Reign Over Me (2007) and the depiction of friendship in hard times [Eng | Spa]

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Loss, grief, sorrow, pain, and deep difficulty, that's where a story of friendship is born in Reign Over Me (2007), it goes beyond saying that this film is beyond the point of sanity or any common sense, anyone would have escaped this situation, but instead, this film told us about the friend Alan Johnson(Don Cheadle) who brings himself into it.

He does it so that he could help an old lost friend, Charlie Fineman(Adam Sandler) who is lost to tragedy, and this film is a showcase of how true friendship works, and how love can go beyond time and space, as a ghost living in the present in someone else face.

Reign Over Me

Made by me on Canva Pro.

Reign Over Me seems like a movie about broken souls, that is evident to most people that see it, but when you focus on that you lose its true beauty, it is a movie about deep solicitude and mourning, it is, in a sense, a depiction of desperation, desperation for human connection, this I call, the act of needing true friends.

When the movie first rolls in we see a man roaming around the streets on a scooter, he seems deeply lost in himself, and is utterly obvious that he is unaware of his surroundings, just with this point you can easily figure out Adam Sandler's Character core, he is lost and that is ok.

The way Alan finds him is at random, he is at that same moment also lost, in both his life and his professional career, that encounter is the manifestation of both of their needs. Alan needs a friend to set his life back on the trail, Charlie needs a friend to help him open up and finally heal his wounds.

Scooter time with Alan

We are shown that Alan did try to reach his friend many times in the past few years and that he was just unreachable at the time, we are also shown many times how he is utterly broken by his family's demise and stuck on an endless loop of pain. At this point, this is as straightforward as it gets, and we see one of the several times Adam Sandler does a good performance as a dramatic actor, something that is clear-cut when we see him on Uncut gems, ironically.

He does a marvelous job of transmitting that inner pain and hopelessness to us, but at the same time, he shows us comedy moments, not like he's common child-like jokes, but real honest comebacks that feel natural to both the character and the environment.

Charlie's face

As a side we also see Alan's story, he is utterly stuck as well, in a job that hates, in a marriage that is failing because he does not talk with his wife, and in a life of boring monotony. He needs a little push to break that circle and progress in his life again, he needs both contact and a different kind of love that his family gives him, he needs a good friend.

We are all Alan's at some point in our life, stuck in a boring time loop of self-suppression is part of how monotony feels, and is something we are out to change but never quite did it, some people say stuff like: "When I'm older", "is not time yet" or something like "I will do it when I retire" but those are lies, a way to never fix our problems and excuse our way out of life, reaching our final day of life leaving so many regrets behind... Don nails this role like nothing I have ever seen in a Sandler movie.

Alan and his wife on bed

With their connection well established, it was inevitable to see moments of true friendship, to be precise it was the looks, the smiles, the little jokes, the good times that they both had as a way to cope and escape their problems, it was a marvelous mix of moments that shine thought the movie. After all, we are all bound to our memories, yet Charlie pretended not to, and in that way, he was more than open to creating new ones with Alan, so he did, they go to a cinema together, they go to record stores, bought stuff, played video games, etc.

The look

The problem was that Charlie used video games as a way to both escape and endure his life will without his family, to him, the game "Shadow of the colossus" is in itself a masterpiece on Grief is the place where Charlie runs to, and it show us how much he is loss on grief and how much he fights, he sees his depression and solicitude as a giant colossus to be slain, yet is funny how easily Alan slays a colossus as soon as he learns the basics of the game, Alan helps Charlie to slay his giant, and Charlie helps Alan with his, the way friendship should be.

Shadow of the colossus

As soon as they are shown in a more bonding theme, the idea of finally pulling Charlie off that mental wall that prevents him from taking help, actual psychological help, is finally broken, and it began with a couple of friends eating together talking small talk, just two simple dinners of junk food with cheap drinks and Alan did what four people failed to do before him, he managed to connect with Charlie.

That connection is something special because a good friend could save your life. So do remember to be an Alan to someone in your life, to anyone, just open your heart to someone and be a guide. You see, I went through a rough depression back a few years, and to be honest, friends like Alan are one of the reasons in alive today.

