RE: Rant, Complain, Talk - Is The Little Mermaid a movie to watch with three-year-olds? / ¿La Sirenita es una película para ver con niños de tres años? 😵‍💫❣️

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Interesting possibility of parenting "school" with another's children! ahahahahah
I think, though, when the child is yours, a lot of ideas about how to do certain things change dramatically.
I don't know why but I have the impression that you become more responsible, always with the fear of doing something wrong to your child.
I can confirm that 2 hours is a lot for an almost 3-year-old. I remember my friend's grandson who wanted to go see Batman at all costs and when he saw it he got so scared that he ran away at top speed from the theater! ahahahaah

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I also believe that if the child is our own, many things must change... at the moment we are only aunts in fun moments. When things get heavy they always go back to their parents 😅

And the movie, it was really long. Maybe it's not what they imagine and that's why they get bored. They better keep watching cartoons at home 😅.