RE: Man on High Heels


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Korea is currently taking the movie world, by storm, huh?!

Have you seen BEEF yet? Brilliant! I binge watched the whole thing over a weekend and I barely watch anything anymore. I moan about special effects and undeveloped storylines and characters these days.

But when I was a lass... or whatever.

This looks really interesting.

Thanks for the heads up!

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Korean movies with 5.5 or above rating is worth watching but you need to hit at least 6.5 or above for Hollywood films.

I didn't watch BEEF yet, never heard about that. Putting it next.... i will definitely share my thoughts here. Thanks for helping my list grow 😉


Ditto, my friend :)

Thought about it last night, in fact... but the wind is blowing madly out here and the internet is sketchy. I will patiently wait for it to return!

Have a great last day of the weekend ❤️