🇪🇸 Mi reseña de la serie Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045 - 🇬🇧 My review of the series

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En esta oportunidad, quiero recomendar a quienes como yo sean seguidores de la ciencia ficción y les gusten esas propuestas audiovisuales que nos muestran posibles futuros en los que la tecnología avanza a tal grado, que puede incluso provocar una evolución en lo que somos física e intelectualmente los seres humanos. Se trata de una serie que quizá por ser un producto de animación y más concretamente un anime en formato 3D, pueda ser descartado por muchos a la hora de elegir que contenido consumir de la plataforma Netflix en un determinado momento, me refiero, como ya sabrán por el título de este artículo, a Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045. Es una historia basada en la película de culto japonesa Ghost in the Shell del año 1995, que también es animada, pero en estilo 2D, y que a su vez es la adaptación cinematográfica de un manga del mismo nombre. A partir de esa obra, se han realizado varios productos derivados, entre ellos varias otras series, OVA’s y películas animadas, incluso una adaptación hollywoodense live action; de todas ellas, la más reciente es esta que estoy reseñando acá.

On this occasion, I want to recommend to those who like me are followers of science fiction and like those audiovisual proposals that show us possible futures in which technology advances to such a degree that it can even cause an evolution in what we are physically and intellectually. humans. It is a series that, perhaps because it is an animation product and more specifically an anime in 3D format, can be ruled out by many when it comes to choosing what content to consume from the Netflix platform at a certain time, I mean, as you already know by the title of this article, to Ghost in the Shell: SAC_2045. It is a story based on the Japanese cult film Ghost in the Shell from 1995, which is also animated, but in 2D style, and which in turn is the film adaptation of a manga of the same name. From that work, several derivative products have been made, including several other series, OVA's and animated films, including a live action Hollywood adaptation; Of all of them, the most recent is this one that I am reviewing here.


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Como acabo de mencionar, ha habido varias continuaciones o historias derivadas de la original, algunas corresponden a universos alternativos con ligeros cambios en relación a la película del 95, una de esas líneas de tiempo es la correspondiente a la serie que se emitió entre 2002 y 2003 llamada Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, que tuvo una segunda temporada en 2004 a la que se identificó como S.A.C 2nd GIG y posteriormente un largometraje para televisión titulado Solid State Society, sin contar la película The Laughing Man de 2005, que es un recopilatorio de la primera temporada, y otra titulada Individual Eleven de 2006, que muestra los mismos hechos de la segunda temporada, pero desde un punto de vista diferente. La película original (la de 1995) se ambienta en el año 2029, la serie Stand Alone Complex en su primera temporada transcurre en 2030, la segunda temporada llamada S.A.C 2nd GIG se ambienta en 2032 y Solid State Society en 2034, ahora esta reciente serie de Netflix constituye una nueva secuela de esa continuidad, y como su nombre lo indica, está situada en el año 2045.

Sé que resulta bastante complicada la continuidad de esta franquicia, pero es bueno conocer al menos superficialmente, la estructura temporal en que se enmarca la narración, para tener un contexto más preciso de la trama y sus obras hermanas. Cabe mencionar que también en la plataforma de Netflix, se encuentra un largometraje recopilatorio de los episodios que componen la primera temporada. Yo hasta ahora no he podido ver las demás series y películas a excepción de la que inició todo en 1995 y también la adaptación live action con Scarlett Johansson interpretando a la protagonista, cinta que por cierto se me hace lamentable que haya fracasado en la taquilla, pues será muy difícil que se haga una segunda parte y a mí me habría gustado mucho verla. Quienes son fanáticos de esta saga se quejan de que el nivel filosófico de esta producción es inferior al de sus predecesoras, lo cual no puedo contradecir, pues no vi esas otras series, pero en mi opinión, si bien esta es algo irregular y por momentos confusa (en particular la primera temporada), también tiene una premisa bastante interesante, quizá no desarrollada de la forma más eficiente, pero cuenta con un trasfondo político contundente y, sobre todo en la segunda temporada, el nivel filosófico adquiere una profundidad más que satisfactoria.

