Smile (2022)

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It was trending and everywhere I went was seeing reviews of it. Well, I haven’t read any of them for the fear of getting spoilers so I jumped in to find out myself. In one sentence I would say, "Good one! I have enjoyed watching this with a little bit of exception." Have you seen this film? If yes then can you tell me how you felt about the whole time and did it change in the end? Actually, mine did, just a few violent scenes, in the end, was a little bit of an exaggeration to consume, for me at least. I don't know if I am overreacting over those disturbing scenes. But the whole movie was so enjoyable, the whole time I was thinking of it as a good one, and I was too thrilled thinking about what was going to happen next.

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'Smile' is a psychological horror film which is written and directed by Parker Finn and I must admit that he did outstanding. Don't get scared of seeing someone smiling weirdly after watching this film, actually I am thinking about that, lol.

So in the beginning, we get Sosie Bacon as Dr. Rose Cotter who is a psychiatrist, and one of her patients suicides in front of her while an ongoing session. That person's mental state wasn’t stable, she was referring to something like a human but not exactly, it only smiles at her which is not pleasant but the worst she had ever experienced. Coincidentally, she witnessed another suicide of a professor and now she dies. Since her death, Rose Cotter seems to experience such weird things, as if something is chasing her, something that cursed her after the incident she had witnessed. And it continues toward the extreme. She is a psychiatrist, so was she getting crazy, or actually she was speaking or experiencing something paranormal?

To be honest, the story was good enough to enjoy the whole ride. Especially the ending, I was changing thoughts and judgment on the sudden changes, haha. COULD BE A SPOILER AHEAD, you know what, I really loved the different situations and scenarios they tried to portray as of how the story could have turned, showed us a reflection of our thoughts and made it go as they wanted. Btw the most tragic scene was the ending, she tried to avoid it, and even the escape from this chain of madness was so selfish, she didn't choose it, we saw how it could have gone, but she ended up sacrificing the person who did care for her the most. That was the most tragic part of this film, he didn't deserve it.

Btw, the story didn't end, we didn't even get any satisfactory ending, just saw one piece of the ongoing chain so we can expect a sequel for sure, hehe yes we can. So yeah, it was a good one, but whenever I am to suggest this to someone I would definitely warn them about a few of the disturbing scenes in the end, because those may be not pleasant to many. Yeah, we have seen worse than this too but a little bit of warning doesn't cost anything. Go for it if you are planning to go, good one.

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You are always one step ahead of me to right the reviews !!! Lol i watched it last thursday! I agree with you it is a nice movie and probably we will se more of it since the chain didnt break it… but my question is , if it is possible? There were some movies in the past that proved that curses like that are impossible to break it like "the ring "


but my question is , if it is possible?

I was thinking about what happens when one suicide without any witnesses. We saw her fighting with her mind when she found out the whole thing, it could have been a way to die without forwarding the curse.


I'm really dying to see this movie, I think I'll do it this weekend, I've seen a lot of reviews about it, it looks really good.


Umm go for it, lemme know after watching, would love to hear your feedback.