The Marvels – Spoiler Free Movie Review

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The Marvels is currently in theaters and if you're looking for a fun action movie to watch than this is the movie for you. The Marvels is directed by Nia DaCosta and stars Brie Larson as Captain Marvel, Iman Vellani as Ms. Marvel and Teyonah Parris as Photon. They must work together to save the universe after their powers get hilariously entangled.

Now in some more detail. Zawe Ashton plays Bar-Benn, the current accuser for the Kree. She wants to save the Kree people and their planet at the expense of the universe. As you can see from the trailers she does this with the bangle, the same one that Ms. Marvel has. This also causes the powers of all of our three protagonist to entangle and every time two or three of them uses their powers, they switch places no matter where they are in the universe. So they must learn how to use their powers in a new ways and work together.

The moments with our three protagonists are the best parts of this movie. They have great chemistry together. Carol Danvers and Monica Rambeau are almost family and Kamala Khan is the biggest Carol Danvers fun girl there is and she needs to learn that her idol is an actual person. Plus we finally get a reason that explains why Danvers never returned to Earth fulltime and it is a much better reason then the entire universe needs her, a more personal one. Also you don't need to watch the Ms. Marvel mini-series or WandaVision to understand this movie. It explains everything you missed in a few short sentences, no homework required. Plus our amazing main ladies get one hell of a makeover.

Our villain is not amazing. As usual this is another disposable, interchangeable Marvel villain. It just happens to be a female one. Zawe Ashton wasn't given much to do other then be bad. The movie tries and fails to make her more sympathetic. Also, Ashton is not very charismatic and it really stands out next to Parris and Vellani. She is so unimpressive that it feels like the movie de-powered Captain Marvel only so that she could stand a chance against her. I didn't like this change at all, I liked overpowered Carol Danvers.

As for the movie itself, well, there are some scenes that made me wonder if the person who wrote the script didn't take a hallucinogenic before writing some scenes. I mean there are some really strange scenes in this movie that make no sense and that are a bit cringe worthy. On the bright side we have a lot more cats in the movie, I mean Flerkens. First of all, Goose has a lot scenes in this movie and it has company. Very adorable company. Also, you did see most of the movie in the trailers which always sucks. But it's not like the plot was meant to be innovative or shocking.

The mid-credit scene is shocking, shockingly good. There is no post credit scene. But the mid-credit scene was better than the entire movie. It was just brilliant. And so unexpected. I knew about one aspect of it before watching the movie, but I just didn't imagine all of it. It was fantastic and an ending that will leave you waiting impatiently for future Marvel movies.

So yeah, this is not a masterpiece, a must see or a movie that will change the MCU. It is just a small, fun movie about three female superheroes learning how to work together and become a family together. Sometimes that is all you need.

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