RE: Controversial Movies: Love Them or Hate Them?

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you make it sound like movies are created for the advancement of human knowledge and to spur a factual debate.

while i am sure some do, the vast majority of movies i have seen are 2 hour long commercials for a certain desired worldview that is to be seeded or reinforced among human beings. either as controversial movie creating a lot of buzz and noise about a subject not yet widely considered or viewed (as an initial step on the way to normalize something too anti-life to be spoken about previously)... or - in the case of uncontroversial movies - to further strengthen the already existing notions of fiction nobody recognizes as such.

either way the discussion is intentionally steered through movies, especially through controversial ones.

it is the uncontroversial aspects of movies that are the most dangerous because they suggest a certain way things are. people take what they see in movies and project it on reality. if the movie was controversial they would at least be aware to be careful.

the rare controversial movies then are sort of a distraction. the illusion that there exists some sort of debate on the world stage at all.

especially big studio blockbusters carry so much contemporary worldview baggage and nonsense it is quite scary. not because ideologies are subtly promoted and held up as unequivocally true, but because so many people will have their already artificial worldview reinforced through them without even realizing it.

cancer is something even the most powerful superheroes cannot do anything about. the president is a wise man acting for the good of his people. it is normal to be in debt. it is normal to vote for politicians. 9-5 living is normal. food comes from the supermarket. co2 is a poison. the ice caps will melt. a deadly virus has come free. going to the doctor is a good idea, everybody does it. schools are a normal and a good place to be for our kids. the universe is unbelievably vast and doesn't care about us. humanity is the result of random mutations over millions and billions of years. a big explosion created everything. we are smarter and more advanced than ever. we are descendants from monkeys. living in concrete cubes is normal. going to work for someone else is a privilege. renting is modern. the UN is our friend. the CDC protects our health.

i could go on forever.

i feel the ideal of movies you describe will come when real movies are made again, pieces of art that are genuine and don't harbor so many vested interests. decentralized moviemaking is a revolution i am totally stoked on. the more controversial ("un-normal") the better, as long as it is genuine and from the heart.

wow. sorry for the long comment dude but that wanted out. now my coffee is cold (see, he said it... because everybody somehow drinks coffee in the morning so it must be super normal).

thank you again for the thought provoking and well-written post!

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Such an amazing (and meaningful) write up! I was very pleased to read it.

Thanks for stopping by.