LeoGlossary: Supernatural

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The supernatural is a fascinating topic that has been explored in human culture for centuries. It is often used in films, books, and other forms of media to create a sense of wonder, excitement, and suspense. The supernatural can also be used to explore complex themes such as good and evil, life and death, and the nature of reality.

Here are some additional thoughts on the supernatural:

  • The supernatural can be used to challenge our assumptions about reality. For example, in the film The Matrix, the protagonist Neo is forced to confront the possibility that the world he lives in is not what it seems.
  • The supernatural can be used to explore our deepest fears and desires. For example, in the novel Frankenstein, the scientist Victor Frankenstein creates a monster that he is unable to control. The monster represents Frankenstein's own fears of mortality and the power of science.
  • The supernatural can be used to create a sense of community and shared experience. For example, many cultures have stories about ghosts and spirits. These stories can help people to feel connected to their ancestors and to the community at large.
  • The supernatural is a powerful tool that can be used to create a wide range of emotions in viewers and readers. It is a topic that continues to fascinate and intrigue people of all ages.

Types of Supernatural Beings

There are many different types of supernatural entities, but some of the most common include:

  • Angels: Angels are often depicted as winged beings who serve God or other deities. They are often seen as messengers or protectors.
  • Demons: Demons are often depicted as evil spirits who are opposed to God or other deities. They are often seen as tempters or tormentors.
  • Ghosts: Ghosts are the spirits of deceased people. They are often believed to be trapped on Earth because of unfinished business or because they are unable to move on to the afterlife.
  • Witches: Witches are people who practice magic. They are often depicted as using their powers for good or evil.
  • Vampires: Vampires are undead creatures who drink the blood of the living. They are often seen as symbols of death and evil.
  • Werewolves: Werewolves are people who can transform into wolves. They are often seen as symbols of savagery and the duality of human nature.

Other types of supernatural entities include:

  • Aliens: Aliens are intelligent beings from other planets. They are often depicted as technologically advanced and mysterious.
  • Dragons: Dragons are large, winged reptiles that are often depicted as being able to breathe fire. They are often seen as symbols of power and destruction.
  • Fairies: Fairies are small, magical creatures that are often depicted as being benevolent. They are often seen as symbols of nature and the unknown.
  • Gods and goddesses: Gods and goddesses are supernatural beings who are often worshipped as deities. They are often seen as symbols of power, wisdom, and creation.

It is important to note that there is no scientific evidence to support the existence of supernatural entities. However, they continue to fascinate and intrigue people of all ages.


The history of the supernatural is long and complex, dating back to the earliest days of human civilization. People have always been fascinated by the unknown and the unexplained, and supernatural entities and phenomena have been a part of many different cultures and religions throughout history.

Early humans often believed in the existence of spirits and gods, and these beliefs were often reflected in their art, mythology, and religious practices. For example, the ancient Egyptians believed in a complex afterlife, and their tombs were filled with funerary objects and artwork that were designed to help them in their journey to the next world.

In the ancient Greek and Roman world, there was a pantheon of gods and goddesses who were believed to control all aspects of human life. The Greeks and Romans also believed in a variety of other supernatural creatures, such as oracles, nymphs, and satyrs.

The rise of Christianity in the early centuries CE led to a decline in the belief in traditional pagan gods and goddesses. However, Christianity also introduced new supernatural concepts, such as angels, demons, and the devil.

The Middle Ages were a time of great interest in the supernatural. There were many reports of witches, wizards, and other supernatural creatures during this time period. There was also a great deal of interest in alchemy and astrology.

The Renaissance saw a revival of interest in classical learning and culture, and this led to a renewed interest in the supernatural. There was also a great deal of interest in science and exploration during this time period, which led to new discoveries and a better understanding of the natural world.

The Enlightenment of the 18th century was a time of great skepticism and rationalism. Many people began to question the existence of the supernatural and to focus on the natural world instead. However, there was still a great deal of interest in the supernatural during this time period, as evidenced by the popularity of Gothic novels and other works of literature that featured supernatural elements.

The 19th century was a time of great social and technological change. This led to a renewed interest in the supernatural, as people sought to find meaning and purpose in a world that was changing rapidly. There was also a great deal of interest in spiritualism and other occult practices during this time period.

The 20th century saw the development of new scientific theories and technologies that helped to explain many phenomena that were once thought to be supernatural. However, interest in the supernatural remains strong today, as evidenced by the popularity of films, books, and television shows that feature supernatural themes.

The history of the supernatural is a story of human curiosity and wonder, and it reflects our deepest fears and desires. The supernatural continues to fascinate and intrigue people of all ages, and it is likely to remain a part of human culture for many years to come.

Supernatural in Films and Television

The supernatural has been a popular topic in films, television, and culture for centuries. It is often used to create a sense of wonder, excitement, and suspense. Supernatural entities and phenomena can also be used to explore complex themes such as good and evil, life and death, and the nature of reality.

Here are some examples of how the supernatural is used in film and television:


  • Horror films: Supernatural entities and phenomena are often used in horror films to create a sense of fear and dread. For example, the film The Exorcist tells the story of a young girl who is possessed by a demon. The film The Shining tells the story of a family who becomes trapped in a haunted hotel.
  • Fantasy films: Supernatural entities and phenomena are also often used in fantasy films to create a sense of wonder and excitement. For example, the film The Lord of the Rings tells the story of a hobbit and his companions who set out to destroy a powerful ring that is controlled by an evil lord. The film Harry Potter tells the story of a young wizard who attends a school for magic.
  • Sci-fi films: Supernatural entities and phenomena are also sometimes used in sci-fi films. For example, the film E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial tells the story of a young boy who befriends an alien. The film Star Wars tells the story of a group of rebels who fight against an evil empire.


  • Horror television shows: Supernatural entities and phenomena are also often used in horror television shows to create a sense of fear and dread. For example, the television show The X-Files tells the story of two FBI agents who investigate paranormal cases. The television show American Horror Story tells different horror stories each season, often featuring supernatural elements.

  • Fantasy television shows: Supernatural entities and phenomena are also often used in fantasy television shows to create a sense of wonder and excitement. For example, the television show Game of Thrones tells the story of several noble families who vie for control of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. The television show The Witcher tells the story of a monster hunter who travels the land with a young princess who has the power to change the world.

-Sci-fi television shows: Supernatural entities and phenomena are also sometimes used in sci-fi television shows. For example, the television show Star Trek tells the story of a crew of space explorers who travel to different planets and encounter alien civilizations. The television show Doctor Who tells the story of a time traveler who travels through time and space with his companions.

In addition to the examples listed above, the supernatural is also used in many other genres of film and television, such as romance, mystery, and adventure. It can be used to create a sense of wonder, excitement, suspense, or even humor.


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