RE: Review || Whiplash. Música y obsesión - [ESP-ENG]

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A wonderful film!
I watched it all without taking a breath!
In fact what is told in the film is the only way to be able to conquer one's dreams.
Believe and fight! This drummer (because now we are talking about the character and not the actor) shows all of us, how things are conquered: with blood in the hands, with the power of sacrifice!
Truly, this film is a warning to the youth of today!

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All in all, sweat falling, blood running down our fingers, super necessary to conquer our dreams. Lately, it has been sold a lot to want to get everything easy, to create weak men and that is the worst thing that a society can have. Hopefully, many young people will find this work of art and understand it as it should. Greetings.