🇪🇸 Mi reseña de la serie La lista terminal - 🇬🇧 My review of the series The Terminal List

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Esta serie de Amazon Prime Video tenía muchas ganas de verla, debido a que me la recomendaron bastante y también que encontré reseñas, tanto negativas por parte de la crítica especializada, como positivas provenientes de personas amantes del cine que escriben artículos formales para diferentes sitios webs, pero a cuya apreciación de la obra se le califica como opinión de la audiencia y no como reseña profesional; esta discrepancia llamó mi atención y por lo tanto quería hacerme mi propia idea de la calidad de la serie. Por algún tiempo me fue imposible verla, debido al servicio de internet del que dispongo, que ha estado presentando una falla generalizada en el sector en el que vivo y hasta ahora no ha sido corregida, pero gracias a que pude verla en otro lugar y a que tengo un dispositivo BAM con el que me conecto para publicar en esta plataforma, finalmente comparto mi opinión sobre The Terminal List; sé que ya se ha hablado bastante en la comunidad sobre esta serie, pero aun así quiero compartir mi punto de vista respecto a su calidad y el motivo que según mi apreciación, ha ocasionado tan adversa recepción por parte de la crítica.

Como ya sabrán, el argumento central de la trama es la situación en la que se encuentra el comandante de un pelotón de los Navy SEALs llamado James Reece (Chris Pratt), quien vuelve a casa tras una misión encubierta que terminó mal, debido a una emboscada enemiga por la que murieron casi todos los efectivos bajo su mando. Luego de ese trágico suceso, Reece sufre constantes dolores de cabeza y su memoria parece estar distorsionada, lo que incrementa las dudas relacionadas con su culpabilidad en torno a lo ocurrido, pero pronto descubrirá que existe una gran conspiración para inculparlo, a la que decidirá enfrentar de manera implacable. La trama constituye una historia de venganza en la que no habrá piedad ni remordimiento, la violencia es la principal protagonista y las subtramas son realmente escasas, se trata de una narrativa lineal y cohesionada, que aun así presenta algunas revelaciones impactantes, que pudieran considerarse buenos giros del guion. El carácter conspirativo de la argumentación genera una intriga constante y en combinación con los elementos dramáticos, el carisma del protagonista y la acción contundente, convierten a la serie en un producto muy entretenido e interesante.

I really wanted to see this Amazon Prime Video series, because it was highly recommended to me and also because I found reviews, both negative from specialized critics, and positive from movie lovers who write formal articles for different websites. , but whose appreciation of the work is qualified as the opinion of the audience and not as a professional review; this discrepancy caught my attention and therefore I wanted to get my own idea of ​​the quality of the series. For some time it was impossible for me to see it, due to the internet service that I have, which has been presenting a generalized failure in the sector in which I live and until now it has not been corrected, but thanks to the fact that I was able to see it in another place and to the fact that I have a BAM device with which I connect to publish on this platform, finally I share my opinion about The Terminal List; I know that there has already been a lot of talk in the community about this series, but even so, I want to share my point of view regarding its quality and the reason that, according to my assessment, has caused such an adverse reception by critics.

As you know, the central plot of the plot is the situation in which the commander of a Navy SEALs platoon named James Reece (Chris Pratt) finds himself, who returns home after an undercover mission that ended badly, due to a enemy ambush for which almost all the troops under his command died. After that tragic event, Reece suffers constant headaches and his memory seems to be distorted, which increases the doubts related to his guilt around what happened, but he will soon discover that there is a great conspiracy to frame him, which he will decide to face. relentlessly. The plot is a story of revenge in which there will be no mercy or remorse, violence is the main character and the subplots are really scarce, it is a linear and cohesive narrative, which still presents some shocking revelations, which could be considered good script twists. The conspiratorial character of the argument generates a constant intrigue and in combination with the dramatic elements, the charisma of the protagonist and the forceful action, make the series a very entertaining and interesting product.


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En mi opinión, más allá de la venganza, los tiroteos y la violencia gráfica, que a mi parecer no es tan explícita o al menos no tanto como personalmente la habría imaginado, el ingrediente que resulta más atractivo a la audiencia dentro de este relato es la condición de salud que presenta el protagonista, la cual nos hace dudar a nosotros como espectadores e incluso a él mismo, si realmente se trata de un complot para comprometerlo o si todo es simplemente una sucesión de alucinaciones y paranoillas de su parte. Creo que esto le da un toque de originalidad a la obra, que obviamente es un homenaje a las películas de acción desenfrenada de los años 80, como la saga Rambo con Sylvester Stallone y Commando con Arnold Schwarzenegger, de hecho, hay un capítulo que hace absoluta referencia a la primera película de Rambo (Acorralado) y el episodio final guarda algunas similitudes con la cinta Comando, pero tiene una atmosfera contemporánea y tintes políticos muy actuales, que se desarrollan de gran forma.

