RE: Robots, Demons and Jim


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and the general absence of creativity which I can only assume is a generational trait.


Hello you 😆😁

Thanks for the heads up!

Will check out Jim Jefferies. Holy fuck! Do people still get all icky pooh about some sweary words when atrocities abound, dishonesty is rewarded and the world is about to explode? Aw... doodums.


JUNG_E is one of the most irritating titles to search for; specifically on Fmovies since it is not able to index the stupid underscore.


Laughed out loud twice. Yes... I came back to find you, read this again and comment for a second time because goddamned cunt load-shedding. Now if fluffy cupcakes are gonna get all hit up about these sweary words when an entire nation is being shutdown, unemployment is rising on a daily basis and kids are still going to school hungry then fuck them, quite frankly 🙄

But your notes on the search are noted with gratitude. Always appreciate good info, I do 👍


The movie takes place in a world where Robots are capable of hosting people's minds as opposed to having true AI


Sorry... did you say this was a movie or a reality TV show? This sounds like my normal day? Perhaps it's generational 😏

I think we gotta stop blaming "governments" and corporations now, sadly. With things being as they are. I think this is just we humans really... still trying to figure us out but am losing interest fast! Because music!


Love the Demon idea... I initially thought this was going to be how he acted out or behaved because he had a broken heart :D Could make a good one, huh? But this story also sounds awesome.

Can't do horror anymore. I've gone soft in my old age, but will send to my eldest child who is still into it and have a feeling she'll dig this fully.

Stay you. <3

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Lol, I guess each to their own since it is supposed to be entertainment if a person does not like cussing then it won't be all that entertaining. Though I think even then some might warm up to Jim just cause it is inherently his personality, like how I get away with cussing in the shop. Just gotta drop them at the right time and even the old ladies will be yup I getya.

Definitely, Jung_E feels like a documentary that took an analogy to the extreme lol.

Yeah, gov and corp can't be blamed for it all but then again it is govs job to take control to the benefit of society so as much as the people are trash one would think institutions would have some effect to the degree where they accept the control and use it for all but alas we are probably 1000's of years away from any consensus in how to run society proper; My guess is it will be a start when they get over this humans rights bullshit which is currently being used to placate the masses and just get shit done.

The demon movie has some suspense parts but I don't think there was any violence in just a bunch of jump scares.


Posted using CineTV


Oh - I'm still too jumpy for jump scares!

yeah - it's not government. It's people and human nature. But since you put is so well it is government's responsibility to have systems in place to hold their officials accountable or all is lost.

Accountable for what is the tricky part! Yep 👍

It's kinda like the purge if not. Isn't it?

Now that movie terrified me in full! Imagine... 😬

I'll stick with the old timers. They seem to have already known best.

"An' it harm none... do as you will."

Keeps things simple