RE: How to commit a crime and get away with it [ENG|ESP]

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This series has been very successful, but I only watched a few random episodes of the first season and couldn't continue, it's not bad, it has an interesting plot, but it's the kind of series I don't like to watch. Now that it has so many seasons, I feel less like watching it hahaha. but I've read a lot of positive reviews. Shonda, the creator, is the new queen of American TV, everything she does is a success.

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Si es buena, entretenida, dramática, intrigante, tiene su toque, y si tuvo 6 temporadas, la alargaron bastante jeje, pero estuvo bien, si no me imagine que te gustaría mucho jiji, pero bueno, quizás más adelante te animes, gracias por leerme amigo, saludos. 🤗