Movies That Did Not Leave Any Impression

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What if it’s neither good nor bad ?

Sometimes I wonder how people can churn out reviews after watching a movie/movies. What if the movie didn’t leave any impression at all, what if it’s neither good nor bad ? Do we have to fake that we thoroughly enjoyed it because most I know, reviews I read are often mentioning how good the movies are. I totally would enjoy people mentioning how bad it is and I find more amusement in those reviews. Sometimes after watching, you just couldn’t describe the emotions that you felt or even words to describe those experiences. This post is all about that, about the movies that took me a while to finally come up with some words to say it was mediocre.

I was taught that it’s the matter of perspective that we use. There is no right or wrong, especially in literature. You are entitled to make an opinion and it’s valid. People’s feedback and receiving are another matter; whether you will be challenged or you find some agreement, it’s the result that we face later. Perhaps this viewpoint applied in my life and the things I watch that could be watched and analyzed through different facets. I subscribed to Abrams' idea that there are 4 ways to look at literature and I apply that to any creative creations out there, including films. You see, according to Abrams there are 4 viewpoints that you can use; seeing it through the author, you as the reader, the work and how it reflected in the real culture/society, finally the technicalities of the work excluding any external factors., In movies, the technicalities would probably include its filmography and such. That basic viewpoint can also be mixed into other theories of your liking obviously. You can also mix it with marxis approach, psychoanalytic, queer theory, new historicism, or even formalism. Maybe there’s another critical film theory which perhaps I should look into later that differs from all those.


The first movie that was indifferent to me was a movie called “ Little Women” released in 2019. It received many appraisals and such. The movie is filled with young Hollywood stars adapted from a literature work with the same title. As a viewer, I don’t feel a connection at all from the movie nor can I even learn anything from it. It was the movie that I somehow watched from renting it on youtube and that was it.

The second movie was a story about Saddam Hussein's double body titled “the devil’s double”. As a viewer, at least that movie evokes something in me, a pang of disgust. However, that was it. The movie wasn’t clever or anything.

The third one was Top Gun which I clearly expressed that I don’t like the movie at all. That movie, despite hearing people praise it, I was indifferent. I just didn’t find it that good except when Miles played the piano and had fun. Perhaps from another point of view, the movie provides a fresh air in the current society commentary? But once again, purely from my viewing’s perspective, I did not like it at all.


Purely from a watcher's perspective, all those movies aren’t something I like. Perhaps if I were to view them through another lens I could eventually see it differently. I suppose before analyzing something, we first have to position ourselves. Where do we stand ? Are we just a watcher? Do you view the movie with its relation to the producer? Do you view it standalone and want to analyze the movie whatever you like? Do you view the movie with relation to the current society and such? Or do you want to comment on its filmography, screenplay ,and the casts?There’s also a simple review that is less complicated than this critical analysis although a portion of it would still use one of those viewpoints.

I decided to also include another translation as I hope this provides more insight to film criticism and analysis that you could use if you ever run out of ideas to write.


Películas que no dejaron ninguna impresión

A veces me pregunto cómo la gente puede hacer críticas después de ver una película. ¿Qué pasa si la película no ha dejado ninguna impresión, si no es ni buena ni mala? ¿Tenemos que fingir que la hemos disfrutado mucho porque la mayoría de las críticas que conozco suelen mencionar lo buenas que son las películas? A mí me encantaría que la gente mencionara lo mala que es y me divierten más esas críticas. A veces, después de ver la película, no puedes describir las emociones que has sentido ni las palabras para describir esas experiencias. Este post trata de eso, de las películas que me han costado un tiempo hasta que finalmente se me han ocurrido algunas palabras para decir que era mediocre.


Me enseñaron que es una cuestión de perspectiva la que utilizamos. No hay nada bueno o malo, especialmente en la literatura. Tienes derecho a opinar y es válido. Otra cosa es lo que la gente opine y reciba; si se le cuestiona o se le da la razón, es el resultado al que nos enfrentamos después. Tal vez este punto de vista se aplique en mi vida y en las cosas que veo y que podrían ser observadas y analizadas a través de diferentes facetas. Suscribo la idea de Abrams de que hay 4 formas de ver la literatura y lo aplico a cualquier creación que exista, incluyendo las películas. Verás, según Abrams hay 4 puntos de vista que puedes utilizar; verlo a través del autor, tú como lector, la obra y cómo se refleja en la cultura/sociedad real, finalmente los tecnicismos de la obra excluyendo cualquier factor externo., En las películas, los tecnicismos probablemente incluirían filmografía y demás. Ese punto de vista básico también se puede mezclar con otras teorías de tu agrado obviamente. También se puede mezclar con el enfoque marxista, el psicoanalítico, la teoría queer, el nuevo historicismo o incluso el formalismo. Tal vez haya otra teoría crítica del cine que quizás deba investigar más adelante y que difiere de todas esas.


