RE: Suzhou River (2000): looking for lost love | buscando el amor perdido

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I don't think very good things about Far Eastern movies because I think they are generally boring and have less action than Western movies, but I liked the flow of this movie. 😀
Among the Far Eastern movies, I only liked Parasite very much. If you haven't watched it or written something about it, I definitely recommend you to watch it and share something. 🤗

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Parasite is a great movie and had the acknowledgement it deserved. It's true western movies have more action but a lot of that action is pointless, just because. Eastern movies and the films made all around the world, beyond Hollywood walls, are far more entertaining, deeper, visually beautiful. Please, try to watch some more of that.

Thank you very much for reading my post


Please, try to watch some more of that.

Oh I've been trying to do this lately. Especially sometimes Netflix's eastern movies look very good. 😀