Los personajes si bien no presentan mayor evolución, ni un trasfondo profundo, resultan eficaces a la hora de causar empatía por parte del público, en especial la comunicadora social que investiga el caso, ya que se encuentra en medio del conflicto y pone en riesgo su seguridad personal en pro de visibilizar ante la opinión pública la realidad de los hechos. Su valentía y determinación por su trabajo, nos hace simpatizar con ella y preocuparnos permanentemente por su bienestar. En cambio, otros personajes que parecen estar destinados de forma predecible a cumplir con determinados roles en la trama, toman un camino un tanto diferente o simplemente terminan significando un menor peso en la historia del que se habría previsto, lo cual añade un aura de innovación a la obra, que tiene un efecto bastante positivo en la percepción de los espectadores.

In my opinion, beyond the revenge, the shootings and the graphic violence, which in my opinion is not as explicit or at least not as much as I would have personally imagined it, the ingredient that is most attractive to the audience in this story is the health condition that the protagonist presents, which makes us as viewers and even himself doubt if it really is a plot to compromise him or if everything is simply a succession of hallucinations and paranoids on his part. I think this gives a touch of originality to the work, which is obviously a tribute to the wild action movies of the 80s, like the Rambo saga with Sylvester Stallone and Commando with Arnold Schwarzenegger, in fact, there is a chapter that makes Absolute reference to the first Rambo movie (Cornered) and the final episode has some similarities with the Commando tape, but it has a contemporary atmosphere and very current political overtones, which are developed in a great way.

The characters, although they do not present greater evolution, nor a deep background, are effective in causing empathy on the part of the public, especially the social communicator who investigates the case, since she is in the middle of the conflict and puts her life at risk. personal security in order to make the reality of the facts visible to public opinion. Her bravery and her determination for her work, makes us sympathize with her and constantly worry about her well-being. Instead, other characters who seem predictably destined to fill certain roles in the plot take a somewhat different path or simply end up carrying less weight in the story than would have been anticipated, which adds an aura of innovation. to the work, which has a fairly positive effect on the perception of the viewers.


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Desde mi perspectiva, lo que ha motivado las calificaciones adversas por parte de la crítica, es que aun cuando la serie no asume directamente una posición política, si poseé diversos elementos que pueden asociarse con ideales de derecha, los cuales chocan rotundamente con la tendencia izquierdista y progresista de la amplia mayoría de los críticos de cine en la actualidad. Fácilmente se puede notar que el equipo Navy SEALs comandado por James Reece, no posee ningún integrante de raza negra o femenino y mucho menos LGBTQ+, Reece es un caucásico al igual que sus padres, su hija y su esposa, además todos ellos son creyentes católicos, el único personaje afro forma parte de los villanos y los sicarios provienen de México. La cuota de inclusión está constituida por la periodista de etnia asiática y el policía latino, así como los amigos mexicanos de la familia, en el caso de la periodista es en parte (aunque no totalmente) una “damisela en peligro”, el policía es solo un obstáculo en el camino del protagonista y sus amigos latinos son únicamente relleno.

Sin embargo, lo que creo que es verdaderamente imperdonable a los ojos de los críticos, es que el protagonista no tenga un arco evolutivo en el que termine reflexionando, para darse cuenta de que la venganza es el camino equivocado, que lo correcto es dejar la justicia en manos de las autoridades y quizá hasta pudiera llegar a enamorarse de la reportera, luego de que ella lo hubiera salvado de una letal emboscada o algo similar, logrando además encarcelar a los autores intelectuales de la conspiración, por medio de la presentación de pruebas recabadas en su investigación periodística. Así la mujer empoderada podría haberle dado una lección de vida al hombre blanco, heterosexual y tóxico vengador de su familia, quien habría terminado encarcelado y posiblemente recibiendo algún tipo de rebaja en su condena por colaborar de alguna manera con la ley, transmitiendo el mensaje de haber doblegado su ímpetu y coraje en reconocimiento de sus errores.

From my perspective, what has motivated the adverse ratings by critics is that even though the series does not directly assume a political position, it does have various elements that can be associated with right-wing ideals, which collide flatly with the leftist tendency. and progressive of the vast majority of film critics today. It can easily be seen that the Navy SEALs team commanded by James Reece does not have any black or female members, much less LGBTQ+, Reece is Caucasian just like his parents, his daughter and his wife, and they are all Catholic believers. , the only Afro character is part of the villains and the assassins come from Mexico. The inclusion quota is made up of the journalist of Asian ethnicity and the Latino police officer, as well as the Mexican friends of the family, in the case of the journalist she is partly (although not totally) a "damsel in distress", the police officer is just an obstacle in the path of the protagonist and his Latino friends are just filler.

However, what I think is truly unforgivable in the eyes of critics is that the protagonist does not have an evolutionary arc in which he ends up reflecting, to realize that revenge is the wrong path, that the right thing to do is to leave the justice in the hands of the authorities and perhaps he could even fall in love with the reporter, after she had saved him from a lethal ambush or something similar, also managing to imprison the intellectual authors of the conspiracy, through the presentation of evidence gathered in his journalistic investigation. Thus, the empowered woman could have given a life lesson to the white, heterosexual and toxic avenger of her family, who would have ended up in jail and possibly receiving some kind of reduction in his sentence for collaborating in some way with the law, transmitting the message of having broken his momentum and courage in recognition of his mistakes.