Yes this movie have a lot to cut, more subplots and characters, but I find it to my liking to just focus on the friendship, is not a friend who is on the good times only, a real friend sticks with you on the hard times and helps, sometimes in silence, sometimes in noise, but always in company, Just being there is a great place to start, and that is the lesson I learned from Reign Over Me.

Made by me on CanvaPro

I hope you enjoyed my post, and if you don't mind me asking, have you ever had a friend like Charlie, who is utterly lost at some point? Or have you ever been the one that needed an Alan? I will read you in the comments.

All Screenshots are taken from my physical copy of the movie.


¡Hola comunidad de Movies & TV Shows!

Pérdida, pena, dolor, y profunda dificultad, ahí es donde nace una historia de amistad en Reign Over Me (2007), va más allá decir que esta película está más allá del punto de cordura o de cualquier sentido común, cualquiera hubiera escapado de esta situación, pero en cambio, esta película nos habló del amigo Alan Johnson(Don Cheadle) que se mete en ella.

Lo hace para poder ayudar a un viejo amigo, Charlie Fineman(Adam Sandler) que está perdido en la tragedia, y esta película es una muestra cómo funciona la verdadera amistad, y cómo el amor puede ir más allá del tiempo y el espacio, como un fantasma que vive en el presente en el rostro de otra persona.

Cartel promocional, con el nombre traducido

Recuperado de Movieposterdb.

Reign Over Me parece una película sobre almas rotas, eso es evidente para la mayoría de la gente que la ve, pero cuando te centras en eso pierdes su verdadera belleza, es una película sobre la profunda soledad y el luto, es en cierto sentido, una representación de la desesperación, la desesperación por la conexión humana para ser precisos, esto lo llamo, el acto de necesitar verdaderos amigos.

Cuando la película comienza, vemos a un hombre que deambula por las calles en un scooter, parece profundamente perdido en sí mismo, y es totalmente obvio que no es consciente de su entorno, sólo con este punto se puede averiguar fácilmente el núcleo del personaje de Adam Sandler, está perdido y eso está bien.

La forma en que Alan lo encuentra es al azar, él está en ese mismo momento también perdido, tanto en su vida como en su carrera profesional, ese encuentro es la manifestación de las necesidades de ambos. Alan necesita un amigo que le devuelva el rumbo a su vida, Charlie necesita un amigo que le ayude a abrirse y a curar por fin sus heridas.

Tiempo de Scooter con Alan

Se nos muestra que Alan sí ha intentado contactar con su amigo muchas veces en los últimos años y que simplemente era inalcanzable en ese momento, también se nos muestra muchas veces cómo está totalmente roto por la desaparición de su familia y atrapado en un bucle de dolor sin fin. En este punto, esto es lo más sencillo que hay, y vemos una de las varias veces que Adam Sandler hace una buena interpretación como actor dramático, algo que queda cortantemente claro cuando lo vemos en Uncut gems, irónicamente.

Hace un trabajo maravilloso al transmitirnos ese dolor y desesperanza interior, pero al mismo tiempo, nos muestra momentos de comedia, no como si se tratara de sus chistes infantiles comunes, sino de verdaderas respuestas inteligentes y honestas que se sienten naturales tanto para el personaje como para el entorno.

La cara de Charlie

Como complemento también vemos la historia de Alan, que está totalmente estancado en un trabajo que odia, en un matrimonio que está fracasando porque no habla con su esposa, y en una vida de aburrida monotonía. Necesita un pequeño empujón para romper ese círculo y volver a progresar en su vida, necesita tanto el contacto como el amor diferente al que le da su familia, necesita un buen amigo.

Todos somos Alan en algún momento de nuestra vida, atrapados en un bucle de tiempo aburrido y autosuficiente, es parte de cómo se siente la monotonía, y es algo que nos proponemos cambiar pero nunca lo logramos, algunas personas dicen cosas como: "Cuando sea mayor", "Aún no es el momento" o algo así como "Lo haré cuando me jubile" pero eso son mentiras, una forma de no arreglar nunca nuestros problemas y excusar nuestra salida de la vida, llegando a nuestro último día de vida dejando tantos remordimientos... Don logra este papel como nada que haya visto en una película de Sandler.

