RE: Little Richard - I am Everything

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What a nice feeling it is to go to the cinema, isn't it? It's not the same as at home. It's been a while since I've been to the cinema... 😔
Thank you very much for recommending this documentary which is very interesting indeed. I hope I can find it here to watch it one day.
He lived in a complicated time, but even so he was able to express himself in his own way. And indeed, every time is a difficult time for genius. This world is full of people who hate to see others shine. Or they just don't understand it because it's outside their standards. History has proven that the masses are always wrong.

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Yes, it is a good feeling to watch a movie in the cinema! (I hope you will have the opportunity to do the same, soon)

I forgot to post about another movie we watched a bit more than a month ago, it was an interesting movie too. I hope to make myself write about that one, (one day - don't know when) - La Sombra de Caravaggio. That artist also lived in a difficult time, well, maybe it is just that artists that somehow stand out from the average have it more difficult. 🤷‍♀