La primera película que me resultó indiferente fue una "Little Women" estrenada en 2019. Recibió muchas valoraciones y demás. La película está llena de jóvenes estrellas de Hollywood adaptada de una obra literaria con el mismo título. Como espectador, no siento una conexión en absoluto de la película ni puedo aprender nada de ella. Fue la película que de alguna manera vi alquilada en youtube y eso fue todo.

La segunda película era una historia sobre el doble de Saddam Hussein titulada "The Devil's Double". Como espectador, al menos esa película evoca algo en mí, una punzada de asco. Sin embargo, eso fue todo. La película no era inteligente ni nada.

La tercera fue Top Gun, de la que expresé claramente que no me gusta nada la película. Esa película, a pesar de escuchar a la gente alabarle, me dejó indiferente. Simplemente no me pareció tan buena salvo cuando Miles tocaba el piano y se divertía. Quizás desde otro punto de vista, la película aporta un aire fresco en el comentario de la sociedad actual? Pero una vez más, puramente desde mi perspectiva de espectador, no me ha gustado nada.

Puramente desde la perspectiva del espectador, todas esas películas no me gustan. Tal vez si las viera con otra lente podría eventualmente verlo de otra manera. Supongo que antes de analizar algo, primero tenemos que posicionarnos. ¿Cuál es nuestra posición? ¿Somos sólo un observador? ¿Ves la película con su relación con el productor? ¿La vez de forma independiente y quieres analizar la película como quieras? ¿Ves la película en relación con la sociedad actual y demás? ¿O quieres comentar la filmografía, el guión y el reparto? También hay una reseña sencilla que es menos complicada que este análisis crítico, aunque una parte de la misma seguiría utilizando uno de esos puntos de vista.


Como pretendía que esto fuera algo educativo, he decidido traducir también este post a otro idioma que también son los más utilizados. Espero que esto proporciona más conocimiento y para mejorar sus revisiones críticas también. Gracias.

Notes :

Translated with Deeplr with some editing.

Thumbnail from Canva made with images free licensed from Tima Miroshnichenko, jcx516, min an via canva.


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Tocas un punto interesante en cuanto a las reseñas de las películas y es algo también muy visto que se puede simplificar cómo "Si todos dicen que es buena yo también lo diré" eso es algo triste pero desgraciadamente muy visto; siempre lo he dicho y lo mantendré, en una crítica uno tiene que ser lo más objetivo posible, no tomar en cuenta otras reseñas, actores, productores, estudios ni nada que se le asemeje como un factor crucial para hacer la reseña, el hecho de que un actor X haya hecho un trabajo excelente en una cinta no implica que en todas haga lo mismo, puede pasar más no es una regla.

Recientemente esto que mencionas me pasó con la película "The Black Phone" muchos la aclamaban por ser excelente, un buen representante del cine de terror actual y demás, pero lamentablemente el filme era decente tirando a malo, insípido en cuando a terror y suspenso, sin transmitir lo que se supone que tiene que hacer. Siempre habrá quien reseñas que partan de la subjetividad y no de la objetividad, sin embargo por 1 reseñador de 10 que haga las cosas bien ya vamos ganando. Buen post, te mando un abrazo desde la distancia. n.n


Gracias por leer ! esto y dejar un comentario reflexivo. Lo siento si mi español es malo, siempre estoy aprendiendo. Estaba pensando en escribir esta publicación solo en inglés, pero espero transmitir el mensaje cuando decidí traducir esto al español u.u


Oh, sorry bro, I thought you spoke Spanish, everything was really understood quite well.


jajajja technically I understand and can speak the language but definitely as foreign language 😃. I still make grammar mistakes here and there but otherwise, I understand it.


Ah okey, with practice you will make it, good luck with that.


There are many movies that I have seen that are exactly as you describe the few listed here. When I consider the reviews I've read for them all, I'm left wondering how the world sees something in them.

In the case of faking enjoying the movie just to write something, I just couldn't do that. I also wonder how it is that people find words when, within themselves, they really did not enjoy the film that much. Yet, they find something to churn out. Good for them, I guess.

