A Windy Punk Petal Market Friday, Blog, New Digital Art and Photography

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A Windy Punk Petal Market Friday

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We went down to the beach today and gave it a second shot at Hibachi cooking. I absolutely improved on my technique with another go around, despite a pretty serious sea breeze.


As you can see, the meat did indeed cook with just the right amount of char. I added some pine chips as kindling and then kept the flames constantly fed with paper and match-sticks.

I like some flame on my open aired cooked meat. Otherwise, what is the point. Might as well cook inside.

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It's Friday and also time to share something we got out and did, in a shop, museum, or anyplace there is currency exchanged for product or service. It is #MarketFriday.

The first Sunday of the month the Museum of Vancouver(MOV) holds a pay-what-you-can. My son and I attended the one just past.

I have been to the museum multiple time and so I generally only go when a new exhibit is being offered. But if you are in Vancouver and are a never-been, check it out.

They have a fine collection of First Nation art and urban Lotus Land memorabilia from every generation passed. Ever wanted to see what a 1950's TV looked like; it's you chance to get and change the channel.

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My last visit revolved around the Dressed for History: Why Costume Collections Matter exhibit, on display now through November. The woman's clothing centric tour through the last 250 years (1750-2000's) demonstrates with textiles and cut how what we wear reflects both our personal identity, but also the era in which we live.

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Overall, I left being very grateful to be alive now and not a few hundred years ago. I couldn't imagine having to drag around yards and yards of cloth and gathered layers on a hot summer day. Even if the blokes did all look like Clark Cable, I would have likely been left looking a like a water-drenched petal. Try as I might there is not enough Vivian Leigh in me to pull off drapery as dress.

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Carol Burnett may not have worn it best, but she certainly got the last laugh.


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If you haven't ever seen Gone With the Wind, you really should. Give yourself four hours, bottomless popcorn, and a mint julep or two.

Went with the Wind is also worth the watch, but of course do that after, and this time add some tissue, because you will cry laughing

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As you can see I am still in my dead flower period. These shredded-ribbon like flowers were once tulips. They were taking on the most beautiful lines, shapes, and colour, quite apropos given this subject of this Market Friday.

They may have lost their flawless prettiness of youth but have achieved a much more sophisticated and not to be imitated artistic flair. At least my camera thinks so.


This pretty pink frock is more my speed should I ever be called upon to walk sinuously down, and frilly about, a grand and windy staircase. At least my arms would be free.


Now I know what you are thinking ... where are the shoes?


These beauties were more than a hundred years later. Their art deco peek a book cut outs caught my eyes.

Champagne, Gatsby and forgiving sheaths, here I come.




Did you call me a petal punk? Seems fitting.

So where did you go for Market Friday and more importantly what did you wear? Love you @dswigle

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Words and Images are my own.

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Wao another great and informative post by you. I really like to read more about flowers. All these flowers looks so beautiful and amazing. Thanks for sharing.


I love my dogs with char too. It just isn't the same with one that doesn't get just a bit of it. I wouldn't be opposed to putting a little chili on it if it is homemade and hot. Yummy! Or not. I love them with mustard and kraut, or plain with mustard. Alas, just make me a dog however it suits you. I promise I will eat it and love it.

Especially at the beach. It is my go-to place. You know. Sand. Salt. Water.

Pay-what-you-can Museum of Vancouver is wiping out ignorance, one month at a time. Right before the cherry blossoms, the fish swimming, to be lifted skyward by the eagle. The stories of the Asian community and how they fit into the landscape, are very interesting, but it is the backstory of these events that is important. This was a wonderful look at the history of Canada and how it was influenced by its foreign population.

Drapery doesn't suit me well, but, those Union Jack shoes do! :) Oh, but to be able to glide down the spiral staircase, I might even don the curtains. As always, those flowers are exceptions in their definite state of demise, but, I'll bet you didn't know I love dead flowers. Somehow, they leave an impact in photos. I am so pleased you invited us along!

and evolved over time from straight shopping to a cultural affair as it highlights how we differ and then again, how much we are alike. We have become a melting pot of culture, but it is still the Rituals, Festivals, food, architecture, and even your language/languages that separate us... Along with the fact that these things are normal for us. There are unwritten rules that rule our social behaviors. I see this as allowing for increased tolerance between cultures and nations, and opportunities to come together on an even playing ground. A strong culture can be beneficial to a country as it promotes unity, especially during a crisis, peaceful debate, and open dialogue. I have learned so much about all of you and it has been an amazing experience. I can only hope that learning about each other can help us work together for a peaceful world.

Thank you for being a part of #MarketFriday


Mustard, cheese, and Kraut ... the ultimate dog. Going to try hamburgers later this week. Stay tuned:)If only I could have you over for a barbie:)


Don't forget the cole slaw on top! Yummy~!