🇪🇸 Mi reseña de la tercera temporada de la serie The Boys - 🇬🇧 My review of the third season of the series The Boys

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Acabo de ver el último episodio de la tercera temporada de la producción insignia de Amazon Prime Video, por supuesto me refiero a The Boys, y mi percepción es que ha superado en irreverencia, originalidad y calidad argumental a sus antecesoras, las cuales a mi parecer son extraordinarias. Como seguramente ya lo sabrás, esta es una historia de superhéroes totalmente opuesta a la norma general dentro del género superheroico, ya que en realidad se trata de la deconstrucción de los arquetipos y paradigmas comúnmente empleados en los relatos en los que intervienen personajes con super poderes. The Boys nos muestra una sociedad corrompida y banal, plagada de seres super poderosos que aparentan frente a la opinión pública y por medio de la maquinaria mediática que los apaña, ser héroes bondadosos que protegen a la ciudadanía, pero realmente en su gran mayoría son personas corruptas, perversas, depravadas y pervertidas, cuyas conductas son realmente despreciables, pues por encima de todo persiguen la fama y el resguardo de los privilegios derivados de sus estatus de celebridades.

El programa de televisión de la plataforma de streaming está basado en una serie de comics que originalmente fue publicada en 2006 por WildStorm, una subdivisión de DC Comics, pero luego de seis entregas, debido a la forma tan negativa en que sus viñetas satirizaban a los superhéroes y en particular a la liga de la justicia, la compañía matriz decidió cancelar esta publicación, liberando sus derechos para que otra editorial pudiera hacerse cargo de continuarla, por lo que a partir de mayo de 2007 Dynamite Entertainment retomó su distribución, incluida la comercialización de un recopilatorio con los primeros números. La adaptación audiovisual producida por Amazon Prime, no es exactamente un calco de las historietas, ya que se han realizado diversas modificaciones de gran importancia, las cuales no solo han actualizado la temática que aborda la narración, sino que además por lo que he podido conocer (principalmente a través de wikipedia , en sus artículos sobre la serie de tv y el comic), se le ha dado mayor dimensión a la mayoría de los personajes y más complejidad a la trama, todo esto respetando en lo posible la esencia del material original. Por cierto, no he leído los comics.

I just saw the last episode of the third season of Amazon Prime Video's flagship production, of course I'm referring to The Boys, and my perception is that it has surpassed its predecessors in irreverence, originality and plot quality, which in my opinion they are extraordinary. As you probably already know, this is a superhero story totally opposed to the general norm within the superhero genre, since in reality it is about the deconstruction of the archetypes and paradigms commonly used in stories in which characters with super powers intervene. . The Boys shows us a corrupt and banal society, plagued by super powerful beings who appear to public opinion and through the media machinery that manages them, to be kind heroes who protect citizens, but really the vast majority are people. corrupt, perverse, depraved and perverted, whose behaviors are really despicable, because above all they pursue fame and the protection of the privileges derived from their status as celebrities.

The streaming platform's television show is based on a comic series that was originally published in 2006 by WildStorm, a subdivision of DC Comics, but after six installments, due to the negative way in which its cartoons satirized comics. superheroes and in particular to the justice league, the parent company decided to cancel this publication, freeing its rights so that another publisher could take charge of continuing it, so as of May 2007 Dynamite Entertainment resumed its distribution, including the commercialization of a compilation with the first numbers. The audiovisual adaptation produced by Amazon Prime is not exactly a carbon copy of the comics, since various modifications of great importance have been made, which have not only updated the theme that the narration addresses, but also from what I have been able to learn (mainly through wikipedia, in its articles on the and the comics) wikipedia, in its articles on the tv series) and the comic), most of the characters have been given greater dimension and the plot more complex, all this respecting as much as possible the essence of the original material. By the way, I haven't read the comics.


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Si por alguna razón aun no tenías ningún conocimiento sobre esta serie, debo informarte que, aunque es una historia sobre personajes con super poderes, no se trata de una obra con contenido acto para todo público, de hecho, si la comparamos con las películas de Deadpool que también son clasificación R, lo cual significa que contiene elementos de violencia gráfica, consumo de drogas, escenas sexuales y lenguaje obsceno, sin duda The Boys se encuentra varios escalones por encima en cuanto al grado de gore, vicios, sexo y vulgaridad; incluso, para personas moralmente susceptibles, la serie puede resultar grotesca y perturbadora. No obstante, para quienes no somos tan escrupulosos y sensibles ante este tipo de material audiovisual, resulta sumamente entretenida, graciosa y trasgresora, por lo que ha conseguido enganchar a muchos espectadores y convertirlos en sus fanáticos.

