RE: Best Day Ever?


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her mother, but I say "us" to make myself feel relevant
Every dad felt this one.

it was a bit strange to have a glass of red wine in my hand
My ritual is popcorn and copious amounts of butter. Even when I'm not hungry lol. I've wondered about what it's like to drink during a movie at the theater. I may try it.

I heard Oppenheimer was meh. You probably didn't miss much.

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It wasn't drinking drinking, but it was nice to have a glass in hand. I don't think I would enjoy a movie if drunk.

3h for Oppenheimer is a big investment for a date night. Might have to go with a friend eventually. I don't seem to watch movies at home very often these days.


There is only blackout drunk. Nothing else for me.

I don't really even watch TV at all anymore. VERY rarely, YouTube. When I drive I listen to podcasts.


It is a far better use of the commute time in my opinion.