As I just mentioned, there have been several continuations or stories derived from the original, some correspond to alternative universes with slight changes in relation to the 95 movie, one of those timelines is the one corresponding to the series that aired between 2002 and 2003 called Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, which had a second season in 2004 which was identified as S.A.C 2nd GIG and later a television feature film titled Solid State Society, not counting the 2005 film The Laughing Man, which is a compilation of the first season, and another titled Individual Eleven from 2006, which shows the same events of the second season, but from a different point of view. The original movie (the one from 1995) is set in the year 2029, the series Stand Alone Complex in its first season takes place in 2030, the second season called S.A.C 2nd GIG is set in 2032 and Solid State Society in 2034, now this recent series Netflix is ​​a new sequel to that continuity, and as its name suggests, it is set in the year 2045.

I know that the continuity of this franchise is quite complicated, but it is good to know, at least superficially, the temporal structure in which the narration is framed, to have a more precise context of the plot and its sister works. It is worth mentioning that also on the Netflix platform, there is a compilation feature film of the episodes that make up the first season. Until now I have not been able to see the other series and movies except for the one that started everything in 1995 and also the live action adaptation with Scarlett Johansson playing the protagonist, a film that by the way makes me regrettable that it has failed at the box office, Well, it will be very difficult for a second part to be made and I would have really liked to see it. Those who are fans of this saga complain that the philosophical level of this production is lower than that of its predecessors, which I cannot contradict, since I did not see those other series, but in my opinion, although this is somewhat irregular and at times confusing (particularly the first season), it also has a quite interesting premise, perhaps not developed in the most efficient way, but it has a forceful political background and, especially in the second season, the philosophical level acquires a more than satisfactory depth.


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La argumentación gira en torno a la Mayor Motoko Kusanagi y sus compañeros de equipo de la antigua Sección 9, un cuerpo policial de elite y unidad antiterrorismo que formaba parte de la Comisión Nacional de Seguridad Pública de Japón y estaba integrado por individuos mejorados biónica y cibernéticamente; ahora ellos constituyen un grupo de mercenarios que realizan misiones por contrato en el marco de la llamada Guerra Sustentable, un conflicto bélico mundial permanente, originado tras el colapso financiero global y ejecutado por las cuatro naciones más poderosas del mundo, como una forma de reactivar la maquinaria industrial y estabilizar sus respectivas economías. En medio de tal situación internacional, surge una conspiración que involucra a una amenaza extraordinaria para la humanidad, la existencia de post humanos, personas que físicamente son biológicas, pero que poseen un cerebro cibernetizado, el cual les proporciona un poder de procesamiento mayor al de cualquier sistema de computación y eso los hace muy difíciles de derrotar.

Esta tiene un tono más comercial que la película original y también según quienes han visto las obras derivadas, es más ligera filosóficamente que las series que la preceden, su fortaleza son más las escenas de acción y el contexto sociopolítico en que se enmarca. Tiene problemas narrativos en cuanto a la forma en que se explican los acontecimientos, pues por momentos se hace un poco complicado seguir el hilo de los hechos, sin embargo, aun cuando posee un desenlace bastante reflexivo, el argumento en que se sustenta no es tan enigmático y denso como se podría esperar tratándose de la franquicia Ghost in the shell. La estética de la serie es considerablemente buena, compuesta por modelos 3D renderizados con sombreado plano (cel shading), pero inconsistente con el estilo de anime 2D y la paleta de colores oscuros tan característica del tono Cyberpunk de esta franquicia.

The plot revolves around Major Motoko Kusanagi and her teammates from the former Section 9, an elite police force and anti-terrorism unit that was part of Japan's National Public Security Commission and was made up of bionically and cybernetically enhanced individuals. ; Now they constitute a group of mercenaries who carry out missions by contract within the framework of the so-called Sustainable War, a permanent world war conflict, originated after the global financial collapse and executed by the four most powerful nations in the world, as a way to reactivate the industrial machinery and stabilize their respective economies. In the midst of such an international situation, a conspiracy arises that involves an extraordinary threat to humanity, the existence of posthumans, people who are physically biological, but who have a cybernetized brain, which provides them with a processing power greater than that of any computer system and that makes them very difficult to defeat.

This has a more commercial tone than the original film and also according to those who have seen the derivative works, it is philosophically lighter than the series that precede it, its strength is more the action scenes and the sociopolitical context in which it is framed. It has narrative problems in terms of the way events are explained, because at times it becomes a bit difficult to follow the thread of events, however, even when it has a fairly thoughtful ending, the argument on which it is based is not as enigmatic and dense as you might expect for the Ghost in the shell franchise. The aesthetic of the series is considerably good, made up of 3D models rendered with flat shading (cel shading), but inconsistent with the 2D anime style and dark color palette so characteristic of the Cyberpunk tone of this franchise.