En este punto quiero mencionar, que personalmente no soy partidario del humor absurdo, físico, sexual o escatológico, aunque tampoco me considero del todo adversario de ello, pero por lo general no me agrada el tipo de comedia que únicamente se enfoca en hacer chistes sin sentido, mostrando como los personajes se golpean unos a otros, se tiran peos (pedos, flatulencias), muestran el culo, tienen sexo o simplemente dicen groserías (malas palabras), sin un propósito lógico más que causar gracia. Digo todo esto, porque puede ser muy fácil, si no se cuenta con el contexto suficiente, creer que The Boys es una parodia en la que solo se emplea ese tipo de recursos, que a mi modo de ver es poco inteligente y burdo, aunque por supuesto tiene su público. Sin embargo, esta serie va mucho más allá de la burla tonta, se trata de una sátira cargada con altas dosis de humor negro y crítica social, en la que se hacen constantes referencias, no solo al mundo de los super héroes, sino también a las problemáticas culturales del mundo real y en especial a la política contemporánea, por supuesto en el contexto estadounidense.

If for some reason you still did not have any knowledge about this series, I must inform you that, although it is a story about characters with super powers, it is not a work with act content for all audiences, in fact, if we compare it with the movies of Deadpool which are also rated R, which means that they contain elements of graphic violence, drug use, sexual scenes and obscene language, without a doubt The Boys is several steps above in terms of the degree of gore, vices, sex and vulgarity; even for morally sensitive people, the series can be grotesque and disturbing. However, for those of us who are not so scrupulous and sensitive to this type of audiovisual material, it is extremely entertaining, funny and transgressive, which is why it has managed to hook many viewers and turn them into their fans.

At this point I want to mention that personally I am not in favor of absurd, physical, sexual or scatological humor, although I do not consider myself entirely opposed to it either, but in general I do not like the type of comedy that only focuses on making jokes without sense, showing how the characters hit each other, they fart, show their asses, have sex or simply say profanity (bad words), with no logical purpose other than to cause humor. I say all this, because it can be very easy, if you don't have enough context, to believe that The Boys is a parody in which only that type of resource is used, which in my opinion is unintelligent and crude, although of course it has its audience. However, this series goes far beyond the silly joke, it is a satire loaded with high doses of black humor and social criticism, in which constant references are made, not only to the world of superheroes, but also to cultural issues of the real world and especially contemporary politics, of course in the American context.


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Concretamente en lo que respecta a esta tercera temporada de la serie, desde el primer episodio podemos notar que el tono se mantiene intacto, no se ha aligerado para nada su ácido humor, incluso me parece que ha incrementado su grado de osadía y desparpajo a la hora de mostrar secuencias impresionantemente subidas de tono, con un nivel de violencia grafica sumamente explícito y temáticas que pueden ser consideradas por muchos como tabú. Si alguien tenía algún temor en relación con que el carácter de la serie pudiera ser suavizado, le aseguro que puede estar tranquilo, ya que The Boys sigue siendo tan irreverente y descarada como siempre. Además, en el capítulo inicial hay un cameo sorprendente.

Esta tercera temporada introdujo a algunos nuevos personajes, entre ellos Supersónico (Supersonic) que es el antiguo novio de Annie / Estrella (Starlight), La Condesa Carmesí (Crimson Countess), que es una antigua super actualmente en decadencia, y Caporal (Soldier Boy), el primer super conocido y antiguo “héroe” de guerra, líder de un grupo de supers denominado Payback, él supuestamente murió varias décadas atrás, pero realmente se encuentra vivo (esto no es spoiler, pues salio en los trailers). De todos los nuevos personajes, el que representa un mayor peso e importancia para el desarrollo de la trama en esta temporada es Soldier Boy. En el caso de Supersónico, se trata de un personaje que no existía en los comics, pero los otros dos que mencioné si, solo que su desarrollo es completamente diferente al del material impreso.

Specifically with regard to this third season of the series, from the first episode we can notice that the tone remains intact, his acid humor has not lightened at all, it even seems to me that his degree of daring and self-confidence has increased to the time to show impressively risqué sequences, with a level of highly explicit graphic violence and themes that can be considered by many as taboo. If anyone had any fears that the character of the series might be watered down, rest assured that The Boys remains as irreverent and brazen as ever. Also, in the opening chapter there is a surprising cameo.

This third season introduced some new characters, including Supersonic (Supersonic) who is the old boyfriend of Annie / Estrella (Starlight), The Crimson Countess (Crimson Countess), who is an old super currently in decline, and Caporal (Soldier Boy ), the first well-known super and former war "hero", leader of a group of supers called Payback, he supposedly died several decades ago, but he is actually alive (this is not a spoiler, since it came out in the trailers). Of all the new characters, the one that represents the greatest weight and importance for the development of the plot in this season is Soldier Boy. In the case of Supersonic, it is a character that did not exist in the comics, but the other two that I mentioned did, only that the development of him is completely different from the printed material.


