so Dracula and Johnny decide to get going.

Johnny recurre a Van Helsing el cual decide ayudarlo a convertirse en monstruo usando un rayo que aconvierte a humanos en monstruos y viceversa asi que después de probarlo en Gigi (un conejillo de indias) lo usa en Johnny el cual se convierte en un monstruo parecido a un dragón. Drácula al enterarse decide volver a Johnny a la normalidad pero accidentalmente primero se convierte en humano y luego rompe el rayo. Van Helsing les dice que pueden volver a la normalidad encontrando un nuevo cristal el cual está ubicado en una cueva en América del Sur por lo que Drácula y Johnny deciden ponerse en marcha.


En el hotel, los amigos de Drac Frank, Wayne, Griffin y Murray se vuelven humanos y Blobby un plato de gelatina luego de beber de una fuente cuya agua fué contaminada con el rayo, Mavis y Erica confrontan a Van Helsing al enterarse de lo ocurrido y luego también se ponen en marcha hacía sudamérica, Van Helsing les advierte sobre los efectos del rayo, el cual hace que los humanos se vuelvan más hostiles al convertirse en monstruos, por lo que viajan rápidamente. Me pareció muy gracioso cuando los monstruos se convirtieron en humanos ya que el hombre invisible literalmente estaba desnudo por lo que me dió risa cuando lo vistieron, también cuando son descubiertos.

At the hotel, Drac's friends Frank, Wayne, Griffin and Murray turn human and Blobby a bowl of jelly after drinking from a fountain whose water was contaminated with lightning, Mavis and Erica confront Van Helsing upon learning what happened. and then they also set off for South America, Van Helsing warns them about the effects of the lightning, which makes humans become more hostile by becoming monsters, so they travel quickly. I found it very funny when the monsters became humans since the invisible man was literally naked so it made me laugh when they dressed him, also when they are discovered.


When Dracula and Johnny arrive in South America, Drac was scared since he didn't know how to be a human, so he goes through some embarrassing situations like when he tries not to get run over when they leave the airport, or when they walk through the jungle and Drac for not protecting himself he gets bitten by mosquitoes, bitten by piranhas and also gets tired from carrying a lot of luggage. Dracula becomes very fond of Johnny during the trip, and one night just as Dracula was about to confess to Johnny that he lied about real estate law when the others find them. Johnny is upset when he finally admits to the deception so he thinks Dracula hates him and doesn't consider him family and runs away.

Cuando Drácula y Johnny llegan a sudamérica, Drac estaba miedoso ya que no sabía como ser un humano, por lo que pasa por situaciones un poco embarazosas como cuando intenta que no lo atropellen cuando salen del aeropuerto, o cuando van caminando por la jungla y a Drac por no protegerse lo pican los mosquitos, lo muerden las pirañas y también se cansa por cargar mucho equipaje. Drácula comienza a tomarle mucho cariño a Johnny durante el viaje, y una noche justo cuando Drácula estaba por confesarle a Johnny que mintió sobre la ley de bienes raíces cuando los demás los encuentra. Johnny se molesta cuando finalmente el admite el engaño por lo que piensa que Drácula lo odia y no lo considera familia y escapa.


After complaining to Dracula about what happened, the group splits up when Mavis goes looking for Johnny and the others go looking for the crystal. Mavis finds Johnny, but the transformation has made him very dangerous so she decides to take him to a cave. where they find the crystal, but when Mavis tries to turn it back to normal by shooting it with the beam, it has no effect. Desperate Dracula allows himself to be captured by Johnny and ends up sincerely apologizing to him saying how much he appreciates him and how wrong he was with him. Thanks to this Johnny returns to his senses and finally to normal.

Luego de reclamarle a Drácula por lo que pasó, el grupo se divide cuando Mavis va en busca de Johnny y los demás van en busca del cristal, Mavis encuentra a Johnny, pero la transformación lo ha vuelto muy peligroso por lo que decide llevarlo a a cueva dónde encuentran el cristal, pero cuando Mavis intenta regresarlo a la normalidad al dispararle con el rayo, este no surge efecto. Drácula desesperado se deja capturar por Johnny y se termina disculpando sinceramente con él diciendo lo mucho que lo aprecia y lo equivocado que estaba con él. Gracias a esto Johnny vuelve a sus sentidos y finalmente a la normalidad.


Once back at the hotel everyone completely returned to normal, they realize that it has been completely destroyed by Gigi, who also mutated and became a dangerous creature which later also returned to normal and totally destroyed, Dracula mourns his loss but then decides to give Mavis and Johnny the key to the hotel so they can rebuild it to their liking. A year later Mavis and Johnny take Dracula to see how the hotel was completely rebuilt, although with some changes which leave him totally surprised.

Una vez de vuelta al hotel todos completamente vueltos a la normalidad, se dan cuenta que ha sido completamente destruido por Gigi, la cual también mutó y se convirtió en una criatura peligrosa la cual luego también volvieron a la normalidad destruyó totalmente, Drácula lamenta su pérdida pero luego decide darles la llave a Mavis y Johnny del hotel para que lo reconstruyan a su gusto. Un año después Mavis y Johnny llevan a Drácula a ver como quedó el hotel totalmente reconstruido, aunque con algunos cambios lo cual lo dejan totalmente sorprendido.


