Index4INDEX Card 311: Bruce Lee 6

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Absorb what is useful. Discard what is not. Add what is uniquely your own.

-- Bruce Lee

For more about Bruce Lee, keep reading....


About the Quote

Not everything we learn is suitable or applicable to us. We may learn a lot about cooking, only to discover that out true passion lies in gardening. This is not even considering the knowledge we acquire in school settings.

As we live our lives and continuously evaluate our educations needs, we discard knowledge we no longer need in order to make room for more relevant knowledge (and, hopefully, wisdom). We can always relearn what we discarded, and it won't take as long to learn the next time.

Sometimes we learn things which we know to be useful to us yet we can't apply them exactly as we learned them. This is where we adapt that knowledge to our oun situations. Think of someone modifying a technique for using chopsticks to eat sushi and a salad, or a right-handed thrower needing to become a left-handed thrower. When we integrate knew knowledge into our lives to the point where it becomes part of who we are, then we have succeeded in learning something useful.


Some (More) Information about Bruce Lee

While he found himself in trouble in Hong Kong when he was an adolescent, as an adult his return to Hong Kong was a smashing success. Almost as soon as he returned he starred in two movies which set Asian box office records. These movies were also successful in the United States, and they were instrumental in changing contemporary American perceptions of Asians (especially Chinese). These two movies went by different names depending on location:

  • 1971 -- {Tang shan da xiong} // Fists of Fury (EN-US) // The Big Boss (EN-HK);
  • 1972 -- {Jing wu men} (// The Chinese Connection (EN-US) // Fist of Fury (EN-HK)

Bruce Lee used his newfound clout at the box office to form his own production company. Under his control, this was the 3rd movie he made after his return to Hong Kong:

  • 1972 -- {Meng long guo jiang} // Return of the Dragon (EN-US) // The Way of the Dragon (EN-HK)

Thanks to the success of this movie-- in which Bruce Lee not only starred but also co-produced and directed-- his 4th movie would be a joint effort between production companies based on both sides of the Pacific Oean (Hong Kong and the United states). This movie was Enter the Dragon (1973). Due to strange circumstances, Bruce Lee died 6 days before the Hong Kong rel;ease of Enter the Dragon.

-- Source


Post Details

  • Index4INDEX image made by @magnacarta using MS Paint.
  • Quotes I use for Index4INDEX are stored in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet. Recently I added database functionality for limited searching.


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