RE: 'There's Something Wrong with the Children' by Roxanne Benjamin Review: A concoction of ideas, but rather weak

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Yeah I tried not to seem too harsh on it. It has some strengths. A decent attempt at what it wanted to say. Just typical indie filmmaker problems in trying to say too many things at once rather than picking one thing to explore.

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I see. I might give it a watch tonight and will get back to you with my opinion. Cheers!


Just watched it and felt kind of incoherent. Although I enjoyed some elements, there were also a bunch that made me crinch. I also have to add that I struggle with the amount of gore and blood in most modern horror films ( even if the blood looks pretty fake in some shots ). It's possible that I have become more sensitive, over the years. Nowadays, I prefer good old suspense flicks, with little to no blood and a nice build up, although a good horror comedy can be enjoyable too, every now and then.


Yeah it felt really convoluted for what should've otherwise been a pretty simple horror flick. Just too many things the director wanted to try and to say and none of it really came together well. Seems the director knows the horror genre rather well, but just hasn't had a whole lot of experience directing and fully telling stories.

I'm the same with gore too. It just doesn't impress me at all. Maybe sometimes some practical effects I might notice, but that's very rare these days. I mostly just completely avoid watching these types of films. But at the same time I have realised that doing so just results in me only watching "greats" while constantly wasting time trying to find them.


Just too many things the director wanted to try and to say and none of it really came together well. Seems the director knows the horror genre rather well, but just hasn't had a whole lot of experience directing and fully telling stories.


Then again, I know from experience how hard it is to even make a 'bad' film. I haven't even managed to finish a feature film ( as you know ) and I sure tried.

It's not even gore not impressing me, it doesn't feel right any longer. There's enough gore in the news these days and if there's no function for the story, I prefer it to be left out.

Recently rewatched Cronenberg's The Fly, Philip Kaufmann's Invasion of the Body Snatchers and Psycho, those scifi/ horror/ suspense flicks actually make me feel good and are memorable and worth watching over and over again.

Yes, I prefer to go back to watching 'greats' ;<)