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Por supuesto que eso sería bastante positivo como mensaje social, pero la audiencia está algo aburrida de tanta corrección política e inclusión forzada, cosas que se han vuelto tan frecuentes hoy en día en el cine y la televisión. No estoy diciendo con esto que esté mal la incorporación en los productos audiovisuales de mensajes pacifistas o en pro de la convivencia ciudadana, pero de vez en cuando provoca ver obras en que se le otorgue mayor relevancia a la verosimilitud de los hechos narrados con respecto a la condición humana, que al color de piel de los personajes y su orientación sexual. Creo que se ha llegado a un punto en el que el público está deseoso de encontrar propuestas en las que se deje un poco de lado todo eso y se dé prioridad al entretenimiento.

Volviendo a lo que tiene que ver concretamente con la calidad que ofrece la serie, no me detendré a calificar sus aspectos técnicos, pues creo que es bien sabido que cuenta con un muy alto nivel, lo que la hace parecer más una producción cinematográfica que televisiva, pero mencionaré para terminar este post, que me parecen muy interesantes, crudas y a la vez consistentes las culminaciones de las dos últimas personas en la lista, ya que aunque sus acciones pudieron estar justificadas, constituye la guinda en el pastel para una historia en la que no existe el perdón. Si tengo que decir algo que no me haya gustado, entonces es la caída en la que Reece choca de espalda contra una roca y no sufre mayor lesión siendo que el impacto era como para fracturarle la columna vertebral, solo eso no me convenció. Por todo ello, mi calificación para The Terminal List es de 9 / 10.

Of course that would be quite positive as a social message, but the audience is somewhat bored with so much political correctness and forced inclusion, things that have become so prevalent nowadays in cinema and television. I am not saying that it is wrong to include pacifist messages or messages in favor of citizen coexistence in audiovisual products, but from time to time it provokes seeing works in which greater relevance is given to the credibility of the narrated events with respect to the human condition, rather than the skin color of the characters and their sexual orientation. I think a point has been reached where the public is eager to find proposals in which all that is left aside a bit and entertainment is given priority.

Returning to what specifically has to do with the quality offered by the series, I will not stop to qualify its technical aspects, because I think it is well known that it has a very high level, which makes it seem more like a film production than a television one. , but I will mention to finish this post, that I find the culminations of the last two people on the list very interesting, crude and at the same time consistent, since although their actions could be justified, it constitutes the icing on the cake for a story in which that there is no forgiveness. If I have to say something that I did not like, then it is the fall in which Reece collides with his back against a rock and does not suffer major injury since the impact was enough to fracture his spine, that alone did not convince me. For all these reasons, my rating for The Terminal List is 9 / 10.




Muchas gracias por leer mi contenido, espero haya sido de tu agrado, cualquier opinión, solicitud, critica o sugerencia, por favor comunícamela por medio de los comentarios, será un placer para mi recibirla. Hasta pronto, nos estaremos leyendo próximamente.

Thank you very much for reading my content, I hope it has been to your liking, any opinion, request, criticism or suggestion, please let me know through the comments, it will be a pleasure for me to receive it. See you soon, we will be reading soon.


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The series has been a great success, I think if they are going to do another season, they have enough material to do many seasons, there are several books written about this character. They have said a lot of things about the series, all the things you quote in the post, the creator has given statements defending the series and that is the tone he wanted to give it, as it is in the books. I liked it.


If they make more seasons, I will surely see them, I just hope that it does not happen like with John Wick, which has become less and less credible. Greetings and thanks for reading and commenting.


!1UP Hitting his back on a rock and not getting seriously hurt also left me with strange feelings. Great review!

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That was an exaggeration, I would have preferred the blow to have been less forceful and I would have fainted for a while. Thanks for his support, see you soon.


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the shootings and the graphic violence, which in my opinion is not as explicit or at least not as much as I would have personally imagined it,

This is a little strange seeing as Amazon prime movies always deliver in this aspect. The boys is a typical example and I think the gore was very appropriate and fitting.

I haven't seen this series before and I don't think I've heard of it either but I'd like to see it if I can.

Thanks for a detailed review!


Thank you very much for reading and commenting on my content, I hope the serena has been useful to you and if you end up seeing it, I hope you enjoy it. As for the graphic violence, yes there is, just not to the level that I would have imagined given the reviews I had read before seeing it. Greetings and it's ready.


Yes it has been useful🙂.
You are welcome! 🥰
Keep up the good work.


A lot of people have been talking about this series and now you make I review. I think I'm going to see it very soon plus I love seeing Chris Pratt in movies, have you seen the new released Jurassic park?


I also quite like Chris Pratt's performances, I haven't seen the last one from Jurassic World, but I have seen the first two, also Guardians of the Galaxy, The Tomorrow War and Passengers. Thanks for reading and commenting, see you soon.


Esta serie tiene una trama muy parecida a la pelicula el francotirador de Mark W, pero como nos encantan las hitorias repetidas, pues la vere y disfrutare jajaja.


Muchas gracias por pasarte y dejar tu comentario, espero que lo disfrutes mucho. Saludos y hasta la próxima.