How I Begun Hating Walter White [Breaking Bad]

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Hi everyone! Even though ''Breaking Bad" TV-series appeared a long time ago (2013), I am that type of person that doesn't flow too much with the mainstream, and that's why I have only recently watched it. I don't know if this is good or bad, but I do think every experience comes just at the right moment for you.

So, I enjoyed the series and started to love ''Walter White'' character impersonated by Bryan Cranston at the beginning (first seasons) and started to hate him in the end. I am watching right now the 5th Season without arriving at an end yet. Not to mention that Bryan Cranston plays very well his role.

At first, I liked the chemistry tricks, smartness, and facts you were able to learn during the series. Also, even if Walter White was the bad guy, I understood his need to break bad after a life imprisoned by his wife's decisions (at least that's how he felt) and the humanitarian decision to let everything to his family.

However, you soon find out that Walter is only driven by his impulses, and getting into the methamphetamine business is more of a personal need. You can see him at first trying to resolve his issues in unexpected ways and having a sense of justice which is no longer present as we advance in watching the series. It is very interesting how this character develops during the episodes.

Unfortunately, what Walter White becomes is far more of what you would consider in the beginning. Maybe some people empathise more with Walter's violence and his way of doing things preferring the adrenaline of the movie (which I also like) and admiring his presence in this context.

Right now, in season 5, I just can't stand Walter White for a lot of reasons - some of them I guess I don't even remember, but here are a few:

White has let his teen kid drink without measure just to show his brother-in-law that he is the father of the kid and can tell him what to do or stop him - some kind of dissension with his brother-in-law who was in good relationships with his son. Furthermore, he decided to poison a kid in order to convince his partner Jesse that he has to stick by his side. White has also killed other people without considering many alternatives.

Being very cautious at the beginning of the series, he now started acting stupid in crucial moments, like buying a car for his kid without realising he has to prove somehow the existence of those dirty money in his hands. Moreover, he manipulates his partners and family and has no consideration for the fact that he puts his family in danger. He is more and more a better example of a non-emotional, impulsive, self-centered, greedy for power and money, and vain person.


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He was a example of how evil is born from good, is basically how it works on man kind.


I don't remember how many seasons there are in this show but stick with it to the end. You will not be disappointed.

I really started to hate Skylar as the series went on because yes, Walter had already made much more money than he needed to in order to secure his family's financial future but the amount of harassment that she directs towards Walter just really got annoying to me.


There are 5 seasons. Regarding Skylar, I see your point. I didn't like that she was so moody with her principles and decisions. Also, her sister and brother-in-law were so driven against them without being truly concerned with understanding their reasons and even understanding them as human beings. Those two were so moralistic without being that moral in their own actions.


Those two were so moralistic without being that moral in their own actions.

Yeah this gets showcased with the woman who shoplifts for fun and Hank being ok with illegally imported cigars and abuse of his DEA powers which he joked about.