Alan y su mujer

Con su conexión bien establecida, era inevitable ver momentos de verdadera amistad, para ser precisos eran las miradas, las sonrisas, las pequeñas bromas, los buenos momentos que ambos tenían como forma de sobrellevar y escapar de sus problemas, era una maravillosa mezcla de momentos que brillan e iluminan la película. Al fin y al cabo, todos estamos atados a nuestros recuerdos, sin embargo, Charlie pretendía no hacerlo, y de esa manera, estaba más que abierto a crear otros nuevos con Alan y así lo hizo, fueron juntos al cine, fueron a tiendas de discos, compraron cosas, jugaron a videojuegos, entre otros.

La amistad

El problema era que Charlie utilizaba los videojuegos como una forma tanto de escape como de soportar su vida sin su familia, para él, el juego "Shadow of the colossus" que es en sí mismo una obra maestra sobre Duelo era el lugar a donde Charlie corre, esto sólo nos muestra lo mucho que está perdido en la pena y lo mucho que lucha, él ve su depresión y la soledad como un coloso gigante para ser derrotado, sin embargo, es divertido lo fácil que Alan mata a un coloso tan pronto como aprende los fundamentos del juego, Alan ayuda a Charlie a matar a su coloso, y Charlie ayuda a Alan con el suyo, la forma en que la amistad debe ser.

Shadow of the colossus

En cuanto se muestran en un tema más vinculante, la idea de alejar a Charlie de ese muro mental que le impide tomar ayuda, mejor dicho, ayuda psicológica de verdad, y empezó con un par de amigos comiendo juntos hablando de cosas sin importancia, sólo dos simples cenas de comida basura con bebidas baratas y Alan hizo lo que cuatro personas no consiguieron hacer antes que él, consiguió conectar con Charlie.

Esa conexión es algo especial porque un buen amigo puede salvarte la vida. Así que recuerda ser un Alan para alguien en tu vida, para cualquiera, simplemente abre tu corazón a alguien y sé un guía. Verás, yo pasé por una dura depresión hace unos años, y para ser honesto, amigos como Alan son una de las razones por las que estoy vivo hoy.

Sí, esta película tiene mucho que cortar, más subtramas y personajes, pero encuentro de mi agrado centrarse sólo en la amistad, no es un amigo que está en los buenos momentos solamente, un verdadero amigo se apega a ti en los momentos difíciles y ayuda, a veces en silencio, a veces en el ruido, pero siempre en compañía, Sólo estar allí es un gran lugar para empezar, y esa es la lección que aprendí de Reign Over Me.

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Espero que les haya gustado mi publicacion, y si no les importa que pregunte ¿Habéis tenido alguna vez un amigo como Charlie, que está totalmente perdido en algún momento? O ¿Has sido tú el que ha necesitado un Alan? Los leeré en los comentarios.

Todas las capturas de pantalla están tomadas de mi copia física de la película.

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Awesome writing as ever !1UP from us, nice one bro!


Thanks, i guess, i totally screw it up and the post was not posted on hive-166847 as it supposed to be ...


You have received a 1UP from @stickupfilm!

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@cine-curator, @vyb-curator, @pob-curator, @pal-curator
And they will bring !PIZZA 🍕

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The operators doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved in the same discord groups around @fyrstikken and friends. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. Shes in some groups with seemingly detached characters that dont even acknowledge the others in the group, looking oddly staged. She starts projects and does nothing with it or the delegations after its used to sway people. Like @steempowertwins does<------fake along with her @teamgood <------fake. No substance in her comments and has a following that adores her for what? Life coach she is not nor is she insightful with any meaningful skills to follow. Ruler of pixie dust maybe? I would like for someone to show me but probably wont out fear maybe? @fyrstikken groups around him down voted me into censored and not viewable on my accounts as soon I told what they were doing.
I cant prove @battleaxe is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing V2K because she cant and could care less. I guarantee she knows this is going around and still wont prove it because she cant. Many of us here can prove what they have been doing to survive the past 5 years. What does she live off of? It definitely isnt in public view here.