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No describiré mayor cosa para no destripar la trama, pero lo que sí puedo decir es que en esta temporada el desarrollo de varios de los personajes principales es muy interesante, sus respectivos arcos tienen un gran avance, incluso alguno llega a cerrarse posiblemente de forma definitiva, mientras que a otros se les da un grado de profundidad que nunca antes habían alcanzado, explorando sus sentimientos y motivaciones. El guion de esta temporada está muy bien escrito, consiguiendo que todas las piezas engranen de forma muy orgánica, pero sin que haya sido predecible y monótona la consecución de los eventos, la historia evoluciona de una forma bastante inesperada y se integran elementos narrativos bastante particulares. Por supuesto que nada es perfecto y la temporada presenta algunos puntos que pudieran entenderse como deficiencias, por ejemplo, que luego de terminar esta etapa, son pocos los personajes que han concluido su participación y el conflicto en términos generales sigue siendo el mismo que al inicio, pero sí que se ha avanzado y las circunstancias han cambiado significativamente.

En una próxima temporada, las alianzas y los polos contrapuestos, pudieran estar conformados de forma bastante distinta a la que abríamos imaginado previamente, también existen amenazas nuevas y los factores de poder más sólidos de las temporadas previas, que incluso pudieran haber parecido invulnerables, ahora, aunque siguen representando un gran peligro para los protagonistas, se siente que el enfrentamiento es mucho más equilibrado entre ambas partes. Por todo ello, mi calificación para esta tercera temporada de la serie The Boys es 9 / 10.

I won't describe much else so as not to spoil the plot, but what I can say is that in this season the development of several of the main characters is very interesting, their respective arcs have made great progress, some of them even come to a close, possibly definitively. , while others are given a degree of depth they have never reached before, exploring their feelings and motivations. The script for this season is very well written, getting all the pieces to mesh in a very organic way, but without the achievement of events being predictable and monotonous, the story evolves in a quite unexpected way and quite particular narrative elements are integrated. . Of course, nothing is perfect and the season presents some points that could be understood as deficiencies, for example, that after finishing this stage, few characters have completed their participation and the conflict in general terms remains the same as at the beginning. , but progress has been made and circumstances have changed significantly.

In an upcoming season, alliances and opposing poles could be shaped quite differently from what we had previously imagined, there are also new threats and the strongest power factors of previous seasons, which may even have seemed invulnerable, now , although they still represent a great danger for the protagonists, it feels that the confrontation is much more balanced between both parties. For all these reasons, my rating for this third season of the series The Boys is 9 / 10.




Muchas gracias por leer mi contenido, espero haya sido de tu agrado, cualquier opinión, solicitud, critica o sugerencia, por favor comunícamela por medio de los comentarios, será un placer para mi recibirla. Hasta pronto, nos estaremos leyendo próximamente.

Thank you very much for reading my content, I hope it has been to your liking, any opinion, request, criticism or suggestion, please let me know through the comments, it will be a pleasure for me to receive it. See you soon, we will be reading soon.


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Muy buena reseña; bien concebida y escrita (aunque se te escapó un error: atravez); aunque no he visto la serie, nos permites tener una visión apreciativa y crítica de esta temporada. Saludos, @nestorgomez.


Saludos @josemalavem, muchas gracias por tu comentario y especialmente por la corrección ortográfica, así puedo corregir el error. Me alegra que te haya gustado la reseña, hasta una próxima ocasión.


This production if I like it, it has what I want to see in a superhero production, it offers everything that neither DC nor Marvel have: extreme violence, sex, black humor, political criticism. I thought you didn't like this kind of productions. It was an excellent season, I was satisfied.

I invite you to visit the community feed where you will find other cinephiles sharing their movie and series posts, so you can interact with them by leaving a comment. It is important to interact in the communities where you publish.


Greetings friend, thanks for stopping by. What I really don't like is not the graphic violence or the inclusion of explicit sex, but the parodic comedy and the absurd or crazy humor, without there being a coherent background to support it. On the other hand, I love black humor, satirical and irreverent, with depth and intelligence.

Many times I don't have much time to explore the community as I would like, but I am trying to dedicate myself more to it, gradually I will increase my participation. Thank you, we will be reading.


Now here's some superhero series that isn't cliché.

One thing that is overly done is trying to make superheroes to please the public eyes. And in turn, removing all the necessary elements that make it "relatable".

When you look at the norm in superhero films, you realise that there are so many realities removed from the films. In a normal world, there's violence, sex, and even graphic happenings. So to remove all that from a superhero film, where they are supposed to be intense, is just basically being too unrealistic.


Thank you very much for visiting my content and leaving your comment, I hope this publication has been to your liking. Until next time.


I hope this publication has been to your liking

It sure was.



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