As for me, I can only write reviews for films that I really enjoyed or those I really disliked. As a matter of fact, it is more direct to analyze terrible films and give opinions as to why one finds them so. For example, films that I just couldn't connect with are films like:

  • The Interceptor
  • End of the Road
  • Day Shift

They all had a lot of hype when they were released, but I was indifferent about them.

Yes, there are various ways to view a work of art, as you have mentioned. And often times, I try to view from the point of the technicalities and all, but I find myself leaning towards the watcher's perspective.


Sometimes you can see from the reviews that there are people who aren't passionate about the movie. Anything that you're not passionate about will show in your post. Passion is hard to mask. I am only aware of a few technicalities here and there that's why I rarely commented of it as I am still learning too. Whenever I post it's often about the narrative and its impact to society or relevancy to current climate. Watcher's perspective is all about whether you find the work was enjoyable or not.


One thing is for sure, I once lied once or twice in reviewing a movie. I wrote a good side and how I get the idea of the movie, but just lie. Well, that happened in school essay making, grades need to make it as you enjoyed even if it was boring lol. But as I get older, I honestly cannot watch one movie in one sitting, took me days to complete maybe because I prefer longer for me to absorb it fully, the whole story though even if it's boring will leave something.

I found some Bollywood more creative, than others.


What are your Bollywood favorites? I have a few and was into them back in highschool and watched a good amount of them to the point I understand the language, knows how to cook the food etc😂 I guess movie has that power where you can simply learn language and pick up something new. cheers!


Me gustó mucho tu publicación, no sabía nada acerca de los cuatro puntos de vistas que puedes usar para escribir acerca de alguna obra, bien sea literaria o no, intuyo que eso hará más fácil el trabajo de expresarte, pues tienes algo en la mira de lo que vas a decir y no vas a "lanzar flechas" a todas partes esperando dar con algo.
A veces estoy escribiendo una reseña y siento que todo lo que digo son cosas muy negativas y no me apetece escribir más 🤣, otras veces son películas o series tan tontas que digo... ¿En serio? ¿Para qué estoy escribiendo esto, si es evidente que es una tontería? Y otras veces si es más complicado el asunto, sobre todo cuando hay tantas cosas que quieres expresar y no sabes cómo abarcarlo. Realmente siento que, a pesar de escribir mucho, cuando empiezo a hacerlo sobre algo en específico, lo hago un poco perdida así tenga claro lo que quiero expresar. Pero esos datos que aportas son bastante útiles, trataré así sea un poco de ponerlos en práctica. Digo un poco porque luego vuelvo a caer en el mismo camino y lo hago a mi modo jajajaja 🤷 saludos. :)


Graciaas! Espero que esto te ayude cuando tengas dificultades. Cuando veas una película y te quedes atascado, solo piensa, tal vez necesites verla desde una perspectiva diferente. Espero leer tus reseñas pronto !! :)


Yes. Thank you for pinpointing that. Most of the movie reviews I have read focus on the good side of the movie and fail to tackle how bad the movie is. Lol


😅 it's the matter of many things but we have to be objective. I think we can certainly pointed out flaws in the film but even if it's horrible, there's also something that we might enjoy. Cheers!


Something that over time I made a rule for myself was not to read or watch reviews or opinions of a movie about which I plan to write my opinion, so as not to be influenced by another author.

Nowadays I try to write only about movies that cause me some kind of emotion, that their story is relevant to me, that the message or the interpretation I give to the message, makes me reflect on one or several topics.

I focus more on the story and the characters. There are movies that I didn't like and I have written about them and they are posts that have been quite long hahaha. For example the movies Cherry and The Gray Man, I didn't like them and my posts were negative opinions of those movies, although I also try to see the positive aspects, not everything is 100% bad and out of respect for the work that the filmmakers do and all the team behind it, I try not to be so hard with the negative criticisms. Well, when they are super millionaire productions if I am hard, now with low budget independent films is different, because the effort to make them is greater. Although if they are bad, it has to be said.

Although all art is subjective, depending on the eye that looks at it, we must be honest there are movies that are mediocre, for example the saga of 50 shades of Gray or the one they have on Netflix called 365 days. hahahahaha

There are many factors that influence, preferences for a particular style, for a filmmaker, for an actor, others focus on the technical aspect, on the direction of photography, others focus on the music, etc. That's the beauty of cinema (and literature) A thousand people can watch a movie or read the same book and each of them can have a different vision of what they have seen or read.