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Otro punto relativamente negativo con respecto al desarrollo de la historia es la exagerada y caricaturesca expresividad del personaje llamado Purin Esaki, que junto con los denominados Tachikomas, unos tanques robots con inteligencia artificial avanzada que formaron parte del manga original, pero que fueron suprimidos de la película del 95, constituyen el desahogo cómico de la trama. En la primera temporada, este personaje cumple un rol secundario en la historia, aun cuando sus hallazgos contribuyen a desentramar el caso que se está investigando, pero durante la segunda temporada, su peso en la narración se vuelve mucho más importante, sin embargo, su personalidad continúa siendo demasiado histriónica, lo cual es una característica que suele ser común dentro de las obras del anime, de modo que para quienes sean consumidores de este estilo de animación, seguramente no constituirá ningún problema.

Para finalizar, ratificaré que esta serie no tiene el peso filosófico, ni la estética, ni el tono propio de otras obras pertenecientes a la franquicia, eso ha hecho que sus fanáticos tengan generalmente opiniones críticas hacia esta nueva propuesta; quizá sea más próxima a la adaptación live action que a la película anime original, pues reprime un poco el carácter contemplativo y da rienda suelta a la acción, lo cual la hace más digerible a un público casual y menos valorada por los puristas de la Ghost in the shell más enigmática y filosófica. En consecuencia, la considero entretenida y apta para un público adulto amante de la ciencia ficción futurista, pero no tan exigente en cuanto a profundidad intelectual. Mi calificación final es de 7,0 / 10.

Another relatively negative point regarding the development of the story is the exaggerated and cartoonish expressiveness of the character named Purin Esaki, who together with the so-called Tachikomas, robot tanks with advanced artificial intelligence that were part of the original manga, but were removed from the 95 film, constitute the comic relief of the plot. In the first season, this character plays a secondary role in the story, even when his findings help to unravel the case that is being investigated, but during the second season, his weight in the narrative becomes much more important, however, his personality continues to be too histrionic, which is a characteristic that is usually common within anime works, so for those who are consumers of this style of animation, it will surely not be a problem.

To finish, I will ratify that this series does not have the philosophical weight, nor the aesthetics, nor the tone of other works belonging to the franchise, that has made its fans generally have critical opinions towards this new proposal; Perhaps it is closer to the live action adaptation than to the original anime film, since it represses the contemplative character a bit and gives free rein to the action, which makes it more digestible to a casual audience and less valued by Ghost purists. in the shell more enigmatic and philosophical. Consequently, I consider it entertaining and suitable for an adult audience that loves futuristic science fiction, but is not so demanding in terms of intellectual depth. My final grade is 7.0/10.




Muchas gracias por leer mi contenido, espero haya sido de tu agrado, cualquier opinión, solicitud, critica o sugerencia, por favor comunícamela por medio de los comentarios, será un placer para mi recibirla. Hasta pronto, nos estaremos leyendo próximamente.

Thank you very much for reading my content, I hope it has been to your liking, any opinion, request, criticism or suggestion, please let me know through the comments, it will be a pleasure for me to receive it. See you soon, we will be reading soon.


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The first time I heard about this franchise was back in 2017 when the live adaptation featuring Scarlett Johansson was released. That adaptation is the only Ghost in the Shell production that I have seen since then. I really did not like that movie and so I did not even bother to look for other works under the franchise. This is the first time I am hearing that there is a recent anime series under the franchise. I'm an anime fan and so this development is really exciting to me. I may see the series but from the trailer, the animation is not so great. Oh well, I guess I'll find out soon.



If the movie was not to your liking, you may not like the series too much, but the one you most likely will like is the 1995 anime movie, that movie is a real gem, it has a fairly solid existential depth, it served as inspiration for the Matrix movie, I recommend it. Greetings and thanks for reading and commenting on my publication. see you soon.


I saw the first movie in the nineties, I really liked that animated movie and then I saw the second one. I didn't see anything else after that let alone this last one, I need to catch up on this, the first movie is excellent and I liked it a lot.


I also really liked the first movie, I think it's a masterpiece, I haven't had the opportunity to see the second part (Innocence), I understand it's pretty good. Both that second movie, and the two seasons of stand alone complex, are a pending task for me. Greetings, thank you for your comment.