I loved this movie a lot, I'm a fan of these movies so for me it was bittersweet that they've already put an end to the franchise, but they did it in a nice way, the animation is very good, the characters are very funny as always and the The story has important messages about self-love, family and the sacrifices made for them, for me it is one of the best in the saga.

Esta pelicula me encantó mucho, soy fan de estas peliculas asi que para mí fué agridulce que ya le hayan dado fin a la franquicia, pero lo hicieron de una linda manera, la animación es muy buena, los personajes son muy cómicos como siempre y la historia tiene importantes mensajes sobre el amor propio, a la familia y los sacrificios que se hacen por ellos, para mi es una de las mejores de la saga.


It is also, if you will, the most touching of the saga, although the third was quite good in my opinion, this one surpasses it. I liked the way Dracula takes a liking to Johnny after spending time with him and really getting to know him made him realize how wrong he was and finally apologize, I also liked that they gave Johnny the spotlight and also the maturity that they have acquired some characters including Dracula himself. Although I am sad that they are not going to release another installment, I am happy with the ending they gave to the story.

Es también si se quiere la más enternecedora de la saga, aunque la tercera fué bastante buena a mi parecer, esta la supera. Me gustó la manera en la que Drácula le toma cariño a Johnny luego de pasar tiempo con él y conocerlo verdaderamente le hizo darse cuenta de lo equivocado que estaba y finalmente disculparse, también me gustó que le dieran protagonismo a Johnny y también la madurez que han adquirido algunos personajes incluyendo al propio Drácula. Aunque me entristece que ya no vayan a sacar otra entrega, me contenta el final que le dieron a la historia.


Well dear friends this has been all for today's post, I hope you liked and entertained. Thanks to all as always for your attention and supporting my work, I send you all a big hug and we will meet again in another post.

Bueno queridos amigos esto ha sido todo por el post de hoy, espero les haya gustado y entretenido. Gracias a todos como siempre por vuestra atención y apoyo a mi trabajo, os mando un fuerte abrazo a todos y nos reencontraremos en otro post.


The farewell image was made by me with canva editor, and all the images of the movie used in the post are screenshots taken on my PC to a digital copy that I keep of this movie.

La imagen de despedida fué realizada por mi con canva editor, y todas las imágenes de la pelicula ultilizadas en el post son capturas de pantalla tomadas en mi PC a una copia digital que conservo de esta pelicula.

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Watch out for the human traffickers at hivefest. You wont know it until its too late. STAY AWAY! Beware, traffickers can be women or men! They will act nice until they dont. There is human trafficking going on around this type of crypto. I have witnessed it. They literally have attempted my murder and are trying to kill me with V2K and RNM. Five years this has been happening to me, it started here, around people that are still here. Homeland security has done nothing at all, they are not here to protect us. Dont we pay them to stop shit like this? The NSA, CIA, FBI, Police and our Government has done nothing. Just like they did with the Havana Syndrome, nothing. Patriot Act my ass. The American government is completely incompetent. The NSA should be taken over by the military and contained Immediately for investigation. I bet we can get to the sources of V2K and RNM then. ..... if you run into one of them you may want to immediately shoot them in the face. 187, annihilate, asphyxiate, assassinate, behead, bleed, bludgeon, boil, bomb, bone, burn, bury, butcher, cap, casket, choke, chop, club, crucify, crush, curb, decapitate, decimate, deflesh, demolish, destroy, devein, disembowel, dismember, drown, electrocute, eliminate, end, euthanize, eviscerate, execute, explode, exterminate, extinguish, finish, fry, grind, guillotine, gut, hack, hang, hit, ice, implode, incinerate, kill, liquidate, lynch, massacre, maul, microwave, mutilate, neutralize, obliterate, off, pop, poison, punnish, quarter, ruin, shank, shock, shoot, shred, skin, slay, slaughter, smoke, smother, snipe, snuff, squish, stab, strangle, stone, suffocate, suicide, SWAT, swing, terminate, torture, terrorize, whack, waste, wreck. You better fucking kill me.


A mi me encanta como con elegancia el hotel pasa a la siguiente generación y esto queda bien agregado como parte de la historia finalmente, lo cual le da un toque genial y hermoso al filme, que no tendria en otra situacion, gracias por traerlo, fue encantador recordarlo, saludos.


As a cartoon fan, Hotel Transylvania is a good one!
I saw this movie and I loved it, the way the monsters turned into humans and tried to blend in was hilarious indeed.

Great review, you covered everything.


Wow, I'm an animation fan and I've seen the other two of the franchise but haven't seen this one 😩😩..

It's great to see that they actually added a lot of spice into it this time, johnny being at the center of it all was certainly something we didn't expect.

Based off your review it seems to be a pretty great story and one I'll enjoy...

Thanks for sharing dear ❤️✅