The Last of Us - Episode 7 (2023) review: Left behind...

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All the pictures in this post were taken directly from the series by me


On this occasion, continuing the custom, I come to talk a little about the most recent episode of The Last of Us that I have seen, although I put the series aside for a couple of weeks, I consider that this is the perfect moment to catch up. , especially since this following Sunday we will have the last chapter of the first season.

The only thing more consistent than my weekly post on The Last of Us is the ability of each of its episodes to make me feel devastated in one way or another, either because a character I felt empathy for lost their life, or because the situation in which its protagonists find themselves is simply desperate.

As a fan of the franchise, I had very high expectations for "Left Behind", the seventh episode of the season, an episode that if you didn't know, is totally inspired by a DLC from the first game that tells the story of Ellie and her best friend in the Quarantine Zone before meeting Joel for the first time.

Although I knew about the events that transpired in the game, I have to admit that I had never played it directly, so apart from a couple of spoilers that I ate on the internet, I didn't know exactly what I was going to face.

As expected The Last of Us is not only in charge of giving the stature again, but retroactively is in charge of giving more depth to the events of previous episodes, with an Ellie masterfully interpreted by Bella Ramsey who must face one of the The most horrible things that can happen to a human being after living one of the most beautiful nights of his entire life.

Despite the plot disconnect Left Behind suffers from the events we follow in episode 6, Left Behind manages to fit perfectly with the themes and conflicts that have plagued the series since the beginning, foregrounding human connections and how losing them can forge us for better or worse.




With an extremely restrained nature, we are facing a beautiful display of dialogues, music, direction, and good rhythm, blending perfectly to present us with a love story in its most innocent form, although in the end, as we well know, things paint a mess. little more hopeless than we would like.


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Todas las imágenes en este post fueron sacadas directamente de la serie por mi


En esta ocasión continuando la costumbre vengo a hablarles un poco sobre el episodio más reciente de The Last of Us que he visto, aunque dejé la serie un poco a un lado durante un par de semanas considero que este es el momento perfecto para ponerse al día, especialmente porque este siguiente domingo tendremos el último capítulo de la primera temporada.

La única cosa más consistente que mi post semanal sobre The Last of Us es la capacidad que tiene cada uno de sus episodios para hacerme sentir devastado de una forma u otra, ya sea porque un personaje por el que sentía empatía perdió la vida, o porque la situación en la que se encuentran sus protagonistas es simplemente desesperante.

Como un fan de la franquicia tenía las expectativas muy altas por "Left Behind", el séptimo episodio de la temporada, un episodio que si no lo sabían, se encuentra inspirado totalmente por un DLC del primer juego que narra la historia de Ellie y su mejor amiga en la Zona de Cuarentena antes de conocer a Joel por primera.

A pesar de que conocía los eventos que transpiraban en el juego, debo admitir que nunca lo había jugado directamente, así que aparte de un par de spoilers que me comi en internet, no sabía exactamente a qué me iba a enfrentar.

Cómo es de esperarse The Last of Us no solo se encarga de dar la talla otra vez, sino que retroactivamente se encarga de darle más profundidad a los eventos de episodios previos, con una Ellie interpretada magistralmente por Bella Ramsey que debe enfrentarse a una de las cosas más horribles que le pueden suceder a un ser humano después de vivir una de las noches más bonitas de toda su vida.

A pesar de la desconexión argumental que Left Behind sufre respecto a los eventos que seguimos en el episodio 6, Left Behind logra encajar perfectamente con los temas y conflictos que han inundado a la serie desde el principio, poniendo en primer plano a las conexiones humanas y al como perderlas puede forjarnos para bien o para mal.




Con una naturaleza extremadamente contenida, estamos ante un despliegue hermoso de diálogos, música, dirección, y buen ritmo, mezclandose a la perfección para presentarnos una historia de amor en su forma más inocente, aunque al final, como bien sabemos, las cosas pinten un poco más desesperanzadoras de lo que nos gustaría.


Twitter/Instagram/Letterbox: Alxxssss


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As this episode began, I was not sure if I would enjoy it but it turned out to be a really good one. I really loved the performance of Storm Reid as Riley and the chemistry between the girls. It was innocent but powerful. Their naivety is relatable but the tragic end is very sad to see. This episode was necessary for us to understand Ellie's character better and it was presented well. Definitely a plus to the series.


The ending is devastating, and i agree, although it deviates from the main conflict it help us to understand Ellie and her relationship with Joel


Siento que este episodio es idéntico al episodio 3 no agrega nada de valor a la serie pero por lo menos te da una explicación sobre porque Eli es como es, Gracias por compartir 😎


Es que ese es el punto, no se trata de avanzar la trama sino de darle contexto al estado mental de los personajes

Gracias por el comentario bro


Yo creo que sí tiene una conexión el recuerdo de Ellie y la situación que debe enfrentar con lo sucedido al final del episodio 6.

Ellie debe hacer frente a una situación donde nuevamente alguien que ella aprecia está entre la vida o la muerte y no quiere que eso vuelva a ocurrir; ese miedo la impulsa a ayudar a Joel porque no está dispuesta a estar nuevamente sola

Este episodio fue genial.


anoche vi el capitulo 8, me encanta esta serie, no estoy relacionada con el juego, pero hasta creo que es mejor así, porque los que si, ya saben de que va y que podría pasar.
me gusto tu resumen amigo, saludos!!!


Tengo que ver ese, es el único que me queda pendiente. Preparada para el final? 😅


Pues que te puede decir hehe, no lo se, lo inesperado se disfruta mas


I have to give some credit here to the writers. Viewers did not need to be familiar with the game in any way to know how this ends. We know how it ends from the very first episode of the season. How then are they supposed to build a connection between viewers and the characters? How do they get people invested knowing that investment is going to end up crumpled up, shredded, doused in gas, and lit on fire? Anyway, credit to them for being able to work with the corner they had painted themselves into.

Also, let this be the last (seriously) love story arch jammed into a flashback. I get it, not many options to creatively write background on this show. We already used this once before. Now we have a running tally. It's not good for any show to have a running tally for anything. I'm honestly starting to get bored. Not with the story. Not with the characters. With the writing. It's starting to show that the writers are being lazy and expecting this show and its subject matter to write itself. They're starting to fall into the trap of letting the talent of actors, social media, and notoriety from fans to carry the show. Nope. The season has ended by now. Next season's writing needs to bring it in a big way. Time to bring some creativity to the process. I'm getting bored.


The fact that the notoriety of the actors has an impact on the development of the show worries me a bit, even so I have hope that in the second season they make the right decisions. Curiously, something that characterizes The Last of Us Part II (The Videogame) is that it thematically explores very different themes from those of the first part (I won't go into details so as not to spoil), I think that they do respect this in the second season of In the series we will have a project that solves several of the problems that you felt with this first season.