RE: A Haunting In Venice


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Like many of Agatha Christie's books, the crime and victims seem to gravitate towards Hercule Poirot like bees to a blossom. It's the red herring and the clues that keep me glued to Ms Christie's books and adaptations. While watching, I try to figure out the culprit before the big reveal but without fail, I find myself pleasantly surprised every time! 😄

Interesting review! Have you seen Death On The Nile? I think it was released last year. Fine film. I must see this new release. I know I'll enjoy it. !PIMP

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I have seen Death On The Nile! I really enjoyed it! that made me chuckle because I have read the book and watched every adaptation of that book that I can find lol!

And I agree with you so much about Poirot, the bee and blossom analogy is perfect with regards to him and crime being drawn together!

Hope you have a splendid weekend😊