I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have been trying to kill me using RNM with applied V2K mental games while revealing as many accessories to the crime as they can. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. Pretty serious accusations to just blow off and leave the crypto community hanging in fear of this danger.

They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome. They should start by looking at the communications between the top witnesses of Hive and the connection to @fyrstikken groups. Google his fucking name and see where his other interests lie around at least once maybe? The connections between @fyrstikken groups and all the exchanges built for Hive? Bet that would reveal some crazy ball less nutty shit. Homeland security should start preparing for their own incarcerations seeing how sloppy this was done. Patriot act my ass. Think we are really fools? Bad position your not getting out of. Dont be last to blow the whistle. Who will protect you?

People in and around @fyrstikkens groups are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 long torturing years and counting. That is a long time to wait for someone to die.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and why nothing is being done. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control that have ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers prevented from telling the truth from being treated as criminals? Not to mention civilians we let our leaders treat the same way.


The operators doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved in the same discord groups around @fyrstikken and friends. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. Shes in some groups with seemingly detached characters that dont even acknowledge the others in the group, looking oddly staged. She starts projects and does nothing with it or the delegations after its used to sway people. Like @steempowertwins does<------fake along with her @teamgood <------fake. No substance in her comments and has a following that adores her for what? Life coach she is not nor is she insightful with any meaningful skills to follow. Ruler of pixie dust maybe? I would like for someone to show me but probably wont out fear maybe? @fyrstikken groups around him down voted me into censored and not viewable on my accounts as soon I told what they were doing.
I cant prove @battleaxe is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing V2K because she cant and could care less. I guarantee she knows this is going around and still wont prove it because she cant. Many of us here can prove what they have been doing to survive the past 5 years. What does she live off of? It definitely isnt in public view here.

I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have been trying to kill me using RNM with applied V2K mental games while revealing as many accessories to the crime as they can. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. Pretty serious accusations to just blow off and leave the crypto community hanging in fear of this danger.

They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome. They should start by looking at the communications between the top witnesses of Hive and the connection to @fyrstikken groups. Google his fucking name and see where his other interests lie around at least once maybe? The connections between @fyrstikken groups and all the exchanges built for Hive? Bet that would reveal some crazy ball less nutty shit. Homeland security should start preparing for their own incarcerations seeing how sloppy this was done. Patriot act my ass. Think we are really fools? Bad position your not getting out of. Dont be last to blow the whistle. Who will protect you?

People in and around @fyrstikkens groups are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 long torturing years and counting. That is a long time to wait for someone to die.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and why nothing is being done. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control that have ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers prevented from telling the truth from being treated as criminals? Not to mention civilians we let our leaders treat the same way.


The operators doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved in the same discord groups around @fyrstikken and friends. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. Shes in some groups with seemingly detached characters that dont even acknowledge the others in the group, looking oddly staged. She starts projects and does nothing with it or the delegations after its used to sway people. Like @steempowertwins does<------fake along with her @teamgood <------fake. No substance in her comments and has a following that adores her for what? Life coach she is not nor is she insightful with any meaningful skills to follow. Ruler of pixie dust maybe? I would like for someone to show me but probably wont out fear maybe? @fyrstikken groups around him down voted me into censored and not viewable on my accounts as soon I told what they were doing.
I cant prove @battleaxe is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing V2K because she cant and could care less. I guarantee she knows this is going around and still wont prove it because she cant. Many of us here can prove what they have been doing to survive the past 5 years. What does she live off of? It definitely isnt in public view here.

I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have been trying to kill me using RNM with applied V2K mental games while revealing as many accessories to the crime as they can. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. Pretty serious accusations to just blow off and leave the crypto community hanging in fear of this danger.

They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome. They should start by looking at the communications between the top witnesses of Hive and the connection to @fyrstikken groups. Google his fucking name and see where his other interests lie around at least once maybe? The connections between @fyrstikken groups and all the exchanges built for Hive? Bet that would reveal some crazy ball less nutty shit. Homeland security should start preparing for their own incarcerations seeing how sloppy this was done. Patriot act my ass. Think we are really fools? Bad position your not getting out of. Dont be last to blow the whistle. Who will protect you?