Watching/reading others review certainly have some influence and biases that we might create later on when reviewing a movie. It's something I avoided as well and that way, we create a unique watch and criticism experience. The 50 shades of grey and the other were.. I don't know. It's pure money making oriented film because there are people who like that type of stuff, apparently. Although from writing style, filmography they are lacking but there are interest in that kind of story😂. I suppose we can ask, "Why is there demand on such movies?" that would be appropriate to examine those.

It's nice to see these type of discussion here and that I hope this post sparks something new and serves as inspiration for others to re-think when they want to write reviews.


It is incredible how these types of bad literary and cinematographic productions are successful in sales, box office or visualizations. I think it is because the masses, the viewers, are manipulated in various ways to induce us to consume certain content, as they did in the radios, which placed a song every half hour, until it became popular and everyone hummed it.

Some time ago I did a review in your Hive Book community of the book Brandwashed, where the author explains how we are manipulated even before we are born. It's hard not to fall for that manipulation. We have all, at some point in our lives, been swayed by what's in fashion. Sometimes unconsciously.

In the midst of all those commercial products, you can also get interesting things. I remember the golden age of HBO and I admire David Simon, creator of the series The Wire, who said he didn't care about the average viewer, his exact words were: fuck the average viewer! hahaha he would continue making his series with his style, he believed that there were intelligent viewers who would appreciate his work. It was not a series that had many viewers, nor did it win big awards, but it is one of the best American series in history.

It is about the viewer being more interested in seeing something different and not just consuming the most popular, but society is easy to manipulate, they want to see what a platform says is popular or what youtuber qwho have been paid to talk about a certain movie or book, they make them believe that it is what is fashionable, that is why they triumph so much that kind of productions that are really bad.


You're writing dual lanaguage in Spanish ..... 😣


Yep! because for this post, I want to get the message across especially since on movies many are writing on Spanish. That's what I thought when writing this and hesitated too at first but there we go.


Almost everything that we watch or read almost never leaves a mark on us, that's why a lot of people don't read literature, they haven't found yet that book, genre, author, who will make a connection so deep that they'll love it. It's the same in movies, a lot of the movies that I watch don't produce anything in me, not even bad thoughts, so I don't force myself to make a review when I have nothing to say, not even bad. I love to make reviews about how bad a movie can be, or how even I didn't enjoy, I recognize that it's good but just nor for me, like how happened to me watching The White Lotus and Licorice Pizza, they're good, but I didn't enjoy watching them.

I haven't seen the movies that you mentioned, and I think I won't, they're not my type, and I don't want to waste my time in something I know I won't like.

I love your Spanish!!! Deppl it's a good tool,
but you have to know the language you're translating in order to know what corrections needs to be made, and you did good, you just have to keep improving, that's all.


I haven't seen the movies that you mentioned, and I think I won't, they're not my type, and I don't want to waste my time in something I know I won't like.

You see it's something that my curiosity always takes me. I ended up wasting time just because I was curious why it was overhyped or I have some questions that I needed to answer. Over the years, I read your review and I find them honest, not everyone can be honest in their reviews, it's what I like about yours.

Ah well, my Spanish getting rusty. The last time I had the chance to speak it was on August when I met people from South America in Bali. There were many of them and I was happy listening, practicing, and learning new words. They were all hilarious too and I like how cheerful they can be approaching life. You never get bored hanging out with them. And yes, I know some basic grammar but advanced written is something else because even with deeplr, there are something that are amiss and you have to do some cross-checks just so it doesn't miss in translation.

It's good to read from you after a long time. I hope you are fine and thriving :)


I've been there too, sometimes I watch a movie that I know I won't like, and yes, by the end I still don't like it, it's hard to stop listening to that part who tries to understand why so many people like it, but we have to try our best and don't watch it.

Thank you, I just try to keep it real when I write my reviews.

Agh, it's been a while since I spoke English too, I mostly write and read it, but I have to practice my speech. Yes, I know what you mean, when it gets too complicated deppl can't do the whole work, we need to know what to do to improve what it gives to us.

I'm kinda fine, most of the time, I've been on meds since February and I got a lot better, so yes. I hope you're fine too, I missed you too...


When I saw that you said that some people only write positive things about the movies they watch, I thought you were talking about me. I usually mention the parts of the movie that I don't like at the end of my article hahaha. Also, if I really don't like a movie, I usually understand it from the trailer and I don't watch it.

Some movies have that effect on me. Especially some Turkish movies. When I watch it, I don't learn anything from the movie, I don't laugh or have fun. There have been many movies that I wish I hadn't watched hahaha.