RE: "Model Citizen"


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It’s not as dark as the ending of this

That's the cool part of these little animation short and shock, right

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How’d you originally find this? Were you just looking around? There’s a lost animated film called “Doom Engine” that was made by a University student up in British Colombia for his final project that he uploaded on Youtube that I wish I could find now. It’s another one of these that this reminds me of


How’d you originally find this

If you look at all my post I've been bloging a lot about these animations so now YouTube recommend me more of them.

There’s a lost animated film called “Doom Engine”

Saddly, called the same way as a really famous game it's almost impossible to find.

It’s another one of these that this reminds me of

Make a comment on hive where you explain every detail you know about this animation and sometime you come back there and maybe you rember a new detail and then maybe someone else will rember it too and find it somewhere.