People in and around @fyrstikkens groups are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 long torturing years and counting. That is a long time to wait for someone to die.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and why nothing is being done. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control that have ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers prevented from telling the truth from being treated as criminals? Not to mention civilians we let our leaders treat the same way.


La forma en la que vivimos es duelo es particular. La amistad ciertamente es un ingrediente importante para esos momentos dificiles.


Sin dudas, y un buen amigo a tu lado hace sentir como si tu peso disminuyera solo por un rato, es la magia de la amistad y de la conexión humana :)


Amigo realmente por circunstancias en la vida podemos encerrarnos en un bucle... Pero necesitamos siempre de alguien, un amigo para que poco a poco salga adelante. Excelente amigo 👍


The operators doing V2K with remote neural monitoring want me to believe this lady @battleaxe is an operator. She is involved in the same discord groups around @fyrstikken and friends. Her discord is Battleaxe#1003. Shes in some groups with seemingly detached characters that dont even acknowledge the others in the group, looking oddly staged. She starts projects and does nothing with it or the delegations after its used to sway people. Like @steempowertwins does<------fake along with her @teamgood <------fake. No substance in her comments and has a following that adores her for what? Life coach she is not nor is she insightful with any meaningful skills to follow. Ruler of pixie dust maybe? I would like for someone to show me but probably wont out fear maybe? @fyrstikken groups around him down voted me into censored and not viewable on my accounts as soon I told what they were doing.
I cant prove @battleaxe is the one directly doing the V2K and RNM. Doing it requires more than one person at the least. It cant be done alone. She cant prove she is not one of the ones doing V2K because she cant and could care less. I guarantee she knows this is going around and still wont prove it because she cant. Many of us here can prove what they have been doing to survive the past 5 years. What does she live off of? It definitely isnt in public view here.

I was drugged in my home covertly, it ended badly. They have been trying to kill me using RNM with applied V2K mental games while revealing as many accessories to the crime as they can. I bet nobody does anything at all. Ask @battleaxe to prove it. I bet she wont. Pretty serious accusations to just blow off and leave the crypto community hanging in fear of this danger.

They want me to believe the V2K and RNM in me is being broadcast from her location. And what the fuck is "HOMELAND SECURITY" doing about this shit? I think stumbling over their own dicks maybe? Just like they did and are doing with the Havana Syndrome. They should start by looking at the communications between the top witnesses of Hive and the connection to @fyrstikken groups. Google his fucking name and see where his other interests lie around at least once maybe? The connections between @fyrstikken groups and all the exchanges built for Hive? Bet that would reveal some crazy ball less nutty shit. Homeland security should start preparing for their own incarcerations seeing how sloppy this was done. Patriot act my ass. Think we are really fools? Bad position your not getting out of. Dont be last to blow the whistle. Who will protect you?

People in and around @fyrstikkens groups are reckless and should have shown the proper media what they had before taking me hostage for 5 long torturing years and counting. That is a long time to wait for someone to die.

What would you say while having a gun pointed at your head from an undisclosed location? Have people find it? My hands are tied while they play like children with a gun to my head. Its a terrorist act on American soil while some yawn and say its not real or Im a mental case. Many know its real. This is an ignored detrimental to humanity domestic threat. Ask informed soldiers in the American military what their oath is and why nothing is being done. Nobody has I guess. Maybe someone told ill informed soldiers they cant protect America from military leaders in control that have ill intent. How do we protect locked up soldiers prevented from telling the truth from being treated as criminals? Not to mention civilians we let our leaders treat the same way.


Bueno, debo admitir que siento la necesidad de ver esta película, te sorprenderá saber que jamás había escuchado sobre ella, pesar de ser del 2007, y mucho menos me imagino a este cómico actor, haciendo el papel que mencionas, por otro lado, me gustan las películas sobre almas rotas, me parece realista, ya que el mundo está lleno de ellas, y la amistad, bueno, todos la necesitamos, buena reseña, iré directo a ver esta pelicula.


Entre las opciones que he visto publicadas, me llamó la atención esta propuesta que reseñaste, además de la lección que expresas después de verla me parece genial.
Anotada entre las opciones por ver. Muchas gracias por compartir.