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Hi, it's me again.

A horror movie? Nah, I'll pass.
Or not.

About a day ago,I decided to rewatch the movie,Truth or Dare. It's genre is supernatural horror or thriller. Directed by Jeff Wadlow, produced by Jason Blum. All in the year,2018. April 13 if you want more insights.


I can solely remember the first time I watched it. I was around the age 11 and I ended up not being able to move from where I was seated to my room. But that was probably because I was so young.

Oh and I watched the movie around midnight. How horrified I felt!

The movie Truth or Dare implies its name basically. It's about the game, Truth or Dare, a possessed game.
Here's your daily remainder never to play truth or dare ever again.

Okay,so this trickster spirit,Kelex was summoned by a nun(oh I don't think she's a nun but she wore outfits like one). There was this man that took pleasure in killing them so she summoned a spirit to possess their game as a means to stop him from ever hurting them. The plan worked! But it didn't go as planned. We should all know that tricksters will always be tricksters. She couldn't put a leach on Kelex and the game continued that way with him in it.

Truth or dare? If you choose truth,you must say the truth or you die. Dare? Do the dare or you die


Let's not forget our main character, Olivia,played by Lucy Hale. Olivia was incredible and in a way stupid in this movie. I don't get people. Why would you see a completely abandoned building that looks like it's been there longer than you were born and decide to go play a game in it? Nah, I don't know what to say

Olivia was the one to notice the way of the game quicker than any of her friends. Ofcourse,there will always be that one or two friend who would think of her as absurd (Personally I would. I'm being forced to participate in a game I have no idea of and if I don't, I die? Come on Olivia)

I didn't even mention how they came across the game, my apologies.
Olivia and friends decided to embark on a journey filled w alcohol, a club and joy?

What a lazy excuse of a holiday.

There, Olivia met a guy(I've forgotten his name🥲) who lured them into the game.

Such sad.

Oh well,I have nothing around the surface to input anymore,if I type any further than this, I'd be spoiling the show and I'm a total NON SPOILER SUPPORTER.

We don't give spoilers where I come from;)

Anyway, I'll remind you; if you want to enjoy this movie I highly suggest you watch it the same time I did, midnight;).

Till next time people!

See you again? See you not. Hehe.

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You need to start interacting with people...or no one will read your post!


I'll see what my ability can do about that.

You see,the thing is, I find it very difficult to I interact and I'm trying. I know it might not look like much but I will get better at interacting.